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Everything posted by colshy18

  1. i`m trying to watch the croatia game cause big dados in it. but i turned it just in time to see the japs scoring v brazil. bloody typical. i put brazil on to win 3-0:mad: brazil really are diabolical right now.
  2. can`t believe craig moore took that penalty. he was known as a fair taker at gers but i thought there would be someone ahead of him in the oz camp. big dado`s playing well again. blocked near post corners four times while defending. hope he scores.
  3. i`ve ALWAYS managed to get to at least a few games a season since 1985/86 season and therefore am going into my 26th anniversary:cool: had a few episodes of season tickets but don`t have one for gers the now, i try to alternate them between gers one season and chelsea next. very hard to do this though because of demand and i cannot affoard to keep both.
  4. excuse me. but is there anything so wrong in a proffessional footballer attemting to sound professional by being positive? england are still in the tourne, yes? they won their group, yes? their one of the favourites, yes? so, why should he go around saying "oh, we might aswell come home now and have an early holiday because we`ve got no chance of winning this tourne because theres other teams who look better than us". imo he`s being positive the way he should be.
  5. won on the ghana game again today. correctly predicted 2-1 and won 80 quid on a ten spot at 8/1:D
  6. i couldn`t believe his injury. he just appeared to buckle like a disabled person. it was weird. tells me he wasn`t really fit in the first place.
  7. ha reminds me of the time i applied to be dunfermline manager. they advertised it in the daily retard and i thought ` well what the hell` and sent it off. think leishman had just left around `89/90? didn`t even get a reply back:mad:
  8. hmn hoped to see czech go through with sionko, but in the end they just weren`t good enough.
  9. when the world is against us, we shine and shine brightly. COME ON ENGERLUND:D
  10. no thats him when the dna test came back positive to prove it is his child and he has to pay for it:D
  11. as far as i know frankie said yesterday that there would be a press conference tommorow with an expeced unknown signing. won`t be ronaldo, why would he come to us for 50k a week whenhe`s on double that at real? absolute rubbish.
  12. yasss. get in there. champoinees 2007:D
  13. EDITED by Frankie if that's the case Colshy then we can show a more helpful attitude. Take a 2 day ban for re-editing this post.
  14. bloody hell, yous two had dictionary`s for breakfast?
  15. trust me, i would`ve got em. it`s something i already knew the answers too;)
  16. he wasn`t bad, there werew other examples like that african guy, but i can`t remember his name. not diouf.
  17. the thing about sweden is that zlatan is missing with a groin tear, so they`ll be severely weakened and he`s the one player i was fearing playing against rio. i`m expecting the team to be.... .................................................robinson........................................... .......carragher.....................................................................a.cole...... ..................................ferdinand...........j.t.......................................... ..............................................hargreaves.......................................... .................beckham.......................................................j.cole........... ............................................lampard/gerrard(1 or other)..................... .................................rooney........................................................... .......................................................owen........................................ i believe sven will rest 1 of lamps and stevie g, but not both as it`s just too big a loss, but obviously he can`t play both because their both on yellows. also, crouch won`t play and rooney will come in because crouch is on a yellow. the one change that team may have is hargreaves at the defensive midfield. he has the option to play carrick there too but he may well opt for hargreaves who he favours over carrick. i expect him to revert to a diamond because of the way england were embaressed by t and t in the last game. it was too obvious that there were too many runners from midfield not being picked off and leaving the defence vulnerable and therefore he should revert to a defensive midfielder to combat this. but, with sven, you NEVER know what your going to get! score prediction... sewden...1 england...2:D
  18. well that was a quick quiz never even got to do it.
  19. liverpool are infamous for making daft signings like this, i.e collymore
  20. if i had a large chunk of money craig i`d follow you on with it. i`m certainly not so sure about my bet of them winning the world cup, and that certainly looks more appealing at 9/2
  21. ha ha thanx geo. wish i had aragonness`s job though. would be great!
  22. aye, that patrick muller tackle on adebayor was unreal. it was indeed a stonewaller and the ref seems to be the only one who never seen it.
  23. pmsl geo. grand job there. thought it would end 1-1 but spain showed there prowess in the end
  24. aye right geo, that says more about your smutty mind. me thinks you`ll be getting gersnet double entendre of the year next year finbar!
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