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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. It’s a good start. This is the team who lost to Hibs a few days ago so it was never going to be perfect.

    We looked more creative last night but we do lack a goal scoring touch up front. There aren’t many goals in the three of Aribo, Kent and Hagi and that showed last night with very good chances not taken. 

  2. 16 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    here is a post on the actual stats. Mental frankly. 


    Posted a thread recently saying we had lost 12 goals from the last 16 shots on target. Thought that was bad enough.

    Looking at it further we have lost 6 goals in the last 3 games while facing 5 shots on target. Takes a bit of doing.

    It is also 7 from 7, 9 from 10 and 10 from 12.

    F.ucking ridiculous.

    Ryan jack has come off the bench twice now and is hopefully close to being ready to start games. Our goals conceded numbers will definitely improve when Ryan Jack is starting every game. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I don't rate McLaughlin. I see him as a poor man's McGregor; a copy, without the ability to pull off the impossible saves that McGregor can. 


    However, I certainly can't argue with those stats, or McGregor's form; it's not been good. 


    I'd rather see McCrorie get a starting slot, or perhaps it's time to sign a different style of 'keeper, more suited to our approach.


    I wonder what GvB prefers?

    McCrorie is not the answer anyway. His stats are terrible and his performances at Livi were a massive disappointment. 

    I think McLaughlin is a safe pair of hands and his record is good. McGregor has been playing this season based on reputation alone. The position needs investment and maybe we can improve on McLaughlin. I don’t find it an easy position to assess tbh. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    But, McGregor is McGregor; you're not dropping McGregor at his best.


    Time takes it toll, though. 

    I’ve actually wanted McLaughlin to be our number 1 since last season. Last season he was only exposed in Europe but this season I don’t understand why McLaughlin hasn’t been given a proper chance to become our number 1. 

    McLaughlin has conceded 5 in 8 domestic games. McGregor has conceded 11 in 8 domestic games, several of which he was at least partly culpable for. That is a very quick and dirty comparison of course, but the goalkeeping stats you sometimes see on Twitter haven’t been kind to McGregor for a while. I did a quick check on their goals conceded rate for last season and there is a significant disparity too. 

  5. 4 hours ago, ascender said:

    There have been murmurs Gerrard wasn't happy with the lack of fund this year, but when you look at the accounts, its pretty clear that if he'd qualified for the CL, he'd probably have been given some money.

    He made public comments at the end of last season about his excitement for the board’s plans for the new season, and then made public comments implying he felt he should have had more support in the transfer window at the beginning of this season. I have little doubt the relationship had deteriorated somewhat and as soon as you have even a hint of an excuse in the back of your mind as a manager there just isn’t the same drive to fix things on the pitch. It is hard to explain the lack of improvement in our performances this season without something changing in the mindset of Gerrard and his team. 

  6. 1 hour ago, compo said:

    Looks to me like the directors and director of football have all been caught with their drawers down ,they must do better. 

    I don’t think so compo. I think they were unhappy with the way we surrendered our chance to get £30m+ in UCL money in a pathetic fashion, to a smaller team with a smaller budget and then failed to get going even 3 months into the season, and chose not to put up any fight at all when AV came calling and SG wanted to speak to them. 

    Receiving £4.5m+ and getting the chance to start a new era with, hopefully, an exciting new manager was likely a very attractive prospect for the board because we have been the second best team in this league (and second best Scottish team in Europe) since our old firm win in August, a win which only served to pull the wool over the eyes of a surprising number of fans in the months since. There is no chance Ross Wilson wasn’t actively preparing for this because it wasn’t hard to see coming. 

  7. I wonder who the other two candidates were, and if they are serious candidates. I'm surprised at how little we've heard of anyone except Gio. Gio's record isn't so good that it should be a coronation. One incredible season followed by two par for the course seasons at Feyenoord and then a poor season in China.

  8. 4 hours ago, CammyF said:

    Bookies have it a two man race, is there still time for an outsider to pip them at the post?


    GVB still favourite but Lampard odds shortening after removing himself from the running for the Norwich job. 




    Wow that’s a depressing list. Hopefully we are looking at some options the press hasn’t got wind of. 

  9. I’m still hoping Knutsen’s name comes up! Style of play is a match. Norwegian season is almost over, 4 games left. Top of their Europa League, thrashed Mourinho’s Roma 6-1 and then drew 2-2 away to them. All of this is despite selling their best players (like Hauge) every season and spending next to nothing. Only question is whether we are big enough for him, and maybe whether he would want to move before he gets another title to his name and before he sees how far he can take them in Europe. From the outside looking in it seems a ridiculous achievement to have broken the dominance of Rosenberg and Molde. They have been a second tier side for most of the last decade and he’s taken them straight the top and actually managed to maintain it for a second and third season. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Still think we should have sold Morelos if we had the chance. 

    Lille offered us £16.5m and we turned it down. I said on here that day that we better have a plan if we’re turning that down but we didn’t and they walked away and we won’t get anything like that for him now. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    but it was only a week or so ago that he was smiling saying do I look happy? do I look settled? slimy!!.

    It was 3 weeks ago and it was in relation to the Newcastle job. He answered the question honestly at that time and dealt with the press the way he should deal with them when they are asking questions like that. The Villa offer came in weeks after that and just because he took it it doesn’t mean he was dishonest on October 21st. I can understand Celtic fans being all over that but I find it weird the way Rangers fans are going on about it. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Did he have an issue with Wilson, with the board in general, was it transfer funds, or an inability to get the response he wanted from the players. Personally I think he was becoming deeply frustrated by the attitude of his team on the park and couldn't change whatever was behind it. That and a lack of transfer funds.

    I think it’s possible/likely he wasn’t happy with some things (other than the obvious on-field issues). It’s also possible there were no issues though and he just felt ready for the next challenge. 

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