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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Paul Le Guen had bags of experience. Four consecutive championships with Lyon and chose us over Benfica and Lazio. Caixinha had 4 years experience at youth level, 7 as an assistant and 6 as a first team manager before joining. Mccall had 7-8 years experience as a manger. Warburton only 2 years but a brilliant track record at Brentford. I would have liked Steve Clarke because I'm not a gambler personally. But I'm excited about Gerrard and I think he'll be good. Remember he's played under lots of different styles of manager (Houllier, Benitez, Hodgson, Dalglish, Brenda). Furthermore he's been captain most of that time, he's taken responsibility to know the manger's systems well and keep the whole team in line. He was the implementer and enforcer on the pitch of those managers' systems. Add to that that he's a very likeable guy who commands respect due to his reputation and I think we've got ourselves someone with great potential as a manger who will definitely attract better quality players to our club. If it's true he's known about this for 3 months there's no doubt he's been in touch with some potential signings off the record already.
  2. He’s a very likeable guy and knows how to handle a press conference or interview. Even if the press don’t like us they’ll definitely like him.
  3. Incredible stuff if true. You’d imagine there would be a few rich guys who’d want to sponsor Gerrard’s in his first job. Hope it is true.
  4. To be honest he blew most of what he did get in that second season so I don’t think it would have made much difference. Barton and Kranjcar were very expensive in wages. Garner cost £1.8m, MOH 0.5m.
  5. When I was watching the u17 game I thought straight away this must be Warburton’s legacy. Very much a tika taka kind style.
  6. I thought Danny Murphy's comments made it sound like Gerrard was tentative but Des Kelly has said he was "very positive" about it last night so it sounds like he really wants it and it's all down to whether the board can somehow find some money to spend.
  7. Sounds all positive to me. Things can only get better with you pal Kevin Thompson helping them out too. I think Partick Thistle are good at picking up kids at a young age too. I was involved in coaching a very young age group and one kid (foreign origin) was lightyears ahead of the rest and before long Partick turned up. I'm surprised nobody has signed Dembele already. I'm sure they'll get decent money for him. Have to say I resent the way the big clubs nick the best players away for next to nothing. Having said that I've just advocated Rangers doing the same thing in Scotland so I'm a bit of a hypocrite.
  8. Have to say I'm quite surprised by this. They had won that U17 Glasgow Cup 4 times in a row. And to be honest my impression was that Celtic have been better than us at picking up the best players at youth level (Dembele for example). Which one? I was impressed with a few of them. I particularly enjoyed watching McPake. It's very pleasing that he was signed from Hibs. That to me suggests the club are doing a better job than I thought at signing some of the best youth players from other teams. We need to be trying to hoover them up at those lower levels.
  9. It's mad to suggest that the last two games are a true reflection of the difference in quality between the squads. A good manager could do far more with this squad. After 4 meetings this season Hibs are even with Celtic with a win each and two draws, even goal difference is even. Our support have sounded like their support after the 2016 semi. It was a similar scenario where the difference in quality between the squads was totally clouded by 1 team which was totally in tune with it's manager playing against a team who were not. They do obviously have a much stronger squad, but a proper manager and some clever signings in the right positions would make a huge difference.
  10. James McArthur has apparently confirmed his existing contract runs for another 2 years, so he's not going anywhere. He's a £10m player, I guess it was always too good to be true.
  11. This was very clear to see in the final. I was amazed at the boys’ technical capabilities. Moved the ball around on the deck really well and great dribbling ability. I was surprised how physical rather than technical Celtic looked.
  12. Yeh the bit that worried me was where he said Paul Murray had spoken to him personally about the Whyte-Murray deal. That made me wonder if he'd been in touch with him here before going all out in a piece like that. I saw mention of the mobile app contract, but isn't it speculation to suggest this was for personal gain? It seems to me more likely PM's company would have given the club a cheap quote for the work. But it's speculation either way as far as I know.
  13. To be honest I think it's too early to know what to make of it. The article made the case for Paul Murray as a Rangers man and a man of integrity pretty well. We still haven't had an explanation as to why he's resigned. Maybe I'm against the majority here but I think it's obvious there's been an argument between them, and I'm inclined to think Murray had a good reason to resign. If it was all amicable the statement would have been very different and it would have explained what was going on.
  14. I’ve compiled some highlights from the game which you can download from wetransfer via the link below (too big to upload here). No sound For the first few clips. Team looks very impressive. Lots of good players; McPake, Kennedy and Mebude, Paterson and Butterworth terrorised them throughout. https://we.tl/s-A69Irw4SmH
  15. Celtic wouldn't be where they are if Lawwell hadn't put them on a very sound financial footing years ago. I'm much happier having accountants in our boardroom than not.
  16. The timing has to be relevant though. Why today? It's a PR blunder if nothing else. But I still suspect there's been a disagreement.
  17. The resignations are unexplained. If it was to make space for new investors, why on earth wouldn't you announce that in one go? Rather than inviting the press to fill the vacuum with a flurry of negative headlines (which they haven't disappointed with).
  18. Paul Murray is a chartered accountant, which is another reason to worry for me. He has pledged that the club won't get into financial trouble again. Negotiations resume with Gerrard tomorrow - who we know is seeking financial assurances - and the board will have been debating how much to promise him in the transfer market. My best guess is the majority of board members are planning to promise him an amount Paul Murray thought would put the club in financial danger.
  19. I think it's definitely bad for two reasons; If there was a normal explanation they would have given it The timing is terrible for unexplained board resignations, if there was a normal explanation they'd have timed this differently to prevent the perception of chaos at the club Main worry for me is that they've lost confidence in King. Could be they've been asked to cough up more money for Gerrard's warchest too when existing loans aren't being repaid.
  20. Can't be good. It is notable that the article was very keen to heap praise on both, but that could be damage limitation knowing the press will make the most of it. Keith Jackson will be loving it.
  21. This includes not being afraid to set up defensively against Celtic with the intention of counter attacking. Our last 3 managers now have made the mistake of setting up to attack Celtic and each of them caused the club to be humiliated (MW 5-1, PC 5-1, GM 4-0 & 5-0). This has largely been down to not recruiting players capable of sitting in and defending against a better team (defensive midfielders and defenders who can defend). This was Walter's speciality.
  22. Totally agree. "When speaking to BT Sport last April, Gerrard wasn’t shy about revealing the way he wanted his teams to play: “My teams will be physical. Fighting, winning, tackling. Going where it hurts, letting your lungs burn and really digging deep.”" Have to say I really like the sound of Gerrard's style. I know it doesn't mean much without a track record, but I for one will be glad to have a manager who values strength, aggression and tackling for a change. We barely have a midfielder who can tackle. Our centre backs are weak pushovers. Here's hoping Stevie will fix those problems in the transfer market.
  23. Thanks, I'd been looking for a video. Have to say for me it's a huge thing to winning at youth level. The club should make it a top priority to be beating Celtic throughout the youth stages. And ideally in future keeping our best players (Gilmour).
  24. I’m hoping it’s announced before the weekend. Our players will play out of their skins in the remaining 3 games knowing they’re playing to be a part of Steven Gerard’s first squad as manager.
  25. That's what I'm worried about. I wasn't crazy about the idea of Gerrard at first but with all the coverage I've come round. All the Celtic legends and ex managers lining up to "warn" him against taking it has made me want him more.
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