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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 14 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    The English are nuts, but that goes to show that digging your feet in at the right time can hand you some welcome income. Too late for Aberdeen to sign that many players, freebies aside, but a healthy boost for their finances and their own assault on the league title next season! (Yes, I'm being a tad sarcastic here ... )

    A Godsend for Aberdeen. A big loss but £7m is huge for them and gives McInnes the biggest chance he’s had to take them up a level. It wasn’t looking good for them at all with Shinnie and GMS leaving for nothing in the summer. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Crimson Dynamo said:

    Fully agree. As an attacking option Tavernier's contribution to us has been fantastic. 

    The Tavernier criticism has always confused me. People want him hung, drawn and quartered when he's beaten to a header by someone who specialises in that area. But I think there's something wrong when we are so reliant on our right back for creativity. We normally play with 3 attacking midfielders and they shouldn't be shown up in the assists stats by Tavernier, it's not sustainable.


    Arfield is the only attacking midfielder with pass marks on this measure with 6 assists. More than Kent and Candeias combined who have 2 and 3. Mikael Lustig has the same number of assists as Kent and Candeias combined. Let that sink in for a moment.


    If we're going to win a league I think we need more quality in the creative department and I hope Davis alleviates the problem in the short term but I'm hoping that the failure to recruit a real creative player in this window is due to budget and player availability at this time of the year rather than a genuine belief that what we have is good enough.

  3. 1 hour ago, der Berliner said:

    SG said that our business is now more or less done, with the Express saying that the offer for Kamara is still on the table.


    No news on any new Pena loan / or pay-off, or what will happen to e.g. Wallace.

    Yeh it's been disappointing that we haven't got more players out the door because we're still wasting a fair amount of money on wages for players who don't play

  4. 13 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    On papaer that is rather defensive ...



    Flanagan - Katić - McAuley - Halliday

    Jack - Davis - Coulibaly 

    Candeias - Defoe - Lafferty

    Subs: McGregor, Worrall, Houston, Kent, Arfield, Middleton, Morelos


    Essentially, only 3 players attacking, plus Davis the creative man. Would like to see how Flanagan and Halliday push up and support the front line. 


    Middleton's time will come.

    I don’t think we’ll be in a 4-3-3. I think it’s a diamond but we’ll see 

  5. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    It may not be impressive but you also have to consider the style of play each of those players play against.  Hardie & Cosgrove for the most part will be playing against opponents who will be looking to win games against them and will be more open than the opponents that Morelos & Edouard face where it is generally a "park the bus" attitude.


    Statistics eh ?? :D (and by that I mean we can use statistics as much as we want, but without the qualitative they only provide so much information).

    The stats always need a bit of interpretation. The flip side of the points you raise is that Hardie, Cosgrove, Brophy etc would kill to have as many chances as you get playing as a lone striker for Rangers. His record this season is good but with better finishing could be a good bit higher. 

  6. 1 hour ago, stewarty said:

    The problem with that is that Morelos seems to prefer operating as lone striker with wide support.  Any time he's had a strike partner he has been much less effective.  One for the manager and technical coaching staff to work on.

    Personally I think that been overplayed. It’s certainly too early to make definitive statements because he’s played up front alone about 99% of the time. 

  7. 2 hours ago, der Berliner said:

    I pointed the same out with Morelos, who missed three really good chances before actually scoring his goal ... from a tight angle. In other games, such stuff has cost us points ... and not too few. (I blame the whole team for that, not A single player ... yet pointing it out shouldn't be out of question.)

    I agree. Morelos’s goals per minute ratio is 4th behind Hardie, Cosgrove and Edouard which isn’t very impressive. That’s one of the reasons I’d like to see Defoe given a chance alongside him, he’s a natural goal scorer. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    yet almost all his goals were penalties

    I knew the stats were badly distorted by the first season but forgot about all the goals being penalties which is a fair point. There's no question he has a lot of quality in the creative department though, his runs and crossing have been a source of a lot of our goals. And although you mention that 5 have been against low key opposition, the fact is that the team have scored very few against the tougher teams.

  9. For two days. I been going on there very occasionally (prefer Gersnet) over the past 6 months so I still show up as a New member although I've probably had 25-30 or so posts over that time.


    Last night they had another thread on Ryan Kent which had everyone gushing and euphoric about how out of this world he is and - not being a fan as most of you know - I couldn't resist questioning that narrative raising his goals and assists numbers etc. Earlier I'd posted on another thread that I didn't think Morelos was a £20m player. The rest of the comments I've made on there are non-controversial.


    So because of that I earned a 2 day ban and I need to prove I'm actually a Rangers fan ? Utterly embarrassing that you can't dissent from the prevailing hyperbolic narrative without being put on trial for being one of them.


    Are they normally that paranoid and resistant to debate?

  10. 19 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    I believe he's refusing to play

    I searched "Kamara" on the Dundee fans forum and they didn't seem to know whether it was the player or the club to blame and were debating whether he should be played. 


    21 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    I guess Kamara for Rossiter (who I'd expect to leave on loan) adds a bit more creative balance but with 12 central midfield players currently on our books) we need to make some big decisions in the summer.

    It definitely does so I hope it happens. I think best case scenario for Rossiter now is he has a good loan spell and we recoup at least some of what we've spent on him, even if it has to be through loan fees.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    A bit strange this one as I can't see where he's going to feature as it stands.


    Sure, the summer may see us lose players like Davis, Coulibaly and Rossiter but, right now, Kamara would struggle to get into the side.

    That's true. I still think it's best if he comes because it means he's had 6 months to settle in and learn about the way we play and get to know his teammates before the start of next season, whether he actually features much or not. If Gerrard is thinking about utilising the diamond more often I think Kamara would be a useful player to have around too because he's better on the ball than Coulibaly and Rossiter who imo are both best as defensive midfielders. Hopefully Rossiter gets that loan move too,

  12. The fuss the BBC have made over that boy falling over from the slightest contact is a total and utter embarassment. It was no different to countless similar decisions made every week which are forgotten before the final whistle is blown because they are so insignificant.

  13. Apologies not a rumour, but I wonder if the club are keeping tabs on Jason Kerr of St Johnstone. Seems a very impressive young player who only has 18 months left on his contract. I haven't seen much of him but his goalscoring record suggests he's strong in the air and he's very highly rated. With Worrall returning to NF in the summer and McAauley's contract up we'll be down to Goldson and Katic so we'll need new centre backs.



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