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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Hagi’s game time has been very limited since September. I find it really frustrating, Kent isn’t exactly on fire so there shouldn’t be the huge reluctance to give Hagi a chance. He has proven end product, all the stats show that. He has 5 league assists from almost half the game time Kent has had, who has 3.
  2. Good can and should come of it too. I thought the complacency was clear in the team selection and in the performance and work rate and that needs to go from both management and players for the run of games we have coming up. Perth and Paisley are very difficult away days this season despite the fact they don’t look it on the face of it. Celtic will very likely win a trophy this weekend too and I think there’s a good chance that will cause them to become complacent again and believe that they will come good.
  3. I’m not going to overreact, even though it is a total embarrassment in the context of Celtic having gone out and the cup being there for the taking, we have handed the media the narrative that we are serial bottlers. But I think the gaffer and players learned some valuable lessons tonight. Well I hope they have. You can’t go to a ground like that and not work as hard as them, and you can’t go to a ground like that without some of your most important players starting. I will be very glad when Helander comes back too. Balogun has done a good job but IMO we are stronger at the back with the big Swede.
  4. I think they were complacent. They should have known this would be one of the hardest domestic games we have, because it always is for us and for Celtic. We lacked urgency and it seemed they had more desire for it.
  5. I was just thinking we weren’t looking like scoring at all. Goodwin knows how to organise his side.
  6. That’s more like it Kent. Pass and move! Beat the man off the ball. What a relief. Excellent free kick and excellent finish.
  7. St Mirren never make it easy at their ground. That was very poor from a couple of players though.
  8. I don’t blame Arfield and Itten for not getting on the end of that low ball though. If you watch the replay the ball was way ahead of the play and nobody was going to get to it.
  9. It’s about decision making though. Far too often for my linking he’s trying to be Messi and trying to do the impossible.
  10. Yes, to be honest this was a big ask of Bassey. I would be limiting his game time to substitute appearances (early when possible) and games against lower league teams for now I think.
  11. He’s lost the ball a few times trying to take people on, it is frustrating.
  12. So clumsy from Bassey but really poor from Kent trying to dribble past people in that area.
  13. Attacking line up. I would have preferred Hagi to Kent on this pitch. St Mirren have been very good defensively against the big clubs in recent years and if they sit deep there might not be a lot of space to run in behind.
  14. Tavernier for me for that free kick. I remember moaning on here during the Caixinha era that we just didn’t have enough different ways of scoring goals. Championship winning teams are dangerous from free kicks and in the air and it is staggering how much we have improved in that regard. To have Tavernier and Barisic here at the same time with their dead ball ability is really rare.
  15. DMAA

    Alfredo Morelos

    On the one hand, there was very little in it. In modern football, you can’t do it, regardless of force. But let’s be honest it wouldn’t have hurt in the slightest so to call it brutality is ridiculous. But what was most disappointing for me was that the game was only 10 minutes in. He didn’t have the excuse he has had on previous occasions where the game was an hour in with a hostile crowd and with Scott Brown raking his studs down the back of his ankle. There was no excuse for losing the head this time.
  16. DMAA

    Alfredo Morelos

    As frustrating and disgraceful as the double standards are, Alfie can only blame himself if he loses his place to Itten here. It’s a big opportunity for him.
  17. Thanks to all for the work that goes on behind the scenes. It wouldn’t be the same without this forum where you know peoples names and the chat and debate is reasoned and sensible. Apart from my contributions.
  18. Agree with the sentiment, and Edouard has been terrible, but to be a tad pedantic Morelos has had 9 goal involvements using official numbers instead of Transfermarkt.
  19. I’ve never been one to subscribe to the view that we shouldn’t second guess the management’s decisions so why start now ? they must know he is better suited to being a penalty box striker, but prioritised the new system over what suits Alfredo. There is definitely pressure to persevere with him too due to his large wage, the bids which have been rejected and prospect of future bids.
  20. Just going to make one more comment on Morelos to clarify a bit. I think he has proven that that he can be very good as a number 9, an out and out striker, playing on the last man where he can get physical with the CB and focus on getting into the right positions and playing as a poacher. I just think the false 9, Firmino role actually negates some of his strengths (power, movement in the box, shooting) and exposes some of his weaknesses (technical side of the game).
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