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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 15 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Yes but I'd want a 'target man' striker to be getting goals as well.

    Corners, free-kicks, crosses into the box should be meat and drink for players like that.


    No semi-decent striker of that sort only makes goals.

    I do agree with that, it's quite remarkable he's only manage 1 goal.


    I was just cutting the guy some slack because of his style, we don't know how many assists he's had from knock-downs etc. Most of his senior games to date were played between the ages of 18-20 with probably a good few subs appearances. We'll see tonight!

  2. King is right though about Celtic's reliance on European success. Celtic's expenses last year were £76.5m, compared to £33m for us. Obviously some of that is due to participation in so many European games but even accounting for that, they are spending a lot more than us.


    A little less luck in the qualifiers and they'll be making a significant loss and cutting the cloth. However I think King is till overly optimistic because I think Celtic are in a much better position to deal with a big drop in income than Rangers ever were.

  3. 1 hour ago, buster. said:

    but if you take a look at the latest Sheep striker Sam Cosgrove (6 months younger than Morelos) his numbers don't look too bright

    To be fair that's to do with the kind of striker he is. He was signed as a target man who is good in the air and brings the goalscoring attacking midfielders into the game (GMS, McGinn, Stewart, Christie).


    I've played in a team where one of our best players was a big striker who didn't score. He just beat the oppositions centre backs to the ball every time and lumped it over the top for one our fast wingers to get onto.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'd go for a midfield diamond of:



    Docherty Goss



    With Morelos and Cummings up front.

    A more counter attacking/defensive option would be to swap Holt in for Cummings and move Murphy up top with Morelos. It does feel like a Jason Holt kind of game and Cummings looks off the pace.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    I'd like to see Goss back in the midfield....I think he could add some creativity - he knows how to play a pass, and good from dead-balls.  

    He seemed to be doing OK for a while, then just disappeared from the 1st team.


    I think McCrorie, Goss & Docherty would make an interesting setup - all young, with talent & energy.

    I didn’t have him in my team but I wouldn’t mind seeing him play. We’re not consistent enough with dead ball deliveries and it make all the difference in close games. 

  6. The diamond has worked twice against Aberdeen this season so I don't see why we should change from it.



    I'd go with,


    Tav  Bates Alves Halliday


             Docherty    Holt


               Morelos    Windass (Cummings if Windass not available) 


    Candeias and Dorrans could slot quite well into the diamond too. I know it's very unlikely, but switching to the diamond for the Aberdeen games with McCrorie in the holding role was something Murty was widely praised for.


    Martin starting ahead of Alves is baffling and I hope it changes tonight.




  7. 53 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    McAllister is a Rangers fan

    I’ve seen a few people on here call him a fan but I’m pretty sure he described himself as a Motherwell fan who always liked Rangers. Which I think probably just means he went to a non-denominational school in Motherwell. 

  8. 37 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    That 4-4-2 with Cummings-Morelos partnership didn't work

    I didn’t see t but the report said Cummings was dropping deep a lot. I find that very frustrating, what’s the point in playing two up front if the strikers just drop deep anyway. 

  9. 25 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    Looks like a 4-4-2 today ...




    Tavernier - Bates - Martin - Halliday


    Candeias - Holt - Dorrans - Murphy


    Cummings - Morelos



    Subs : Kelly, Alves, Hodson, Goss, Docherty, Rossiter, McCrorie.


    Last week there was no substitute centre-half on the bench, this week there is no substitute attacker, be that Dodoo, Herrera or O'Halloran.

    4-4-2 :celebrate2:

  10. The club have done really well out of this PR wise. We’ve had the likes of Suarez, Torres, Pochettino and Guardiola talking about us and our manager. A bit of success and I think we’ll gain new fans and generate new revenue for the club that is desperately needed. Last season our revenue was about 18% of Celtic’s. Our fans tend to forget that. 

  11. 2 hours ago, buster. said:

    One for Rousseau to get his teetth into



    Looks like he’s got a lot of experience and he could be a good addition. But to put it into perspective he’s coaching primary school kids at Liverpool, I think “one of the most impressive young coaches in the UK” is an exaggeration...

