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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. On ‎01‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:27, Soulsonic5791 said:

    I'm not too sure that a midfield three neecessarily works

    I agree, especially when we're not blessed with possession maestros. Coulibaly is not a possession player, he's in there to win the ball back and occasionally burst forward. Arfield has good end product, good off the the ball, vocal and a battler but often wasteful in possession. 


    I think if we go with three against sides like Livingston who surrender possesion to us, we only want one anchor midfielder and two more creative players like Dorrans and Ejaria.


    To be honest, like you, I'm not sure 3 in the middle is that effective in some of those games and we'd probably be better with a more direct approach with Morelos and Lafferty up top on the last man, Middleton and Candeias on the flanks for quick breakaways and crosses into the striekrs, and one ball winner and one ball player in centre mid.


    To advocate 4-4-2 is anathema these days it seems but I think there's at the very least a place for it now and again.

  2. 9 hours ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    I don't think him coming in from wide areas helps tbh. For me it's Laff or Morelos up top. I just can't see them working together

    100%. I’m disappointed in the management for not realising they are two number 9s. Either go 4-4-2 or player a winger instead. 

  3. The problem of how we get there aside, today was another day the current situation benefiting Celtic above anyone else was highlighted. 


    Live commentary of their game and all the pre match lineups and previews being done with Celtic’s stadium music in the background. 


    Just as an aside, I actually find Tom English the least reluctant to be negative about Celtic. He’s actually pretty forthright in doing so when necessary. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Bill said:

    The idea the BBC will be affected by Rangers reinstating press privileges for a BBC reporter is, frankly, devoid of coherent thought.

    Again a bit harsh Bill. Especially conssidering this is a statement of fact and not opinion. Reinstate press privileges and the BBC end their boycott, that’s what they’ve said. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Bill said:

    but unfortunately it's also based on the premise that there is anyone out there with the slightest interest in listening to the Rangers side of the story

    You're assuming that I think that exposing the bias and putting pressure on the BBC publicly will eradicate the bias.


    I don't of course, but I do think that regularly exposing indisputable bias on the BBCs part - in an organised and professional manner - will have an effect.


    The bottom line is that those who hate Rangers within the BBC are the winners right now because they have a free hand to regularly disrespect our club and we are receiving pretty much no coverage of our games. They are loving it.


    Re-instate press privileges for 2 people and I think they will be pretty gutted about it, and we have a less bad situation where hundreds of thousands of Rangers fans get access to coverage of our games, which is not always bias.

  6. 1 hour ago, Soulsonic5791 said:

    how often do you attend Rangers games?

    Why does this matter? It shows a disregard for the (as John said) probably hundreds of thousands who support the club from around the country but don't live near Glasgow or just have other commitments.

  7. 5 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    Is there not a youngster who can step up, a natural striker? He doesn't have to be a goalscorer, just have experience of playing the role. I think that's more important than getting a winger to fill in. 

    Not really, we've loaned out Rudden and Hardie.


    For me the wingers would give you pace and finishing. An alternative would be Arfield who I think would do very well as a link up man and is equally good at finishing, you just lose the pace. Arfield may be the better option but it's all down to how the game is going to be played.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    The semi is just one game so hopefully Grezda or Middleton can play there

    With Morelos and Lafferty out I was relieved we drew Aberdeen because I do think the other two are better just now. I think we will manage with one of Middleton or Grezda up front, both have a record of good finishing and the pace to get in behind. What we might lack is the focal point that Morelos and Lafferty bring as natural strikers who've played on their own up front a lot.

  9. 17 hours ago, Bill said:

    Like what? 

    Well that's the question and it's not possible to get to get consensus on it. I don't think the removal of press privileges achieves anything, it is a bit on the petty side. Bias should be exposed by the club in a professional and organised manner, and pressure should be put on the BBC publicly when and if we are not receiving a fair share of coverage.


    BBC have exclusive rights and they are the devil we have to work with just now, the status quo is disadvantaging ordinary bears (particularly elderly and less well off) all over the country as @JohnMc has explained well.

  10. A very confusing signing. As soon as I saw the youtube footage of him I knew he was mince. Youtube makes Windass look like Ronaldo but they could hardly scrape a couple of decent goals together for Sadiq.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Big Jaws said:

    Middleton has been excellent and his goal is actually a cracker

    As I say I’m not watching the game but delighted to hear it. Everything we’ve seen of him So far has been the opposite of raw. He’s been consistently very effective and I hope that sooner rather than later we’ll have him on the left, Candeias on the right and Kent utilised as the impact player. Just hope Liverpool don’t have penalties in place. 

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