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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 2 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    There was a very good article in The Athletic about Tav at the weekend dB. Aside from interesting background stuff the article was at pains to underline how settled he is in Glasgow now and that whatever happens in his career he plans to make Glasgow his home when he retires. I actually wonder if there's more chance of us selling Paterson than Tav. Tav isn't going to get a crack at Champion's League football in England, I think if we offer him the right contract he's here for the rest of his career.  

    It’s a good problem to have, Tav is sending signals he has no intention to leave and loves it here. Patterson is breaking onto the scene and looks ready to develop into an Alan Hutton type player. I have no idea what to do about that problem but I hope we don’t sell Patterson, I would like to see him as the natural successor to Tavernier without costing us a penny. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    A shame he spoiled it later when he couldn't bring himself to say the name of one of our black players. It shows the above as an empty gesture. 

    To be honest I don't think the colour of Morelos' skin has anything to do with that, they hate each other, I don't see a reason to be cynical about the gesture either.


    Can't say the same about Celtic's initial tweet of support which they bizarrely accompanied with the hashtag oneclubsince1888. 

  3. I'm happy with that result. I think people underestimate the impact of a high intensity game against high level opposition 2 and a half days before this game (8pm kick off on Thursday, 12m kick off on Sun). Before the game I was a bit concerned they'd win, they had a full fortnight to prepare and were at home and this game was their big cup final, whilst our focus has been on the two legs vs Slavia during that fortnight. Losing Patterson in addition to not having Jack or an in-form Arfield left me a bit concerned. If you look back through history it is very common for the champions to lose one of the last old firm games.


    In light of that I think the players have done very well. And even in a low key draw there were a few additions to the list of things hilariously working against them this season. The irony of Balogun starting being our weakness and he ends up setting up our goal. Alfredo getting his first Old Firm goal, and getting it on their ground too. Edouard passing up the chance to pretty much score an open goal to take a dive (which we all know he only does because he is the penalty taker and the penalty spot is where he has been most comfortable shooting from this season).


    For once, the break comes at a good time for us (except Patterson maybe). Jack and Tavernier should be very close to returning by the time we get back, it would be great to have them back for the post-split games, especially the Celtic game.

  4. I’m a wee bit worried by the fact that we could be a bit fatigued from Thursday and we could be without a natural right back. The fact we don’t have Jack is a worry too. I expect we will probably go with Arfield again in that position who isn’t in his best form at the moment. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    I see the club are doing their online watch party thing again tomorrow, did anyone buy that for the Antwerp game?


    I see it is Clive Tylsdley & Kevin Thomson, does anyone know if they do actual comms (i.e. we could watch on sky on mute and listen to CT & KT instead) or do they just discuss the talking points without actual commentary?


    Would be worth a few quid to get better live commentary than what Crocker & co will provide!

    It isn’t live commentary mate. Apparently it was almost like an interview with Defoe with comments on the game about 30 seconds after they happened. People were complaining that it wasn’t in synch. Maybe it will work better this time though. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Bill said:

    Sensible business but we really need to be starting next season with his replacement in the starting line up

    I was going to say the same. I’m hoping we spend good money on a quality player in that position at a good age. If we get that signing we would be set up really well for the future. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Are you suggesting he shouldn't have challenged for a 50/50? 

    It wasn’t a 50/50, not even close. The keeper was just about to gather it with ease at his head height, there’s nothing the striker can do about that, the long ball just hasn’t worked. It happens all the time and I’ve never once seen a striker challenge for a ball like that before. It’s understandable people want to defend a Rangers player, and none of us think he had any intent, but I find it incredible so many think “he had every right to go for it” or it was a 50/50. 

  8. 1 hour ago, der Berliner said:

    Likewise, the goalie seemingly doesn`t know whether to stick or twist and ends up in a heap. Roofe went in there, hit the player and as such, a red card is a valid option for the ref. Had the goalie stood back, no-one would argue at Roofe`s attempt of getting the ball down with his foot. Just saying

    No, the ball was gone, keeper would have gathered it without issue if Roofe hadn't jumped at full pace with his studs up 6 foot off the ground. Very reckless from Roofe but it can happen in a moment of frustration, he went for a ball he had no right to go for. It was as clear a red card as we'll ever see.

  9. 1 minute ago, Frankie said:

    I'm also not saying racism is unique to black people or any other ethnic group but, with direct reference to my own experience, I don't think I've been in the same kind of situation or subject to the same raw emotion as he and Kamara experienced last night and clearly still feeling today.


    It does make you stop and think. 

    In Gerrard's interview last night this bit got me. 


    "How is Glen Kamara now?"

