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Everything posted by colshy18

  1. italy coach marcello lippi has left as coach of italy! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/world_cup_2006/teams/italy/5165406.stm
  2. jurgen klinsmann has not renewed his contract with germany and has left as of last sunday http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/world_cup_2006/teams/germany/5171242.stm
  3. if it is true then he`s got a death wish!
  4. certainly. no problem for me. but i don`t like to be told i`m talking shite or a `psycho` and thats why i replyed. if pete wants to take this further he knows where i am:flipa:
  5. thats according to you old man. i couldn`t give two fucks what you say as i know people on here dont`like me, but for everyone who hates me theres two who do like me. who says i`m talking bull? you and a few others? wow, who cares? as i said wake me up when your finished:yawn: you seem to think you know me very well. you only think you do because you obssess about me. you would know what a `typical colshy answer`looks like since you are always going on about things. a what? maybe you should make yourself clearer and then nobody else would have to correct you. oh so now your a psychiatrist? well you wouldn`t make a very good one as you`ve made a wrong diagnosis on that one:rolleyes: oh so now your denying you think anyone who disagrees with you is a `mental case`? your the one who came on here saying somebody should be locked up in an asylum in so many words. if you say things like that then you are prejudiced against people with a mental ilnness:rolleyes: gersnet idiot? don`t think the title says that does it? having problems reading english now have we? anyway like i said before i couldnt give a toss what you and your smalll band of weegies think about me. i`d rather be me anyday on here than a boring old fishwife like you:rolleyes:
  6. good question gribz. obviously the numbnut who counted it up can`t count then:rolleyes::admin:
  7. well i suppose it is since it`s the best part of his career so far. conversley i cannot really defend him too much as i haven`t really seen much of him at doncastor or in the reserves. i just liked what i seen in the time i had to watch him and felt he had won a chance to prove himself further. i feel he could be very bitter about this decision and it may well come back to haunt us. but, i`m 100% for paul le guen so i`m not really prepared to argue for him if he`s made this decision. just making it known i felt he could have done something for us in time!
  8. if you don`t like it then dont read it. i`m becoming rather bored with your turgid `you talk pish` posts. whats the matter, nothing else to do in your boring little life? also, you really ought to examine some of the absolute tosh you put up. don`t really think many people read it as it`s so outdated. a bit like yourself;) tell you that themselves did they? mr. murray and mr blatter bump into you in the north sea on a rowing boat and explain to you why they want to change the course of scottish football did they? what the hell have they got to do with it? unless, you have a stereotype of me in your head? i didn`t mention the oo i merely said that rangers and protestanism has been hand in hand for decades. which it has!! thanx for the advice though again, why bring them into it? i presume you mean the british national party? the party leader are you? why you saying this to me when i never mentioned anything to do with them. you really do have a stereotype of me don`t you? dream about me often do you? wow!!! thats an amazing fact. paul le guen will be pleased about that. some people must think i want rangers to be a dinosaur with no foriegn or catholic players? again, stereotyping? who are these outsiders you are on about? why are they so special in your book? what point to rangers fans have to prove to "outsiders"? ah thats nice! being prejudiced against the invalid now. your as good as saying that anyone who disagrees with you is a `mental case` then? who says i shout ftp? your really on form tonight. i`m beginning to form my own stereotype about you now:admin: another amazing fact. wake me up when your finished :yawn:
  9. i`m beginning to see the whole picture and how this incident flaired up now. matterazzi twists zidanes nipple, zidane turns round and tells him "fuck off ya cunt", matterazzi says "sorry sir, you said something to me?" zidane replys "fucking tongs ya bass" and walks away. matterazzi walks towards zidane and the clincher is "zinedine, your bum looks big in those shorts" zidane explodes with rage and headbutts him on the chest.
  10. think theres a poster on this forum who knows his wife! might be `rinogattuso` the gersnet member, not the real guy!
  11. so mediocre he scored against porto away!
  12. totally agree cammy. martin o squeal nearly made me throw a punch at the t.v last night. he said that rino was never a good player and wouldn be the type of player that would have made it. then he went on to say but there he is and he`s been the player of the tournament. fuckin wanker. tells you what he knows about players saying rino was pish a few years ago:admin:
  13. can imagine juve wanting a certain monseur leguen if he hadn`t gone to us!
  14. don`t know about the terrorist one. it`s on bbc news that zidane is complaining matterazzi insulted his "family" i can just imagine him saying something like "zinedine, i`m going to f**K your momma when i get home" or something. kind of thing a big dirty i-tie player would come away with!
  15. colshy18


    clyde can bugger off.
  16. i know exactly how you feel gersfem. i sat in the govan rear a few times and it was like watching one man and his dog watch a band playing in the park on a sunday afternoon. people didn`t shout, swear, cheer, sing, weren`t funny etc. they just all sat around eating crap all day and maybe quietly clapping if they see something they like. it`s DREADFUL at ibrox for atmosphere in most of the stands.
  17. this is EXACTLY what i was going to write. man o man, motherwell are enough of a bogey team without us helping them with supplying them with our best kids:mad:
  18. i really don`t have aproblem with this. why should rangers HIDE where they originated from? i don`t think theres any denying that rangers wouldn`t be the force they were without the backing of protestants from glasgow and n.ireland. yes, some people may get in a fuss about this, but this is the truth of where we came from. the clubs owners are attempting to redirect the club and it`s fans now because it`s obviously not safe to be like we are with uefa watching over us 24 hours a day, but imo this is a good learning place for people who would like to learn or are ignorant of what precisely we are!
  19. seems he may know something. with a two year contract and the promise he`d take the job if they were relegated seems to point to them going down imho
  20. i love it when the fans start rocking the stadium with chants and songs. best atmosphere around when it happens is at ibrox. trouble is trying to get them motivated enough to start it. i`d love it if we were like that. we should be a bit ashamed that we`re NOT like that considering we have one of the finest derbys in the world. maybe one day!!:yawn:
  21. is..... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/5166392.stm
  22. any doubts that matterazzi DID NOT say anything are DISPUTED here it`s quite clear matterazzi is mouthing off "see more videos" then "zinedine zidane wm finale" http:/?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K107sQTTQil&feature=views&page=1&t=t&f=b
  23. gav, if thats the case then i watched 67/67. you have to have watched ALL 67 games in order to win. or nearest to it! 55 FULL games beats 58 HALF games:)
  24. he he he i know it`s bad news but i just canny stop laughing at what he done!
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