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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 1 hour ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Can’t believe some of the negativity about Kent from our support 

    In seriousness though, it is just the nature of the game of football. People see different things in players. I have been equally surprised by the negativity towards many of our players through the years. To give just one example, I defended and backed Barisic when it seemed 95% of our support wanted him gone after the loss at Rugby Park.


    Goldson, Tavernier and Jack have been pilloried by sections of support regularly in the last couple of seasons and I have defended them too. Kent is just another player who people see very different things in, albeit I will happily admit that the vast majority clearly rate him very highly, including the Gaffer.

  2. 1 hour ago, CammyF said:

    We'll there is little point in selling him then. A circa £3M profit (less if there was a sell on clause) isn't the business model we require to fund strengthening the squad or boost our finances.


    Well we have reportedly rejected 10. But 20, in my opinion, is fanciful. 

    Don’t forget we signed Barisic for £1.5m a couple of years ago, a Croatian international. We get preoccupied with English transfer fees when we should be more concerned with transfer fees in leagues like our own. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Lille President was on Talk Sport this morning and confirmed they had a £16M bid for Alfedo rejected by Rangers. Said they are now well covered in the forward areas but may return with an improved offer for Alfredo. 

    I’m not sure we will get a better bid than that. This is drawing out as I feared.

    There was one guy on FF saying we are moving on an EPL striker today though, which would suggest movement on Morelos. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    I know that!. why should we sell our best players unless we sign better?. Kent, Morelos our back 4 (any perm) right now are our 1st pick players, selling any of them weakens the team, unless we sign better! that is simple!.

    Of course unless any player wants to leave and then we get the price the club wants!.

    Anyway, every chance it is a lot of garbage.

    The journalist seemed very confident, but we'll see. If the bid is a serious one, a move to the EPL (and EPL wages) would be too good to refuse for Kent so we would be forced to negotiate.


    Personally, I think as a club our aspiration is to become a conveyor belt of talent, a selling club, who back our scouts to find replacements. We have invested heavily in our scouting.

  5. This is a bit off topic, sorry. But when we were linked with Lovro Majer I looked him up, and he really looked like the kind of centre mifielder we could do with for these games. A bit like Aribo, he possesses that bit of flair that is needed to open teams up, either by beating a man in the middle of the park, or just by creating space with quick twists and turns, or from just possessing the vision and passing ability to pick out through balls and long diagonal passes.

    There was a guy on Follow Follow who claimed to be a data analyst guys working for an English team, he had was tasked with looking into Majer specifically, but he said he knew Rangers were very interested and had been in contact.  




  6. 1 hour ago, Rousseau said:

    It's still more of a 4-2-2-2, than a 4-4-2, for me. 


    The style of play is a delight to watch. 


    If you're advocating that, I'm with you! :D 


    I think his other favoured formation, 3-4-1-2, would actually suit the players we have. We have the double pivot, we have wingbacks, Hagi as #10, and now a couple of forwards. We'd just need to draft in another CB. 

    I would call it a 4-4-2 based formation. You know from the type of player I like and the type I don’t like that I favour technically gifted players. And most of the players I don’t like, or I think are overrated, it’s because I think they are not technically gifted enough. So it’s not that I want to play old fashioned football. In reality, 4-4-2 is often a slight variation on the formation already used and I would only favour it if it suited the players at our disposal better. 

    For example,




    Tavernier      Goldson    Helander     Barisic

                         Aribo                 Jack
             Kent                                          Hagi

                            Roofe       Itten


    That is a very attacking lineup. On the right Kent would operate as a traditional winger aiming to play one-twos and get to the byline,  but on the left Hagi would be all about coming inside with quick one-twos in to the striker on his side, following his pass and vacating the wing, leaving a gap for Barisic to overlap and get to the byline. A big part of what the midfielders would be trying to do is get a pass in to the strikers feet and follow it, hopefully getting the ball back in a much more advanced position. Obviously when out of possession pressing is easy and we would win back possession very quickly because pretty much everyone we play would have no option but to lump it. Our play would be fast, high tempo and all about getting the ball into dangerous areas quickly. 

    These are just basic ideas but I think you can see it would make good use of our players, allow them to play to their strengths and it wouldn’t be about playing it long to a big guy. And I am only saying it should be used at times, not necessarily all the time. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    That was around ten years ago; perhaps more so. 


    Here, in Scotland, it's still the favoured approach. 


    There are even some advocating that Rangers should adopt it. Dinosaurs...


    *cough* @DMAA *cough* ?



    dinosaur GIF
    how dare you

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