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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    That's embarrassing.   Aberdeen are diddy team - beating them should be run of the mill, at best.

    I think you have to see it in the context of the pathetic provocation before the game. I mean replacing all the pictures in the corridor with pictures from the semi final really is so childish it’s hard to believe adults made that decision. I don’t think they’d have rubbed it in as much if it hadn’t been for that. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Bill said:

    You're referring to my post #1439 which (if you look more carefully) wasn't a response to anyone, even to you. It was that seemingly confusing thing ... posting a personal opinion without engaging in a conversation with anyone, even you. Y'know, an original thought.


    It can be a problem when you think everything is about you. You can even start to think people are being snide. Best try to fight it. ?




    Just going to roll my eyes and move on. 

  3. 35 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Never mentioned this dive strangely enough!

    To be fair to him that's because the newspapers didn't tell him about it and the BBCs highlights didn't show it either. Nobody knows about Brown's tackle and Burke's dive but every fan in the country's knows about Defoe's "dive" and MacGregor's "leg breaker".

  4. 4 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Nothing will change until you choose not to pay.

    Most of us are law abiding and, if nothing else, at least want to watch Rangers live on tv so this isn't an option available to us.

  5. On ‎06‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 23:37, Bill said:

    If you watch or listen to the BBC you deserve the aggravation.

    When I posted a quote from the match report this was your response.  It's just tiring to keep getting responses like this when we post something on this thread. 


    To respond to your snide comment on "trying to earn ingratiating points", I wasn't inferring that you were critising 26th specifically so I wasn't defending him specifically. I just repeated the reason for our comments on this thread and stated that he (in particular) does a good job.


    We know your view, put-downs like the comment above aren't necessary when we've already had that conversation.

  6. 47 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    Plus every time I hear the Roos County owner McGregor speak I'm more convinced he's really a bluenose. 

    Well he’s certainly a church-going Presbyterian. Whether he has an affinity for Rangers or not I think it’s very unlikely he would have much against us. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ranger_syntax said:

    We've already been over this.


    It is not taxpayer funded.

    That’s a bit pedantic. In Britain unless you don’t watch live tv all year or watch anything made by the BBC it’s a basically a tax you have to pay. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    I know I am repeating points made on another thread.


    On BBC Radio Scotland, Pat Bonner's half-time report mentioned Brown's challenge as a possible red card. It was not raised at full time. Sportscene did not include a knee high challenge in five turgid minutes. Nothing to discuss, it was vanished.


    This is strategic, BBC Scotland did not want anything to run interference with their Rangers/Morelos/McGregor narrative.

    Not to mention the Scott Brown is amazing narrative that they’ve had going for a number of years now. He’s not someone they want negative coverage of. 

  9. 19 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    Sportscene spat the most venom

    Very well summed up. I was quite shocked how for our first goal they didn’t say one good thing about us, they just talked about Aberdeen’s defending as if it was a Red TV post mortem. The second goal was rightly lauded in the live half time report on the radio as absolutely brilliant but sportscene spent about 5 seconds on it and again they focused more on poor defending because Morelos was given space. I genuinely couldn’t believe how little time they spent on that goal. And they didn’t show or mention Defoe’s goal in the analysis, again shocking. They put all their effort into setting up the narrative for the rest of the week. 

  10. Oh my word you couldn’t even make up how biased they are in describing the incident. Absolutely staggering. 


    But as the two tussled for the ball, the Aberdeen defender fell and Morelos lashed out at him - as he had done in the opening match of the season at Pittodrie. But McKenna was no innocent as he too looked to jab a foot at the Rangers striker as he tumbled to the ground.


    Morelos leaving a foot in is “lashing out” whereas McKenna only “looked” like he maybe perhaps jabbed at foot at him. Maybe? Also they remind the audience that Morelos has done this before. But don’t remind them that it was rescinded because McKenna’s provocation which was just as violent wasn’t spotted. 

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