    "In the worst possible way you can be. Visibly upset. I've known this player for two and a half years and I've never seen him like this".


    It's very easy not to appreciate the actual impact it has on victims. It's horrendous that they have to through this playing at the top level of football.

  10. 10 minutes ago, ascender said:

    I've long since given up any hope of having reasoned debate about Scottish football online with fans of other clubs. Twitter has long since been a cesspit, but any time I do have a look at other fan forums its the same story.

    Ironically, fans of other clubs are often all moaning about the same things - poor refs; the split; the SFA; the SPFL; plastic pitches; time-wasting; the overall state of our game - but because of the rivalries & hatred, will never come together to actually do something about it.


    I've absolutely loved this season (apart from not being able to be there), but it has also made me wish we could get out of Scottish football. The way other teams play has been thoroughly depressing at times and we keep getting told we wouldn't be missed, so I'd love to just leave them to it.

    Agree, but Aberdeen are on another level. On the Hibs forum there was none of what I quoted from the Aberdeen forum. Aberdeen fans seem to crave relevance by maximising the supposed rivalry with us. Their sevco thread is by far their most active thread. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    It's well worth noting the work ethic of the team actually.


    Plenty criticism of the lack of quality and cohesion last night but for 99mins, the players, despite going down to 9 men, worked their arses off and whilst that will never be enough on it's own, that attitude does bode well for when we do improve the squad further.

    Absolutely. Most of our team have elite level stamina, not least Kamara.

  12. Kamara for me too, and it's not just a sympathy vote. I think he was excellent again and he is quickly becoming my favourite player. I think he covers more ground than anyone else on the pitch and the way he contributes to our defensive as well as offensive play is incredible.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I’m assuming Kamara’s abuser knelt. Failed gesture. 

    Not in Europe but of course racists like Kudela are taking the knee every Saturday. It doesn't bother me in the slightest, I just don't think taking the knee should be a permanent fixture in football. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Rangers have denied anyone was hurt in the tunnel and Police Scotland say they weren't contacted.


    Slavia are liars and Rangers - backed by the SFA - should be extremely vocal in saying so.

    Slavia should receive a separate punishment from UEFA for their disgraceful handling of this whole episode. Knowing UEFA they are more likely to give us a fine for starting the second half 10 seconds late.

  15. Don't ask me why, but I checked the Aberdeen forum and the comments are predictably deplorable. "The race card", "he deserved it", "deflection tactic", "what a shame", "maybe monkey means something different to them", "good to see monkey chants alive and well in eastern europe". That's only a sample! Scumbags. Loads of comments that would earn you an immediate ban on here.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I think they were the better team--simply because they got the results. 


    But, I agree, I don't think they were far ahead of us. The red card(s) snuffed out any chance we had.


    They almost did what we do to teams in Europe - defend well, press aggressively and nick goals. 

    Yes they deserved the win and were the better team over the two legs because they got the goals. I just don’t think they are a better team. It was a proper 50-50 tie,  the two teams largely cancelled each other out and it was decided by low probability goals. 

    They reminded me a lot of us. They were very physical and very fit, they were shutting down the channels and tackling well and reducing us to long shots. We still had opportunities which we should have done better with though and on another night the result would have been different. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Yes, but I think you take all that, if you can get a tactical advantage. Having someone that could run with the ball was better.


    (I wonder if Simpson can do that? Although, he wouldn't have played anyway.)


    I'm just putting forth a theory as to why Balogun was picked. Like I said, I think it was the right idea - although, it didn't work out ultimately.

    Yeh that’s fair enough. There are risks with either choice, in my opinion there is always more risk in dropping Helander. 

  18. There has been a lot said about going out to a better team. Slavia deserved their win but I don’t think they were the better team, I saw two very evenly matched teams who both toiled to create any chances at all. Unfortunately, Slavia scored early from a half chance which imo McGregor should have saved. Once that goal went in it was a uphill battle but the red card prematurely ended what would have been a fascinating contest, but I think we had every chance of getting back into the game and were starting to apply real pressure. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I much prefer Helander to Balogun, but I don't think it was the wrong decision to play Balogun.


    Slavia looked to be letting our CBs have the ball, then press when it came into midfield. In the first leg, Helander played long balls that didn't really come off. 


    The best way to overcome that is for a CB to run with the ball, and that is something Balogun does quite well. 


    Ultimately it didn't help us, but I think it was the right idea. 

    He gets caught with the ball when he runs with it though. I just find he is far mor prone to errors than Helander and that showed last night, he was lucky not to concede a penalty after a mistake. I also just find his passing is a bit more unsure, it doesn’t help that he is right footed and playing on the left. 

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