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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Waste of a good attack again from Morelos, shooting when there was no chance of scoring.
  2. Morelos has been rotten. He can’t keep the ball for anything, it’s unbelievable.
  3. Hagi should be playing. Morelos and Kent have both been so poor. Every single attack breaks down with them. Poor touch, dribbling, passing. I’m so tired of it but it is so predictable. At least Hagi can take the ball in to feet in tight spaces, win free kicks and link with Roofe, Aribo and Kamara. Gerrard should make a sub at half time but he almost never does.
  4. We are really missing Hagi, a player who can take the ball in to feet in tight spaces. We just aren’t getting the ball up the field with Morelos and Kent, they aren’t providing the options and they aren’t keeping it. Kent has had a couple of breakaway runs but he must have given it away about 10 times.
  5. I agree that there is a rationale. Especially with this Celtic line-up, pace may be important. I just see Helander as so good I’d always prefer him.
  6. Athletic yes but not physical, Helander is stronger and much better in duels imo.
  7. It’s a really surprising Celtic line-up. It’s all out attack. One thing that isn’t a surprise is Brown not playing. Anyone who has paid any attention to their games know Soro has put that question beyond doubt, he’s a very good wee player IMO. But most of the rest is surprising, no change from the formation they play at home against wee teams. Frimpong and Laxalt could both easily have been replaced with more conservative players, I thought Taylor would player. Bitton ahead of Duffy is a big surprise for me, going for technique over braun at CB. I was convinced they would have Duffy in for set pieces.
  8. I’m very disappointed Hagi and Helander don’t play tbh. Really hoping Morelos/Kent/Balogun prove me wrong but I’m just a wee bit less confident than I was, pinning my hopes on Roofe now.
  9. Not an unlikely line-up though. Brown and Soro playing together would be much more defensive than the diamond they have been playing, but would be a return to the 4-2-3-1 they have played for years. It would be a bit strange though because it would mean McGregor in the 3 and he hasn’t played that far forward in a while.
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