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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 33 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    The atmosphere at Ibrox is non-existent at the majority of home matches anyway.  I don't think the empty stadiums are having any impact at all on our performances  

    I still think Ibrox being empty helps against the small teams but would be a lost advantage in bigger games. And is a major lost advantage for our opponents away from home. 

    Some of our players don’t cope well with the sighs, moans, groans and worse when they are struggling to break down a low block and making mistakes. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Frankie said:

    Balogun confirmed as unavailable for foreseeable due to quad issue and manager said he will be happy with Helander or Edmundson.

    Disappointing for him after an excellent start, but if it fastracks Helander's road back to full fitness then that would be a good thing.

  3. Celtic have signed Albian Ajeti. It is interesting because he is very similar to Itten. A Swiss striker, only a few months between them in age, both ex Basel and with similar records in that league. One thing that is different is that Ajeti seems to have got his done better in the early years of his carrer whilst Itten has really come onto a game in the past season or two. Ajeti looks like a decent player, but have they really signed a £5m striker to sit on the bench next to a £3.5m striker? Not to mention Griffiths. With any luck Edouard will leave now.

  4. 18 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    Loan them so we control when they play. 

    Loans have been ruled out by Gerrard. It's permanent or nothing.


    However if we sell to Hibs we better put a huge sell on clause in his contract because he is only 22 and could go on to make them a bit of money.


    I really felt Docherty was good enough to be a squad player so I am a bit disappointed it looks like he is going. I've said for a long time that McCrorie isn't good enough though.

  5. 9 hours ago, craig said:

    The problem, and it’s a good one to have, is that Aribo also seems to be better suited in the “10”.  Aribo has started the season better and deserves a run there.

    I don’t agree. He can play in the 10 because he is good enough to adapt but it’s not his natural position. He is excellent on the right side of the midfield three, providing creativity from a deeper position. His ball winning and ball retention are excellent too and we get more out of him there. That’s where the second goal game from yesterday, Aribo cleverly finding Hagi from that position.  

  6. 16 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    I dont think 7 players for 3 spots can be seen as being short of numbers. We are clearly short of quality, and the Jack-Kamara partnership is really not working as both are far too defensive and both cover the same ground. One is enough, happy to rotate them, to allow Aribo to get forward, and we need a third player of quality to finish that area off. None of Arfield, Davis, Docherty, McCrorie or Barjonas are the quality we are needing for a full season although on their day all could make a contribution, and we know SG is looking to bring one quality midfielder in, but will perhaps need to offload 2 or 3 of this list to make room for the wages. I think our squad is far too bloated all over with average players who are way below the quality of the first picks, and leaves no room for our youth players to force their way in. Our youth players, much lauded over the last 12-18 months, have had very little opportunities to show if they can step up, and are not going to get any when there are big wages players ahead of them in name only because we cant get rid of them.

    I would include Aribo so it is 8 players to 3 spots. I agree the problem is quality and not quantity.


    I think ideally you would have two Aribo type players on either side of Jack or Kamara for most SPFL games. If we could bring in one player with that kind of creativity in that position I would feel far more confident that we won't eventually succomb to the same issues against the low block again this season.

  7. 41 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Apologies if it's been posted nut I thought there should be a special mention for Kamaras through ball for the 3rd goal yesterday. It was a beauty. 


    Kamara gets a lot of stick so it's good to see him making a contribution like this. 

    That was Aribo. BLM will be on your case for that one. 

    It was an excellent ball, Aribo is going to be huge this season. He’s our most important player IMO. 

  8. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    I’d hardly say a point behind at the break was HUGE pressure.  And, unless I’m mistaken, we played ahead of them in the first game after the break and dropped points, reducing the pressure on them right away.

    So they weren’t under huge pressure at that stage but would be if they went 4 points behind in August? Regardless, the point is that they have been under a lot of pressure from us much further on in the season and they passed the test and we failed. We will need to overcome those mental challenges this season. After all, it’s no coincidence we slipped up immediately after going top every single time. 

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