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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. I actually thought that chance they had at the end was his mistake. Watching the highlights the ball comes down and it just hits off him, I don't know what he was doing. It just seems like a bit of a brain fart. They should have scored from it. Earlier in the game he had a mistake too where he dribbled the ball out but miscontrolled it and lost it for a moment and almost left us very vulnerable to a counter attack, but luckily the opposing player couldn't control it and he won it back. I thought he was good apart from those two moments. I think he is a good backup but I feel much more comfortable with Helander playing.
  2. I thought Tavernier was simply immense. The consistency in his game is just incredible right now, almost nothing goes wrong for him and he is everywhere. He is brimming with confidence and is vastly improved over last season even at his peak. I thought Jack, Kamara and Arfield were very good too. Each of them deserve a lot of praise. Arfield again provided goal-creating moments and would have had a very impressive assist if Morelos had more confidence. Barisic was good and Bassey was outstanding considering how little game time he has had. To have so much confidence on that stage and at his age was really pleasing to see. Fearless. Hagi had some very good moments which almost led to goals too but wasn't as good as against Galatasaray, he did have some slackness in his game at times. Kent again was good when they had the ball but not very good with the ball imo. A bit slack in his dribbling, showing too much to the defender and quite easily tackled. The less said about Morelos the better. He did improve, I'll give him that, but even after he improved he still had bad moments and missed good chances. As I said in the game thread, Roofe had been excellent since the moment he came on. It was night and day, our attacks weren't breaking down anymore. He keeps the ball and links up so well. We will be vastly improved as a team with him starting up front. Hopefully a spell out will do Morelos good. Persevering with him hasn't worked.
  3. I can't remember him getting caught out. The only scare was that one at the end and that due to a Balogun mistake. For me, the parts of his game that need work are probably fixable through coaching. That isn't the case for most players, so I am pretty excited about him. Edit: Having said that, I would like to see what his crossing is like. A good bit of that is natural skill and not really teachable.
  4. Just watched their highlights. Aside from their goal, a header from a corner, they didn’t even create anything. Two shots well over the bar and one low and easily saved from the edge of the box were their best chances. They didn’t register a shot on target during their “rally” aside from that header. Yet “despite rally” still made it into the headline.
  5. It’s absolutely bizarre. They are the very 1st story on both Sport and Football. Despite the fact nothing even happened, big team beats wee team. We are the 8th story in the Football section despite the fact that it was a notable away win for a British team with a goal of the tournament contender.
  6. They must have been rubbing their hands with glee when Barisic went off injured. By the end of the game they must have been thinking how the heck do they have a guy like that on the bench. And the exact same about Aribo and Roofe. Our strength in depth right now is incredible.
  7. Here are the second and third paragraphs of the BBCs report of the match. My word, you would never know they didn’t register a shot on target and we were actually far more threatening than they were throughout the game. We clung on, that’s the story. And they say Muleka twice “headed” against the bar despite the fact they know fine well that the second one was a deliberate hand ball and not a header. The Ibrox club rode their luck at times after James Tavernier's 19th-minute penalty broke the deadlock. Jackson Muleka twice headed against the bar in the first half and Standard pushed hard for a leveller after the break. But Gerrard's men held firm in front of more than 3,000 fans in Belgium to start with a win.
  8. Celtic go 1 behind after a very strong start too. Gutted for the coefficient.
  9. Another 500 grand in the bag too. I am elated after that. We have some great players playing really well and now we have two of our best players coming back in to the team in Roofe and Aribo. Wow.
  10. Roofe has played the lone striker role brilliantly since he has come on. But that was world class
  11. Please don’t give the ball to our centre backs again, far too risky
  12. It’s worrying. What’s the policy on awarding games based on current score? ?
  13. Too late making the change but I think that last spurned chance was the final straw
  14. This rain and mud and sliding tackles is reminding me of my youth. If this doesn’t suit a Scottish team I don’t know what does.
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