  12. 37 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    Easy to get carried away with the excitement, but I really like the sound of him. The last couple of months we've looked like a poor man's Arsenal; unplayable on our day and then bullied and spineless another day. Hopefully he'll be going with more of a Bayern/Atletico style which doesn't sacrifice flair and clever attacking play but gives the physical elements of the game their place. 

    In terms of goals conceded we are joint 5th best with Motherwell, 2 goals clear of Killie and 6 of St Johnstone. There’s your problem Stevie, go fix it!


    (just as a by the by, Bayern and Atletico put together have conceded 3 goals less than us in the league this season)

  13. 28 minutes ago, craig said:

    For the avoidance of doubt.... I do NOT think Torres will be at Rangers (but imagine the complete meltdown... by both Bears AND Tims if he DID actually come :D)

    I'd imagine he'd sell a few shirts. Who knows, like Barton he's made his fortune and he won't be in it for money anymore. He might fancy playing in front of 50k for a year before heading for the states.

  14. 4 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    In another way, he is a pragmatist. His playing career was all about winning, even if he ultimately missed out on that much-desired PL crown. Going by his tactical approach as manager with the Liverpool youths, he began with the basics. He opted for a solid back-four in a 4-4-2 diamond, or a 4-2-3-1 in his early matches. Then, in the face of growing injuries to key players, Gerrard switched to a 3-4-3, ushering in a upturn in results. 


    His tactics would change to suit the opposition, while retaining the basic structural set-up. To combat a long-ball team in a European game, he ordered his team to play a high-line. Liverpool won the game 1-4. While in another situation he sought a high pressing start, before dropping into a low block to hit on the counter. It shows a willingness to adapt.

    Easy to get carried away with the excitement, but I really like the sound of him. The last couple of months we've looked like a poor man's Arsenal; unplayable on our day and then bullied and spineless another day. Hopefully he'll be going with more of a Bayern/Atletico style which doesn't sacrifice flair and clever attacking play but gives the physical elements of the game their place. 

  15. 34 minutes ago, craig said:

    coach [redacted] told me last night that he would be at Murray Park today (Monday) and that Torres would be with him".

    This is interesting. Torres is available for free in the summer and he's confirmed he will be leaving. Quality wise he would do really well (he's made 40 appearances for Atletico although most have been from the bench), but it doesn't leave space for a younger player who could make the club money like Morelos. Unless we go with a front 2 which I don't think I've suggested before :)

  16. 40 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    They do seem to be doing ok with it though....

    You're building your house on sand though. It's only worked so well for Aberdeen because Celtic have been more than happy to assist by giving them Christie for a year and half and Mackay-Steven on the cheap. We need to own players who we can sell on for a profit.

  17. 23 minutes ago, pete said:

    Ah but now Liverpool have turned us into a feeder team

    In all seriousness, it would be good to see one quality loan from Liverpool who will walk into the team rather than taking up space on the bench, but hopefully no more than one! Let's not turn into Aberdeen who need to re-construct their squad every season because they are so reliant on other people's players for success. Not sustainable.

  18. 3 hours ago, buster. said:

    Aslong as this doesn't become a case of reuniting all the old players that SG played with/knows.


    IMO we need a core of players in the 22-28years old bracket, two or three more experienced and a handful of 18-21s.



    Safe prediction: This thread is going to be crazy this year.



    He'd be great for us but I'd prefer a younger player. In any case I don't believe it because his contract at Fenerbahce isn't expiring, he's a first team starter with cult hero status so won't be sold on the cheap.

  19. Quote from Daily Star below, sounds good to me.


    "Starsport also understands Gerrard because disillusioned and frustrated with his role at the Liverpool academy.

    Gerrard didn't feel like it challenged him enough or provided him with the sort of intensity he craved - and will now get in Glasgow.

    He also became increasingly frustrated by the fact certain players turned up late for training, despite living close to the club's Melwood training complex."



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