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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Can’t question the commitment of the players in this half. We are penning back a much better team we are just badly lacking quality.
  2. I acknowledged that but it was a bit much to say they wouldn’t score tonight without a penalty.
  3. Kent is the most frustrating player to watch ??‍♂️
  4. There is more to it than that though. We look knackered already. They look a lot faster, fitter, stronger and better. It looks like men against boys, even if they haven’t tested the keeper yet. I think their strategy is to be patient and tire us out and pounce if we shoot ourselves in the foot which we did and probably will again.
  5. They are cruising and tiring us out. If they keep this up spaces will start to open up as we tire.
  6. Front players aren’t taking any pressure off the team, they just keep giving it away, Kent in particular.
  7. Playing a world class side and this is how we gift them a goal
  8. What a stupid way to lose a goal if this penalty is given.
  9. You can tell that this is a Champions League level side. Easily the best side we’ve played this season.
  10. It feels strange for a number of reasons. Return leg will be behind closed doors which itself is an injustice. The competition almost certainly won’t be completed and even if it is it will be without crowds for a lot of the games which is just not the same thing. It also feels strange because I feel like e season is already over and it’s just the same as it was going into European game earlier i the season. Hopefully the players prove me wrong but I don’t have a good feeling going into this one.
  11. I feel sorry for Jack because he has been hampered by injury since our season turned around. Even when he has played I don't think he's been 100% and the fact he's had a re-occurrence of it maybe confirms that. I think @Bill has been proved right in highlighting his importance to the side for a long time.
  12. A change to 3-5-2 would be pretty drastic and only something like that could rejuvenate our season like the change to the 4-3-2-1 did last season. We simply can't keep playing the current formation or the current formation with tweaks, the players have lost confidence in it like they had with the 4-3-3 last season.
  13. At long last! He could do very well wide right in a 3-5-2. And in games where the opposition are camped in it gives us an extra man in an attacking position.
  14. It’s a shame because if we had maintained our 2019 form his value would be far higher. What you can ask for shoots up when you win the league and qualify for the CL.
  15. I saw this on Twitter. He had two goals wrongly chopped off but they would have pushed the expected goals number up too. He'd needs to get his focus back.
  16. I think the mentality theory is without question now. We had a shaky start in January but still won 3 home games out of 3 without conceding a goal. It was worrying but in the context of two new signings coming in and a number of key players being out it wasn't a reason to panic. But rather than find our feet and gradually improve as players came back from injury and suspension and new signings bedded in, we have gradually got worse and have only now hit what must be rock bottom on the 4th of March. What's worse is the nature of the goals conceded and chances missed. It is clear that something is badly wrong in the psychology of the players. Our forward players are spurning easy chances repeatedly. Our defenders have gifted almost every goal we have conceded. Something has clearly gone in their heads. I've no idea how to fix it other than to make bigger changes than Gerrard has been prepared to make up until now. Bringing in Kamberi for Kent was a sign of progress, Gerrard crosssed a red line he hadn't crossed all season when he dropped Kent. His staunch defence of Kent after his goal in Braga was worrying. Morelos, Goldson and Tavernier should probably be next.
  17. There’s something badly wrong in the psychology of the players at both end of the pitch
  18. How does this keep happening just now? Teams create nothing against us and yet keep scoring.
  19. That’s exactly the team I would like. But there is next to no chance of it unfortunately.
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