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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. All being well Murphy and Dorrans will be returning too. I think it’s inevitable due to the pressure from fans and media to sign a creative midfielder in particular.
  2. Yes but I based my comment on the fact he’s played almost all their games, and by the looks of the videos been a good performer.
  3. On top of his reputation as a player, Gerrard was instant successful in Europe and has been so professional and classy in his press conferences and I think as a result he is well respected in this country. Caixinha didn’t come with a reputation and made himself a laughing stock on and off the pitch and a really easy target so it was no surprise manager’s picked fights with him.
  4. Not likely. Chicago Fire have a higher average wage than us. If he’s coming for money he’s not being offered a backup player’s wage.
  5. Exactly. I don’t think they’re checking if he’s good enough to be a backup, I think they’re checking if he’s good enough to replace Tav. It looks like West Brom have lived to regret not upping their bid so it wouldn’t be surprising to see them come back in for him. And Polster has been a mainstay at Chicago Fire. Why would he come to play a bit part role in a foreign country.
  6. I think it’s also that he respects Gerrard. You get that impression from the honesty in his comments pre and post match rather than stirring the pot and trying to play mind games.
  7. I have no complaint other than inconsistency. Both Levein and Lennon said after recent games the refereeing performancing was such that it was "like playing against 12 men". Does it really get worse than that? That is a direct claim of bias. Saying there is an underlying issue with Collum doesn't, but it does suggest incompetence.
  8. Just watched the highlights and have to say not for the first time against Hibs and Aberdeen in recent season the huge decisions went against us. Their best chance was Olly Shaw who was easily offside and somehow wasn’t flagged, and then a blatant penalty denied with the ref right in front of it. It’s so frustrating after huge decisions cost us at the end of last season against those two.
  9. I think he has a lot of ability and yes you saw flashes of that tonight, but yet again all we really saw was his potential. He underperformed in the key moments and as a fan of his it was disappointing that he’s still not proving his doubters wrong. There was one moment he got in behind and bizarrely rather than running to the byline he ran inside and passed it back to Jack ??‍♂️
  10. I saw someone say they’d prefer McCrorie over Coulibaly because McCrorie would run himself into the ground for Rangers. Well Coulibaly ran himself into the ground and put his body on the line for Rangers tonight. I feel for him because he’s being forced to play in a more advanced role than he’s comfortable with and his pace, strength and energy are great but he’s never going to be a playmaker and you can’t blame him when his pass is overhit or he fails to slice open the defence. It’s not his game.
  11. I think if Arfield hadn’t got injured we may have won. He has that quality in front of goal and far more creativity than McCrorie.
  12. And I don’t know what’s wrong with Grezda. I’ve been a big advocate of him because I think he possesses the quality but he really isn’t performing. You can see he has it in him but he makes poor decisions and loses composure with general slackness. He needs to get it sorted fast.
  13. Yes but that’s not how football works, teams can pull a performance out of the bag, and maybe they were fatigued, but they gave us more chances than almost anyone this season. I forgot about his chance, I agree. Whilst I think most players performed well tonight and we did so much right it’s not a coincidence or bad luck that we didn’t score. There was a lack of composure in front of goal from Morelos, Candeias, Grezda and Tavernier tonight. They all seemed to just put their head down and blast it with their chances (apart from Tav who just buckled). It may be lack of confidence or just not being able to handle pressure or just lack of quality. The top players have nerves of steel and stay cool as ever to slot home when in the position some of these guys were in tonight. Dare I say it, a certain Josh Windass would have definitely put some away. For all his faults he was exceptional at keeping cool when through on goal.
  14. It’s agonising. Yes we dominated and had all the chances but this isn’t last year’s Hibs team. They are 8th for a reason and you could really see that tonight. Some good performances out there but there were some gilt edged chances that should not have been missed. Candeias’ one was the best chance, he just had to place it.
  15. Virtually no added time in the end, absolute crime there was loads of time lost during the game with players down.
  16. Passing in final third is awful again. Better improve soon.
  17. Grezda is one of those wingers who loves to have the ball at his feet and just can’t bring himself to release as early as he should. I thought Barisic had a great crossing opportunity if Grezda laid it to him quicker.
  18. Think McCrorie brings important qualities to the team. On his day Coulibaly can be brilliant though so happy to give Gerrard the benefit of the doubt on that one.
  19. I think this will be he lineup. In the past Gerrard has picked his centre according to the game type and you could argue Worrall might be more suited to this game because he’s far more mobile than McAuley and Hibs aren’t the kind of team who will rain high balls into the box.
  20. DMAA

    Europa money

    When you see the losses we are still (somehow) making it’s clear just how important this cash influx was.
  21. I think the poor form of our rivals (and our success in Europe) has prevented the necessary scrutiny of our poor performance at times this season. At this stage we have it all to prove and have no reason to boast or gloat. We'll have a much better idea of where we stand in 10 days' time. I'm fearful tbh, although I expect a decent result tonight.
  22. DMAA

    Europa money

    Huge boost, but the associated expenditure will obviously take a chunk out of that.
  23. I'm pleasantly surprised with this guy, he looks technically very capable. He certainly looks better in possession than many of our players. He looks more like a centre mid than a right back on the a ball. If he is good enough defensively he could be a very good signing. Only worry is he is 25 and has only 1 cap. You'd hope for more caps for an American Rangers target. Beasley, Reyna and Bocanega were all over 100. Even Bedoya managed 66.
  24. That’s quite a stat, hadn’t realised they had kept that up from last season.
  25. For a change I think we'll only see one change in the line-up and that will be Morelos in for Lafferty. McCrorie and Jack will be required to protect and defence and I can't see Grezda dropping out for Middleton at this stage. Hibs have their pride and will come at us and that should suit us very well because that is the kind of game we do have a good squad for. Looking forward to seeing Barisic and Grezda continuing to form a partnership on the left.
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