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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Tavernier isn’t being dropped. He’s being criticised for his defensive play and that’s where Zukowski is weak. I’ve only seen highlights but trust me, he’s got a lot to work on defensively going by the goals he cost his team. Better at dribbling than Tavernier and faster but he’s a backup.
  2. Definitely, he’s not Tavernier’s standard.
  3. 1 out of ten for GVB. The 1 is for making 3 subs at half time.
  4. Even though we’ve controlled the second half we’ve done nothing with it because we’re toothless up front. It would have at least been some sort of consolation to deny them a clean sheet and reduce the deficit.
  5. Certainly helps to have Ryan Jack back on the pitch.
  6. Gets in so many good positions and it comes to nothing every time.
  7. The signing of Diallo is more significant for me tonight. I’ve long thought our supporting forwards/wide forwards just aren’t good enough. It’s only been one game but I think Diallo brings far more creative quality to our front line and much more of a goal threat.
  8. Have to disagree about crowds, they do affect games and our players have been affected by it often enough.
  9. Their songbook must be the most repetitive and mindless in football. Ceeeeltic ceeeeltic followed by oh oh oh oh ceeeeltic and then repeat. It’s mind numbing stuff.
  10. I do have a slight concern in terms of our change in system for this game. Gerrard’s system really worked against Celtic, the two supporting forwards played narrow and blocked the usual passing channels to McGregor and Brown and Celtic couldn’t figure out how to build attacks and we’d eventually get the ball back. Gio’s style is less compact and difficult to break down in bigger games I think.
  11. Potegcoglou might just be trying to throw us off by saying that. Could just be non-contact training he is doing.
  12. That looks like the obvious team to me. You could make the case for having a more defensive midfielder like sands in there instead of Arfield if it’s a 4-2-3-1 type formation.
  13. That team shows them far too much respect. We should going out to dominate a Celtic team without McGregor, Bitton, Turnbull, Rogic and Kyogo. I don’t think we will, but we shouldn’t be setting up to counter attack.
  14. Yeh he said in his interview it was probably too soon. Maybe an appearance off the bench but who knows.
  15. I would love to know the twists and turns that went on through that window. Diallo said talks with Rangers only begun last Monday. RW himself said Ramsey happened very fast. So you have to wonder what the plan was if those players hadn't come up, or worked out. This could be a very different discussion! At the end of the day, he has done exceptionally well to bring both players to the club. And there's every chance he came close to other signings that would have been very good but they didn't work out. There's just no way for us to know, the main thing is we have come out of the window looking very good.
  16. I was wondering where you'd disappeared to yesterday after trying to get us back onto more realistic targets 😀
  17. I don't expect anything to happen. They don't seem to want to lose him at all and we aren't going to be bullied into giving away money.
  18. My expectations were pretty high after we sold Patterson, but had been falling every day since and this time last week I was expecting a couple of loans. I was expecting Ejaria/Ojo type academy players. Diallo, Ramsay and a permanent back up right back has far exceeded my expectations. It's an incredible surprise on the final day. Apparently there is more to come too.
  19. According to Transfermarket he had a muscle injury through December.
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