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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. I asked a neutral mate of mine if he’d seen it and he thought it was pretty even and said “they did nothing in the second half”. I think it did seem worse than it was, they lacked end product and we defended well.
  2. I really like Ross Wilson and I’m excited going into every transfer window at the moment, even though I don’t expect much in this one.
  3. Not much to go on, but good at winning the ball back and passing. He has been signed as a Davis deputy and would likely get a run in the team if Davis was to get injured. Jury is out on how good he is/can be.
  4. Barjonas, Stewart, Jones and Middleton all look very unlikely to feature much. If they could be moved on that would free up some cash for one quality signing in that position maybe. There is Barker too but the management rate him.
  5. That game could have been exactly what we needed going into this transfer window too. We’ve come out of it unscathed with 3 points, and yet with a feeling that things could be better and probably more inclined to make 1 or 2 signings than a few weeks ago, not least due to injuries. The inverse is the case with Celtic. They’ve turned it around and and will believe they can keep winning now without splashing the cash.
  6. Apparently Roofe’s injury is a quad injury. At least it isn’t his calf! Hopefully minor.
  7. I often wonder if the Israelis knew what they were getting in for signing for that club.
  8. Yeh that’s the one. His contract is out in the summer and he has decided not to renew it. Could just be paper talk, who knows.
  9. There has been talk of John Lundstrom. I haven’t seen Kelly much but see him as more of a Barry Ferguson type player.
  10. I’ve deleted my initial reply to you because I actually have no desire to discuss any negatives after the game, and I invited that there. These topics are for another day.
  11. Zungu has some of the attributes required but seems to lack the ability Jack has to be everywhere on the pitch. Jack is also particularly disciplined defensively. Not an easy player to replace, if it comes to that.
  12. When? Any time I have commented on a game without having seen it I have made that known as a caveat, and have never made a comment beyond the scope of what I have seen. You are getting personal and it’s uncalled for. Argue with the content of my comments, that is what I do with others. I have no bias against a Rangers player, I call it as I see it and some don’t like that.
  13. That was where I was seeing the problem. We were second best all over the park but I don’t agree with you that one or two weren’t particularly poor. I wasn’t the only one of that opinion.
  14. Primarily the latter imo. They set up to play their game, and it worked. They just didn’t have the quality to make anything of it. Hagi wouldn’t have had as much impact in the first half because Celtic were better then but the problem was our forward players gave us no relief whatsoever, they totally failed to keep the ball up the park, win free kicks or just do something with it (bar one counter attack run from Kent). That was made it so relentless. Hagi would have done those things a lot better because he has more technical ability and is better at winning free kicks.
  15. And it is loss number 2 of the league season for Celtic ? Another 2 to come since the rest of the league can’t be trusted
  16. Itten at least has the first touch to hold the ball up, it hasn’t worked every time but he is doing wel. Almost scored there, Hagi did well.
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