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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 21 hours ago, Big Jaws said:

    Before this final takes place I'd caution not to expect too much from our lads as this Roma team are in their last year at this level and its noticeable as they look much more mature, both physically, mentally and their all round play

    I know it’s simplisitic but looking at the scores of both sides you wouldn’t say they were definitely ahead of us, our results have been very impressive. 

  2. I wouldn't risk Defoe's hamstring on a home game against St Johnstone. 


    I'd probably go with Arfield up front due to his finishing and link up play. I like Middleton but I think if we go with the high press I'd prefer Arfield to lead the line and be physical with the defence. 


    Kent is an out and out winger, he doesn't have the finishing, passing or heading ability to play as a striker imo.

  3. 3 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

    I enjoy the Record Rangers podcast. Scott McDermott was bang on about Morelos's second, I had thought the exact same when I saw it. He said he hadn't seen "that type of finish" from Morelos until now. That finish was the highlight of the game for me because I've mentioned before my concern that Moreos lacks a bit of technique and finesse with his finishing, he seems to go with his laces almost every time. That finish was very exciting because for me it showed he has more potential than I realised and in all honesty more ability than I realised.

  4. I don't think this was mentioned elsewhere. I hadn't realised that the Simunovic elbow in the head incident was looked at by the compliance officer but was thrown out due to "insufficient evidence". Apparently Oli Shaw looked unconscious afterwards. 


    Interestingly Simunovic has a history of elbowing his opponents in the head when going in for a header having been sent off against us last season after doing the same to Morelos.


    I wonder how they came to the conclusion there was insufficient evidence. Sportsound actually raised a good point with regards to this in that Celtic can afford the best lawyers and this can deter the compliance officer with incidents like these.

  5. 5 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    If Radio Scotland continue to refuse to cover Rangers equally they should be forced to allow other stations to provide a coverage

    That’s an excellent point. Why should they have a right basically to make sure we’re not covered? Rangers should be trying to get removed from that contract ASAP. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    and McKenna is treated like a victim who made a mistake whether he started it or whether he retaliated.

    And his off the ball barge on the first day of the season is good old Scottish defending at it's best and nothing more than the tricks of the trade, something we should all be proud of as patriotic Scots.

  7. You don't need to look further than the reaction to both Morelos - McKenna incidents. The first, McKenna violently barges Morelos off the ball completely unprovoked and Morelos understandly retaliates by swinging his leg at him at he goes flying. It was almost beyond belief who little the provoking barge was mentioned, nobody questioned whether it was worthy of a yellow, red or being looked at by the CO. 


    The second, I do believe Morelos was being a bit naughty and was trying to tread that line where he annoys his opponent as much as possible without doing anything worth of being sent off for. He follows through a bit and for me he tries to put his foot on McKenna without actually applying any force, very similar to what he did to Ralston and similar to the MacGregor-Ajer incident. Not at all similar to the first day of the season incident which some have bizarrely compared it to.


    McKenna's reaction to this was probably the most psyochotic reaction to anything you're likely to see on a football pitch this season. But he's a lucky boy because Morelos was the recipient of his kung fu kick and that means his incredible retaliaton is ignored and Morelos is crucified for his minor offence. If McKenna's retaliation had been similarly minor there is absolutely no question it would have been two yellows.


    Those two incidents are the best proof of bias in the BBC and Scotland's press today, whether it is conscious or unconscious. Morelos is scrutinised to death and crucified for the slightest provocation or retaliation and McKenna is treated like a victim who made a mistake whether he started it or whether he retaliated.

  8. I find the CO conspiracy theories very hard to believe. Are people forgetting that up until now the same conspiracy theories have largely come from the other side this season after, despite lots of pressure from the media, Morelos had a red card rescinded, MacGregor got off with an off the ball kick and Morelos got off with a few incidents in the old firm.


    I'm not saying any of those were the wrong decision but if there was a conspiracy those decisions wouldn't have gone the way they did.

  9. Does everyone still think the diamond was at fault for the last game at Kilmarnock? I thought we looked far less threatening tonight than we did that night, where we lost due to two individual errors. That was a much more familiar 4-3-3 away performance than Pittodrie where we played a team too proud to sit in. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:


    I mean living with a TV with a receiver is avoidable.  You can get as much Rangers info and footage as you want without one.


    You still have to pay it if you don’t have a TV if you watch live tv on a laptop or mobile device. 

  11. And in all honesty if I was in Alfie’s shoes I’d be desperate to get out of Scotland. Imagine being able to enjoy your football and not being booed for 90 minutes by the oppositions fans and getting fouls given against you for competing for a header?

  12. Just to correct a couple of things said in this thread, McKenna’s ban is a 3 game ban just like Morelos’s. And the additional game for both Morelos and McKenna is because it’s their second red of the season, nothing to do with appealing. 

  13. One thing you notice about Morelos is how they constantly refer to his "4 red cards" as evidence that he's a psycho.


    The 1st red was rightly rescinded,  2nd and 3rd were double yellows (only 1 of the yellows was "naughty" from memory, and the 4th will hopefully be rescinded too because what he did doesn't come close to the "brutality" criteria whichever way you look at it.


    I think he is very impulsive and has a discipline problem but that has been blown well out of proportion by the media after this "4th red of the season". For the most part I think it's about creating drama and selling papers.

  14. It's a waste of time and it isn't. I'm sure the BBC have policies and procedures in place that require them to record the number of complaints and what they related to and have those numbers could be important one day. If London ever did take an interest and investigate a little bit you wouldn't want PQ to be able to say they hardly received any complaints. Having said all that I'm being a bit hypocritical because I've hardly got the will to bother myself.

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