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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. He can't possibly keep up with the players he has. He has worked wonders for a second season in a row but with Stewart away I think they'll start to slip down the table. Our failure to beat them was a big one.
  2. From memory Jones went down without any excuse whatsoever, can't be compared to the Defoe incident where the the defender did stick out his leg.
  3. I'm only saying it's a concern I've had, and I did have watching the St Mirren game. Nothing wrong with a selfish streak but I was worried that he was more selfish than usual because Defoe was starting up front with him. I hope I'm wrong because that partnership could really flourish if he had the right attitude with a lot of goals and assists for both of them.
  4. None of that contradicts my point. And I'm not submitting to anything, I've sometimes been concerned at his attitude whilst watching him myself. Just because I'm concerned about his attitude it doesn't mean I don't think he works hard, it's in his own interest to work hard. My concern about his attitude is primarily selfish decision making but also making really unnecessary fouls and getting bookings which will lead to a suspension, I think he's a booking away from one again.
  5. You’ve misunderstood what I’ve said. I said that he is often all about himself in the final third to the detriment of the team. In other words those decisions are to the detriment of the team, not him.
  6. Agree that it's unwarranted to devote an article to it and if you say he did celebrate then there is dishonesty there too, but the article aside I do think that Morelos has a very poor attitude and is often all about himself in the final third to the detriment of the team. I think the contrast to Defoe is valid too who is streets ahead of Morelos when it comes to linking up with and setting up teammates.
  7. Stephen Conroy says only the first one was a penalty. I saw an article on him when he quit refereeing saying "He is regularly at the lower end of the red and yellow card table" so maybe that explains it. He didn't even think the 3rd was a hand ball regardless of where it happened. The boy's arms were up above his head and stopped the cross, it's not even debatable. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-four-penalty-awards-analysed-13945296
  8. If it had gone the other way I think they say it's soft but probably a penalty due to obstruction. You can't stick your leg out and block the striker's path and claim you didn't touch him so it's not a penalty.
  9. The second penalty has been widely conceded to be the wrong decision but I'm not sure why? Defoe knocked the ball past him and the defender clearly stuck his leg out and blocked his path without touching the ball. It's hard to tell from the replays I saw but it does look like there contact too but even if there isn't those have definitely been given against us before.
  10. I didn’t see it, rarely get to games due to having a very young family so normally watch the game on Rangers tv through the week bit by bit. I noticed the shots on goal and on target was much more like it at 25 and 11. Very rare for us to manage that. Possession was very low at 53% though. An interesting contrast to Celtic who won by the same margin a week and a half ago with 72% possession and 20 shots and 9 on target.
  11. 5th time St Mirren have conceded 4 away from home this season so it's a par for the course result for us if we're serious about challenging for the league. I was hoping we would have really made a statement of intent and annihilated them but but it's a good straightforward win ahead of a huge game. Aberdeen's form makes it huge, a loss would be disastrous.
  12. The BBC were sure to include in their report that St Mirren contested 3 of the penalties. Given that about 90% of penalties are contested I wonder if they always remember to include it in their match reports? ?
  13. Yes, and English clubs have a very low view of our league. The player Celtic players who got good money had performed well in the Champions League but Morelos has only played at Europa League level.
  14. 2 and a half years ago... Ross McCormack was the Championship's all time top goalscorer at the time of that transfer (and still is) and at the height of his powers. It is far more difficult to score in that league than ours so Morelos has a lot to do to prove he's as good as McCormack was. He was also signed by a rival club which inflates the fee though.
  15. I'm in the minority here but I think talk of Morelos being a £20m+ player is over the top and premature. The bottom line for me is that it is very hard to tell how good he is in our league. His touch, ball control, passing & finishing can often make him look raw imo. At other times he's rag-dolling centre backs and bringing others into the game very well. As things stand he's about £13-15m maybe, and some of that is potential rather than what he is right now.
  16. Not much known about him but given Chelsea picked him up from Crystal Palace only a year and a half ago he must have something about him. He was described at the time as "the best U15 in the region". Hope the club the keep investing in academy players because I think it's the best strategy to eventually overtake Celtic.
  17. I believe that there is exaggeration but these numbers can't be right, just look at the Aberdeen at Ibrox one. Funnily enough I did notice that the attendance quoted on the BBC's match report of Celtic 2-0 win of St Johnstone did look way exaggerated though. I watched the highlights and the there were loads of empty seats but it said 56k.
  18. I think he'll be eased in and used as a rotation player. A lot of Dundee fans haven't been impressed with him this season. I think that is probably because he's the kind of player who plays better in a possession based team who aren't getting hammered every week. He certainly has the ability to contribute this season once he has settled in, and Gerrard obviously thinks so too given he's spent money on him when he didn't have to.
  19. Well it came from Raman (STV) who I think is pretty favourable to the club. I do still doubt we'd pay that. They seemed as keen for him to go as we did to get him and they are skint.
  20. Delighted, but the fee is apparently £100k which is a bit steep considering we were the ones in a position of strength really. In any case it’s definitely for the best that he comes now.
  21. The fact he is at St Johnstone now shows how carried away our fans very often get with our players. He is technically very capable though and surely a very good signing for them.
  22. It’s actually been denied https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/aberdeen-fc/1667876/no-new-bid-for-aberdeen-defender-scott-mckenna/
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