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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. This is dire stuff. The usual blood and thunder rubbish at Pittodrie.
  2. We need to be controlling this game. Giving away so many crosses and set pieces.
  3. I think it’s been mixed. I think we’ve had a few good performances out there but they’ve been up for it and we’ve afforded them too many opportunities.
  4. We’re giving crossers too much space every time.
  5. Quick incisive passing from Sands again there. Promising signs.
  6. That was a great goal. Sands receiving the ball and getting it forward quickly (something I’ve noticed he’s good at when look at him), Morelos does great, Wright fantastic again, perfect from Kent and Hagi with the goal. What a move that was.
  7. Much tougher in the tackle and more physical than Lundstram, absolutely the right decision imo. Lundstram looks built better but I think Sands has a more physical game, and importantly in these games better mobility and stamina.
  8. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sands was thrown in tonight. It’s either him or Lundstram and Lundstram hasn’t played much since October. Could be Kamara Sands Wright Hagi Kent Morelos
  9. Just googled it. Pace and acceleration 12 and 13. That’s probably a closer reflection than the FIFA one but on the harsh side, he isn’t slow.
  10. He’s definitely not slow but I wouldn’t say he is fast. From what I’ve seen of Olsen I’m not a massive fan. If he signs I still think he would do well and be an exciting signing but I just think are better players out there for the money.
  11. I think he is essentially his replacement, but we will bring someone else in in the summer too so Souttar will have to fight for his spot when Helander is fit. We could have met Goldson’s terms if we wanted to but it’s increasingly looking like we aren’t going to do that.
  12. “We can see how excited he and his family are to join Rangers”. Keen for him to never play for Hearts again I think.
  13. There was nothing in that SSN report. Still looks to me like people guessing, I don’t think anything will be announced today.
  14. I still think it’s people guessing when they heard tours were cancelled this afternoon, which is apparently due to building work. I would be very surprised if Neilson was so in the dark only the day before it’s done and dusted.
  15. I saw this rumour and I’m a bit skeptical. Robbie neilson was on a podcast yesterday/last night and said it would take a crazy bid for them to sell in this window, and he still hoped he would stay and he wasn’t aware of anything in terms of him leaving. Things can move fast but I’d be a wee bit surprised if they moved that fast.
  16. Agree with your post but just thought I’d point out that this bit isn’t true. He’s done the same Achilles twice. He’s done the other Achilles once. His other major issue has been a recurring ankle issue. This appears to have been resolved with surgery in 2019 if I recall correctly.
  17. Hopefully yeh. To be honest I’m generally a believer that a lot of it can’t be taught. When it comes to scoring goals some people just have it and others don’t. But it can be undiscovered/untapped. Luca Toni an example of that.
  18. Souttar’s stats are excellent. Worth nothing that these stats pre-date Gio I believe for Goldson. i would also take the Doekhi one with a pinch of salt as it is based on closer to 500 minutes rather than 1000.
  19. Positive updates today. Souttar reportedly likely to come to us is very positive, even in spite of the obvious risk. Defoe leaving and Itten coming in improves our squad as Defoe has been out of the picture all season. The big thing with Itten for me has always been his goal scoring, he hasn’t really shown himself to be a natural goalscorer to date and that’s what I want to see from him. He is a decent all round player and always fit and works hard.
  20. Positive update. His injury problems are worrying but I’d be willing to take the risk if the fee and wages are right because he is a good player.
  21. CBS Sports seems to be the source of the rumour. I find it very unlikely.
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