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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Well, fair enough. Maybe times change though, I think we could attract a manager who has a strong track record of success as a manager.
  2. The fact is that Beale has no track record whatsoever in management, a couple of good months and one very bad at QPR. I don’t think we should be appointing Rangers managers based on assistant manager experience, we should be beyond that now. Sigh.
  3. From terrorism to trequartistas. From WMDs to MVPs. It's a great story.
  4. I've been saying all along that Hervé Renard is the obvious choice 🙂
  5. I don’t think that’s a fair point. Dyche has had two full seasons in the Championship and been promoted both times, in 1st and 2nd and with 93 points both times. Those are big achievements with an unfancied Burney side. I’m not in the Dyche camp, I haven’t been watching English football and I don’t know enough about him, but his record in the Championship speaks for itself.
  6. I doubt Seoane is achievable so it’s Knutsen or Bakhar for me, from the very few options I am aware of. Absolutely no chance of our board signing off on a guy called Barak Bakhar as Rangers manager though.
  7. Yeh that’s the one I meant. He has a strong track record, probably too outside the box for our board though.
  8. I mentioned this guy a few weeks back
  9. Let’s be honest, Dyche is not in the “Dear Lord no” category. There are plenty that are. Whatever you think of him he is clearly a competent manager.
  10. DMAA

    GvB future

    A change now, that would have allowed a new manager to use the World Cup break, is looking increasingly unlikely with every passing day. And by the way, Knutsen clinched Bodo Glimt’s 4th successive top two finish on Sunday, finishing 4 clear of Rosenberg. That’s their season finished, so the timing is good.
  11. From day one, his interviews have been a cure for insomnia.
  12. DMAA

    GvB future

    As a fan, I can express frustration when I am increasingly frustrated. What I can’t do as a fan is “contribute” in any way to where we go from here.
  13. DMAA

    GvB future

    This has been an absolute farce. Despite his achievement last season in Europe, major questions remained over Gio's ability domestically. A 3-0 thrashing away to Celtic should not be easily forgotten, nor the loss at Ibrox in April and generally poor style of football. The 4-0 humiliation should have been the end of the road. It was clear at that stage he wasn't good enough. All the wins against the dross in the league only serve to pull the wool over people's eyes. It's a disgrace that we are here 7 points and a humiliating European campaign later and he is still in place. We play an awful style of football, and having made the finance excuse in Europe we are now repeatedly struggling against teams with a small fraction of our finance. Some of us have been saying it for months but it does genuinely seem like the board want to wait until there is nothing left to play for before making a change
  14. DMAA

    GvB future

    Another one is the Maccabi Haifa manager. Don’t know much about him but has a strong CV.
  15. That’s what I was going to say. Shots on target is the first stat I check with us and it’s always very revealing. We are terrible are turning possession into shots.
  16. Not a very strong team if we’re honest. An opportunity for Morelos, Wright and Kamara, hopefully we’ll see some hunger and desire today.
  17. We should be playing 2 strikers, one way or another. It is so frustrating to see us playing Sands instead of Morelos in a game like this. It’s just not necessary. 4-3-3 requires goal scoring wide forwards and we don’t have them.
  18. So much of our play goes through Kent and he’s rubbish. Nowhere near the required standard.
  19. Hoping to see some hunger from Matondo tonight. He needs to be taking opportunities like these.
  20. At this stage, I’d say that’s questionable to say the least. It’s impossible to tell if he will make it with us and he hasn’t made a good start.
  21. People are defensive of King because of his age, but the fact is that there has been a massive drop in quality in that position and it has had a big impact. Unfortunate for King but that injury has cost us.
  22. Of course it’s about ability. Celtic are better than us in almost every position right now. And some of our players have been very overrated.
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