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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. It’s certainly a more conservative lineup. It will be good to get another look at Cifuentes. Definitely a bit of a concern of lack of width and runners, but we do have plenty quality in the team, and we should be able to keep the back door shut with that team too.
  2. Gerrard and Beale always went with pace in the forward areas in away European games too.
  3. It’s never a good sign when even YouTube doesn’t make it look like they have good technique. I’m hoping he can do a Sakala and come up with goals despite his limitations but the early signs haven’t been there.
  4. I’ve no idea how Sima fits in. Seems like we just signed him because Beale knew of him, and he was highly rated a few years ago. Why was he seen as a good fit for our system?
  5. It all feels a bit pointless because we aren’t going to beat PSV are we
  6. I had a feeling we would live to regret being so wasteful. A bizarre handball from Dessers. This is a bog standard team though and we should be putting them away tonight.
  7. They’re not going to need much encouragement to go down are they
  8. Happy enough with the selection tonight though. Jack brings a bit of control and balance that we wouldn’t have if we started someone like Dowell in there. And it’s great to see Danilo start.
  9. All that money spent and yet in the most important position on the park, an ageing and unreliable Jack starts. I’m a Jack fan but he's declining and I'm concerned that we haven't recruited a more defence minded midfielder to support Raskin, especially for Europe.
  10. Worth noting that Dessers’ stats from previous clubs showed that he doesn’t touch the ball much anyway. A bit of a Kris Boyd type of striker. Danilo obviously is different.
  11. Not for the first time either. Happened a number of times when he was assistant.
  12. I agree to an extent but I don’t think we have an answer to Calum McGregor. Our centre mids aren’t at that level.
  13. Well the warning signs have been there all preseason. There are no excuses for that. Hot take - I think a quality centre mid would change this team more than a quality centre back.
  14. My view is that we’ve already done that, and the rumours that we are in for Trusty or Panzo predate Balogun signing. Would like to be wrong, but I don’t think there are any signs that we are spending big money on a centre back without one leaving.
  15. According to who? Ibrox noise? I didn't see a reliable source. Beale signed Balogun and has poured cold water on the idea of signed a centre back in recent weeks. And he's been open about the positions he wants to strengthen and never listed centre back as one of them.
  16. It’s been a pretty much heretical opinion this pre-season, but I don’t think Beale is actually pursuing a centre back. There have been no signals and plenty that we aren’t. I think it's a case of wait and see if anyone comes in for Davies, but there's absolutely no sign of that either.
  17. Unfortunately, we badly lack stability when he doesn’t play. The defence is far better protected when he plays. I think our defence has been hung out to dry a bit in preseason by the tactics and player selection in midfield. They’ve offered no protection to the defence.
  18. Well Ryan Jack has changed the game. Great cross from Yilmaz in the build up there. Looks a star that boy 😛
  19. Totally simplistic to blame Yilmaz alone. There was a man wide open in the 6 yard box. Maybe he should have been marked? There was a whole build up where our centre mid were invisible and they got the ball out to a man on the edge of our box with ease. There's a lot going wrong.
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