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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 2 hours ago, RabiDuck said:

    I made a tongue in cheek comment after the game against them that I could see them dropping points in this one and then dropping more in their double header with Aberdeen leaving us with a chance to secure the league title in the next OF fixture.   I stand by that!!! 

    At half time against them, if I was asked which was more likely I would have said them winning that game 1 nil and us dropping points at Pittodrie. The opposite has happened and as a result we are 12 points clear of where they could be if they win their games in hand instead of 7. What a position to be in. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Celtic play Livi twice in the next few days. On this showing Celtic will be very lucky to pick up six points. 

    Martindale has worked wonders there. An incredible run of form, we haven’t seen similar from that level of team in a very long time. 8 wins in a row (7 in league). 

  3. In seriousness, fantastic result and it’s another very tough fixture ticked off. Brilliant for Morelos to get two goals, proper strikers finishes at that, and let’s hope it instils some confidence back into his game. I’m still in the process of watching through the game on catch up, I’ve got too many kids to watch most games live, but I’m not surprised Kent had a better game at Pittodrie, it’s always a fixture which suits his style with more space in behind. His second assist was just a wee touch but it was brilliant, if that was Hagi I’d have started a thread about it. On to Motherwell. 

  4. Really good comparisons between Goldson and Helander. Confirms what I’ve always said about Helander, excellent in duals and very aggressive. Goldson obviously better in the creative/offensive stats. However Helander doing well in some too. Would have been interesting to see blocks and interceptions here too though. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    "I won’t comment on Alfie as I haven’t seen the second half, other than to say I hope that miss removes any temptation to drop Hagi for him or play him ahead of Itten. Alfie should be settling for a bit part role until his form improves, it’s not fair on the other players who are playing well and have had to sit on the bench for much of the season."


    You didn't see how he played but are calling for him to have a bit part role.


    Perhaps you don't mean it but you appear to be eager to criticise him and appear to take every opportunity to do so.



    Come on, that was not in any way “having a go” at Morelos. I had watched the first half of that game and seen Hagi and Roofe win the game for us again. The only way Morelos was going to play was if Hagi was dropped and yes I thought another really big miss was enough reason to say he shouldn’t be taking Hagi’s place. “A bit-part role until he regains form” is hardly “having a go” either, it just means trying to regain form from the bench or until other players lose form and stop delivering as they have been. 

    I commented later in that thread saying,

    ”Finished the whole game now...Morelos taking that chance would have been the icing on the cake because it was a gift, but for me the gaffer should be seriously thinking about giving others a chance going into this old firm game, the competition is very strong and Hagi’s involvement in two goals as well as some very good build up play should stand him in good stead. Itten and Arfield should also be in contention.”


    I don’t see how you can have a go at me for those comments, there is nothing wrong with a Rangers fan believing Morelos doesn’t merit a starting place ahead of other Rangers players. I have seen fans having needless digs at players many a time and that is not what I did, I shared my opinion on an upcoming old firm match and I explained why I believed it. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    Do you mean Andy Robertson, rather than Tierney? Robertson was released by Celtic when he was 16 whereas Tierney was in their first team squad at 17 and a regular at 18. 


    I was responding to the assertion that the best players just get hoovered up by the EPL giants anyway, the implication being what’s the point. Some do, some don’t. Gilmour was a star at 15/16 and taken away before we could do anything about it, Tierney wasn’t but he eventually made them a huge sum of money. 

  7. 3 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    It's telling that for many of us our first thought when hearing that Jack and Arfield might be out for a few months was 'we need to sign someone as cover' instead of wondering if one of the youngsters could step up. I was certainly guilty of it. If none of our younger players are capable of stepping in for a few weeks then you do have to wonder what the point of having them is. But I suspect, with a bit of patience, some of them are and it's people like me that are the problem. 


    As for Kennedy I suspect we'll sell him to Shrewsbury or someone like that for quarter of a million in a couple of years. 

    Kelly would be trusted to fill in for a few weeks but we aren’t going to recall a 20 year old who is getting 90 minutes every week for a Premiership side just to fill in for a few games I don’t think. It would, ironically, make it less likely that he would make it at Rangers because the biggest step to doing that is to play every week in this league on loan. 

  8. I watched the game back too. Aribo was a player who came in for a lot of criticism and I didn’t think at the time he had been that bad. Having watched it back he did struggle quite badly in the midfield 3, as I think we all feared without Arfield and Jack available. But he offset that with some positive contributions going forward. He created arguably our two best opportunities of the game when he picked out Morelos in a crowded box (both times). The first one Morelos didn’t manage to make real contact on it, the second one was when he had his shot blocked on the turn. Ultimately though it was as we feared, Aribo isn’t ready to take on that much defensive responsibility in those kind of games. 

  9. McGregor is the man of the match but I’ve voted Kamara in recognition of how well he did. It is very hard to play well when you are being outplayed and I thought he looked a cut above, despite the fact that like everyone else he didn’t do everything right. Many of our attacks came from him breaking through from midfield. 

    All of the back 4 did well. Each had errors which went unpunished but their overall performance was good. I was disappointed Helander didn’t start but aside from one error and being beaten to a header from a corner Balogun acquitted himself very well. 

  10. McGregor is the man of the match but I’ve voted Kamara in recognition of how well he did. It is very hard to play well when you are being outplayed and I thought he looked a cut above, despite the fact that like everyone else he didn’t do everything right. Many of our attacks came from him breaking through from midfield. 

    All of the back 4 did well. Each had errors which went unpunished but their overall performance was good. I was disappointed Helander didn’t start but aside from one error and being beaten to a header from a corner Balogun acquitted himself very well. 

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