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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. Just now, Frankie said:

    Ultimately, Benfica are a first class team (think Leverkusen) so to get a draw (twice) & still be disappointed says a lot about the progress we've made. Let's take care of Standard Liege (& Falkirk first) & we'll all be smiling as wide as the Forth (sorry Clyde) this time next week.

    Definitely. And I am much less disappointed than the first time because that was against 10 men and we were in full control and still made basic errors to lose goals. This time they were in control and the actual goals weren’t a result of basic errors. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Got them a draw.

    Yeh. Although it must be said that this time I don’t think there were any big mistakes in the goals we lost. The first one I’ve already mentioned there was a lack of energy that resulted in their midfielder having loads of space, and Tavernier maybe could have directed his header better. But all in all there was a huge element of luck in how the ball dropped for them there. The second goal was actually some really good play from Benfica with quick sharp passing and an outstanding finish, and again there was a lot of luck in how the ball fell to him. Not a lot that could be done there really. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Sorry manager has to take the blame there.


    I understand subs might not work when it comes to defensive organisation but we were losing our shape due to tiredness and we really should have made changes.


    However, if you'd said we'd draw both games beforehand, of course, we would have taken that but to draw again from 2-0 up is very, very disappointing.

    Yes. The first goal was caused partly by the fact that the Benfica midfielder has loads of space and time to play a really good ball deep into our box. Morelos was just walking around, if Itten is on I would say that midfield doesn’t have time to play that ball. With the second goal it isn’t directly caused by a lack of closing down but we were just inviting them forward in general by the lack of energy up front. Itten and Barker should have been on for Kent and Morelos, or even a more defensive minded sub to shore up the back, it didn’t have to be like for like. 

    So frustrating that we have just had another very good result in Europe all things considered and we can’t fully enjoy it again because a great win has been dangled in front of us and thrown away again. 

  4. Really pleased with that first half. 0 shots on target for Benfica. And this time they don’t have their two best players to come off the bench. They are definitely a very dangerous side but we have done really well so far. It’s just a shame that this time we don’t have the same quality of player to come off the bench without Jack and Aribo. But we still look threatening and just as likely to score. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Bill said:

    I don't think anyone would argue that we've twice come back from the break a poorer side. However, I struggle to see the basis for a cause-and-effect argument. Surely simply taking a break can't make a team play more poorly. There has to be more to it than that.

    Yeh I do agree. There was a pretty straightforward explanation at the time. We lost 2-1 at Tynecastle without Tavernier, Helander and Morelos (and Jack for 45 minutes). Helander was underappreciated at the time but I think people realise now he was a much bigger miss than they thought. By the time Tavernier finally returned from injury we had dropped 5 points, and then straightaway Barisic got injured and missed 3 games in which we dropped another 5. Of course these things weren't excuses but it wasn't like it was a total mystery, we had rotten luck with our hardest-to-replace players missing loads of games.

  6. Just had a look back at the team we started against Rapid Vienna when we got knocked out in 18/19 and compared it to the team who started against Benfica. The core of our team is the same, and yet the 4 changes make a big difference (I haven't counted Kamara over Arfield because Arfield still plays).


    McAuley 38     -      Helander 27

    Coulibaly 21     -     Aribo 24

    McCrorie 19     -     Davis 35

    Middleton 18    -     Kent 24


    And what that doesn't even take into account is that the rest of the team, to a man, are better players than they were then, playing in a system which is now second nature to them.


  7. 15 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    Perhaps the players can actually hear what our manager and coaches shout at them. 

    Perhaps what our manager and coaches shout at them is actually worth hearing.


    Get intae them!

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