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Everything posted by colshy18

  1. tutta la grandine i campioni del mondo nuovi, italia i campioni del mondo!!!! il gattuso ha meritato l`uomo del fiammefero il come hecs semplicemente impressionate e sara sempre guardia ranger in fondo. ma fa nessuno errore, il matterazzi e un imbroglione sanguinante!
  2. some of it i did take offensively danny as i don`t like it when people put words into my mouth. anyway i can see we`re at completely different ends of this spectrum and i believe the main points have already been debated. however, if you wish to add further points i will be more than willing to discuss them in a civilised and mature manner:thup:
  3. i seen EXACTLY what happened there. if you get a chance to watch it again, WATCH MATERAZZI!!! he is marking zidane and when he has his arm round zidanes chest, HE TWEAKS HIS LEFT NIPPLE. feckin painful that so it is! zidane and matterazzi then exchange insults and as zidane is jogging away matterazzi says something bang out of order to zidane. zidane just snaps and headbutts him. matterazzi is a feckin dirty cheat!!!!!:admin:
  4. the italian clubs find out on MONDAY 10th their fate. among the speculation is that juve are to be relegated:eek:
  5. juve find out tomorrow if they are relegated. since everyone else is speculating i thought i`d add my tuppence worth. in my favour, he`s croatian and big dado`s pal so dado could have a word with him and let him know what we`re like. okay he`ll have to take a wage drop but at least he`d still be in european comp. juve may accept a cheeky 3m bid??
  6. colshy18


    dream on danny! chelsea are interested in him so gers have NO chance with him! at the very LEAST it`d be 15million!
  7. why??? it`ll have to be a very good reason. i HATE man.utd but even i can see rooney is total class!
  8. c`mon les bleus! still 1-1 100 mins gone. italy look more likeley as france look tired. but you can never rule the french out!
  9. yes cannavaro is a great defender here but i think danny has a fair point. it`s good to watch great defending but it doesn`t really involve `lighting up games` does it? i do like a good defender but flair and such like must sureley come from supposed `flair` players like ronaldinho
  10. did you not see him versus spain, brazil or portugal then?
  11. so can you explain to me then what the effectivness is then of doing keepy upys in your own half when your 2-1 down then? doesn`t have anything to do with unsportsmanlike behaviour, rather naivety and poor footballing knowledge. drogba and robben are NOT the issue here. or, did you bring them in as i suspect, to try win points? did i call him an idiot? don`t think so!! even bad players play well SOME of the time. anyway, he may have won second place for best young player, but he also single handedly ruined the whole atmosphere of the world cup and turned it into a booing match. so because i disagree with you danny that i don`t say he`s a great talent i`m ignorant? a tad harsh considering you don`t even know me? how can it be biased against man.utd when i`m sticking up for wayne rooney, the golden boy of man.utd!!??
  12. ha! and hers me thinking the millions poured into ernie walkers `think tank` would be paying off by now!!
  13. if it contains ronaldo being put through a mincing machine toes first , then YES i want to see it gersfem:thup:
  14. i`m suprised you hadn`t heard of him danny. he was a top name on the european scene just 5 years ago when he joined feyenoord
  15. gav may enlighten us, but i`d say we`ve NIL to NO CHANCE of signing campbell. we`re talking about a full england international centre half here who ARGUABLY should be in the starting line up. wages are an issue yes, but i think we`d need to do a shit load of convincing to him before he even thought about joining. this is part of the mcleish era; we now have a severe problem attracting stars of this nature because we have no champions league to go into!
  16. it`s cool, thats why i thought i`d check.
  17. sorry danny, but i`m siding with geo here. can i just ask if he`s soooo talented then why does he... 1. persist in doing stepovers which the defenders are clearly reading now and most of the time he doesn`t make it past the defender? 2. fall on his ass after three stepovers? 3. as shown v benfica in last years champions league, he will do keepy upys in his OWN side of the pitch, facing AWAY from the goal, when his team are down 2-0?(what purpose does this serve?) 4. wind players up to the extent that it appears that even his OWN teammates have lost respect for him? 5. dive PERSISTANTLY, not only that but dive BADLY!!!? 6. play to the crowd with winks, fingers, claps sarcasticly? 7. so talented he has got EVERY teams fans but his own booing him because of his cheating and unsportsmanlike behaviour? when i first seen him i thought he had potential. but never have i thought anymore of him. he is so easy to read, it`s virtually the same scenario every game with backheels and stepoverrs that get his team nowhere, crosses that are over hit, shots blazed over the bar. ok he`s good in the air and quite fast but nothing spectacular. imho if real madrid offered me £20m for him i`d bite their hand off for it.
  18. some closer than others(literally)
  19. nah! must be the portugese cheat!!!
  20. putting aside ronaldo, i think there all class though.
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