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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 13 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    If he's young with potential and good sell-on value then I'm on board. Greg Docherty - Rangers through and through - could do all of those above things, so I can only surmise that the club thinks Johnson has greater potential.

    He's just about to turn 28 so he isn't about potential. It seems the clubs aren't agreed on a fee anyway.

  2. I’m only going on the sportscene highlights unfortunately but it is another good win. We should be beating a side like that by a good bit more but ultimately we have to be happy with that result. Very pleasing to see subs make such an impact too and I'm particularly pleased for Arfield who showed he has still has plenty to offer. 

    Dundee United were exactly as expected, for too soft to hold us off but it was interesting to see that they got our possession down to 61%, which is actually low for a game like that at Ibrox. Did Bolton on the right wing cause any problems on the counter attack? I saw he got Barisic carded but that was all that was shown on the highlights. 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Strange-- I wasn't convinced after watching the above clip: he looked slight, and only scored penalties or scuffed shots. 


    I've now watched more clips and I think he looks better. He still looks quite slight -- I wonder how he'd cope with our League's physicality -- but has a bit of pace about him, and he likes to get into the box and/or take shots from distance. Maybe not a creative player, but one that likes to get on the end of things. 


    Not a bad option to have. 

    Yeh it is a bit strange. I was hoping we’d be signing a player to go straight into the first team. Johnson is 28 in a few weeks and the fact he is still at Preston suggests he will be coming in to be a rotation player. We’ve signed a 28 year old from Preston before, a hero with their fans, and he was a Preston level player. Having said that, Johnson does seem to have some attributes that we could do with. From what I have read and seen, he is a player who is mainly about his passing and vision and creativity in general, he isn’t fast and isn’t one to be taking men on very much. He would play in our midfield 3 and not as one of the number 10s. If that description is correct I think be a really useful player to have for games where we are trying to break a team down, even if it is a hugely exciting signing. 

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