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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    There is absolutely no evidence the bheasts got anything like that for those players. They are famous for over-inflating the sale price and getting their friendly journos to hyper-inflate the numbers to both appease their own and to try to ensure they get bigger values for other players. The same journos down-play our players values for the opposite reasons. 

    The best example of this was when the sold the Korean player to Cardiff/Swansea or similar and up here they got all the papers to say it was £6.5M and the buying club were forced to say undisclosed fee. The next day that same club bought another player and announced it was for a club record fee of £5M. 

    I think that is very wishful thinking. Those numbers came from respected sources, not Celtic, and I’m sure their accounts were consistent with them. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, craig said:

    Yeah but I guess it all depends on how deals and contracts are structured.  They got more than that for Edouard but also had to stump up 40% sell-on fee to PSG - admittedly that would be the contract between clubs rather than between player and club.  But as has already been said, we may not have gotten Aribo in the first place had we not agreed to a sell-on clause being inserted into the contract.

    All I was saying was that it isn’t true that 10 million isn’t a ceiling for a player with 12 months left on his deal in his Scotland, we know that for a fact. As I said, we had a release clause with Aribo so we didn’t get to find out what we could have got for him. @Gonzo79I’m not sure if you were referring to me but I wasn't complaining about it, it is what it is. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    Agree with most here in that £10M for a player with one year left is about max for a Scottish club to get.

    That isn't true though. They got 12 for Ajer and over 14 for Edouard in the same circumstances. I'd like to think we’d have got around that number if not for the release clause, he's certainly worth it. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    I don't like to tout my own horn, but, I did. 


    I feel the same with Kamara, too. It took some of you a while to come around to recognising Kamara's ability. 

    Absolutely, I had Aribo as the one who would be our record sale a long time ago. Unfortunately the release clause prevents that being the case, he's easily worth more than 10 and he’ll show that in the EPL. And yes Kamara is the other who I think would most easily slot into an EPL side. 

  5. 34 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    You can also look at it this way: we've shat it in the league, but still get a shot at the CL because of our good European performances. 

    Our seeding in particular has given us a great shot at qualification because we are seeded for both rounds. 

  6. On 12/06/2022 at 11:09, der Berliner said:

    Still gutted that our performances over the last three season got Scotland a direct entry into the CL group phase and half a handful of bad games threw away the title and handed the Scum this pot of gold.

    Our contribution to winning the automatic spot was only slightly more than half, it’s a bit of a myth that we won it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Bill said:

    I think James Sands would be a very good asset in our playing staff. Time and again he's been drafted into the team with little or no opportunity to find settled form and has shown a calm head and assured performance. Personally, I think with a chance to play on a regular basis Sands could become a terrific player and could fill a variety of positions.


    I tend not to trust what I read about contracts, fees, salaries, etc but if he's available at a reasonable cost then I see him as a very welcome addition.

    Bearing in mind he's only 21 too, it could be a sound investment if he does well this season. 

  8. Patrick Caskie’s report is well worth a read. The player stats section is particularly interesting. For me, they show how big a miss Helander and Roofe were. Goldson and Bassey’s defensive numbers weren't good, and Morelos’s goalscoring numbers weren’t good enough either, well behind Roofe. His passing/creative numbers were very good but even then, behind Sakala. And the less said about movement the better. 

    Creatively, Kent’s numbers aren’t what they should be either, they really highlight how poor his shooting/goalscoring was, very low expected goals (behind Aribo, Arfield, Hagi wh all played in midfield) and very low dribble success too. Scott Wright shows up surprisingly well and so does Sakala. Aribo outstanding all round. 

    A good squad that could really be improved with a small number of high-quality signings. The team stats busted the myth that we were just as good as Celtic too and they just got lucky breaks, they were well ahead of us in every stat. And we can't risk relying on the injury prone trio of Helander, Jack and Roofe again, as much as I love all three.



  9. 1 hour ago, Frankie said:

    I think we benefitted from an initial bounce after he arrived but it then took some time for Dave Vos to implement his ideas ( he wasn't there immediately and then was ill for a period as well). 


    After that all settled down, there's no doubt we've become a more tactically flexible side under this management team than we were under Gio. Some players have flourished in that (e.g. Wright and Lundstram) but a few others have maybe struggled a wee bit at times (e.g. Kent and Aribo).


    We have to remember we had to play the last 14 games of the season without Morelos or Roofe but we coped fairly well with it. As such, maybe our tactical flexibility was by accident more than design but despite the loss of the league, it has benefitted us for the future. 


    Strengthening the squad in key areas is now the biggest priority. Sign a few quality players (a midfielder, a right winger and another striker) then we have enough to improve domestically and in Europe.

    Yeh he's absolutely earned our trust. Recruitment is huge this summer and I wouldn't mind seeing a shake up (depending entirely on what interest there is in our players). Above all I’d like a quality creative player and a quality striker brought in (Roofe’s injuries are just constant). 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I've got a blind spot with GvB. 


    Even afer the remarkable EL run, I can't get past that bad spell after December. 


    I don't know why?


    I know it's unreasonable to expect him to be sacked - he deserves a couple of windows. 

    It doesn't help for me that, after early success at Feyenoord, he didn't build from it at all. Hopefully he has learned though and can use the transfer windows well at Rangers. His tactical flexibility got us to the EL final so hopefully can start using it domestically too. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Wright was superb. 


    Just the spark of creative energy we needed. 

    It was instantly noticeable how positive he was. The others were doing a lot of passing the ball back whereas he was instantly making penetrating runs, taking guys on or just passing it forward!

  12. Well done to all of them. That was a challenge physically and psychologically. Great to finally win a domestic cup too and break that run. Also good to pull one back on Celtic who have a bit of a lead over us in the Scottish cup now. 

    Special mentions to Bassey, Wright and Jack. I thought Wright was really positive and had a huge impact and deserves credit, he’s can be an easy one to criticise when things go wrong. 

  13. 17 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Arsenal's Ben White scored an OG recently against Newcastle by stretching to cut out that sort of ball.

    I think that’s maybe what it is, you see a lot of own goals from trying to cut out those balls. But absolutely you have to do it otherwise you are leaving it to chance. I don’t think it’s something Goldson does much. 

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