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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. I think Transfermarkt is more reliable. It has Kent on 30 appearances and Murphy on only 22. Numbers like these are always only an indication though and don’t tell the full story, we’d definitely agree on that.
  2. No no that’s not what I said. “..works hard and looks like he’s unplayable but then when you look at output only he performs poorly consistently” By output I mean mainly goals and assists and clear cut chances created. I’ve agreed that he brings plenty to the team.
  3. Fixed that for you ? I feel Kent flatters to deceive, works hard and looks like he’s unplayable but then when you look at output only he performs poorly consistently. Murphy the opposite, gets a lot of criticism from the fans but actually produces quality assists and finishes quite consistently. That just basically how I see it.
  4. Calm down I just misunderstood you because we had been talking about assists. We don't that know for sure, they probably don't themselves until the transfer window comes and they see what options are out there. Whether I would be disappointed or not would depend on how much of our budget we spent on him and partially how Grezda does for the rest of the season. With Murphy returning too it's probably not an area of the team I'd want to throw a few million at.
  5. Kent wasn't involved in Arfield's goal @ian1964 I think you're thinking of something else and for Jack's it was Halliday who was sucking players over making out that he was going to cross it, he passed to Kent who took a heavy touch and then got a toe to the ball to knock it to Jack who scored against the odds from distance. The penalty again he literally just got a toe the ball and got taken out, to call these "assists" is fine in terms of a literal definition but in reality is very flattering. Look he's a good player and brings something to the team, for me he's just overrated and a fit Murphy would bring more end product (goals and assists) to the team despite looking less dangerous.
  6. Well it’s another jammy one isn’t it. There’s a big difference between giving Morelos an open goal as Candeias did twice at Killie and those two “assists”. I’ve no reason to be biased against him, he’s a Rangers player and he brings something to the team, I obviously just judge a player in his position a bit differently to most people.
  7. DMAA

    George Byers

    Interesting that he's at the same club as McKay and McBurnie. Always good to be aware of Rangers fans because it can make all the difference when trying to sign a player.
  8. Shinnie's positions definitely aren't ones we desperately need to strengthen and there's an argument to say let's concentrate our resources on the weaker positions. However (annoying the life out of Aberdeen fans aside) Shinnie has leadership qualities to go along with a lot of ability and he's definitely a player I could see being part of a league winning squad. Sadly I doubt he'll choose to invite so much (pathetic) hatred upon himself if he has options in England though.
  9. He's a conundrum for me because yes he one or two outstanding qualities, but the rest of his play isn't outstanding and that is why his assists and goals are low, no other reason. His pace is frightening and he creates havoc but there will always be that lack of quality with his end product IMO, whether it's a cross, pass or shot. He almost never gets "put on a plate" type assists like we saw from Candeias yesterday and Wednesday. Kent was actually lucky to get an assist to his name yesterday because he just played a normal backwards pass to Jack and Jack did the rest.
  10. Bang on the money there. Some seem to think we need to get the world to change, public opinion on that stuff isn’t going to change so it’s a waste of time to argue that it somehow needs to. Then your point on Clarke just proves the point that even if people understand the word as political it is clearly used purely in reference to religious heritage sometimes.
  11. Sorry but everyone knows that the sectarianism in Scottish football has nothing to do with actual religion or beliefs, it’s just tribalism, us and them. In fact a good dose of Christianity would do most of them a lot of good.
  12. If Kamara does get the nod it really is a testament to his hard work and ability to force his way into the starting 11 so quickly. Not many of us saw that coming so soon.
  13. I think you've probably got the line-up right bar Lafferty, I think Gerrard prefers Defoe. I'd personally prefer a 4-4-2 with both on and Arfield dropped but I don't see it happening. Jack and Kamara are very suited to a 4-4-2 I feel as they are all round box to box type centre mids. I'd like to see Middleton get more game time too but again it's unlikely because the manager prefers Kent and Candeias to play the 90. I feel we lack width and runs behind the fullback from the left with Kent at times and Middleton deserves 10-15 minute cameos at least for experience.
  14. Yes I agree with that. Almost like he saw it as revenge telling everyone.
  15. Another unfair criticism I think. Do you think the Rangers board would be happy with him telling the world he'd been approached? The professional thing to do was not to tell and that's probably what the board asked him to do when he turned it down.
  16. That comment wasn’t in response to your point about him being losing respect or credibility as a football manager, I had already commented on that. It was a general response to the topic and based on lots of comments I’ve seen by fans across lots of platforms like Twitter and FF since the game as well as how many sang the song on the night itself.
  17. Great statement from the club. The demonisation of Clark is out of order and way over the top with all this stuff about "auditioning for the Celtic job". He was being targeted online by Celtic fans for highlighting that invading the pitch was illegal and lots of faces will have been caught on camera (in other words do something about it Police). He said he feared for the safety of his players too. If he'd said those things about us there'd be uproar about how much he hates Rangers. People are talking about him like he's the devil incarnate and fair game for unlimited abuse, some people need to just calm down.
  18. He was affected it was clear as day he was emotional because it was personalised, an offensive word was used because of his background. He was also asked about it he didn’t bring it up himself. And anyway my point was about mocking him for not being able to take it which I think is out of order.
  19. I understand that people don't like him but I don't think we should be mocking a man because he's not "manly enough" or whatever not to be affected by those kind of chants, which he's almost certainly never experienced before on that level.
  20. Of course you are right that people use a word like fen1an but don't actually have anything against RCs at all, but your logic could also be applied to singing about Jews and blacks etc. etc. who also have also had chants aimed at them by football fans. It's just not worth it, sing about football or avoid literally a couple of words and a lot of ammo against the club vanishes. It's not going to happen until strict liability comes in but I don't know why people are still digging in their heels on this.
  21. Good question. I actually felt Sportscene and even Michael Stewart were refreshingly balanced for a change last night so it's annoying but predictable that the website has stuck with the anti-Rangers party line.
  22. They were fine actually. I think they’ve wearied of the obsession over refereeing decisions like the rest of us. They decided to start positive and talk about Morelos. Then both thought the Brophy incident wasn’t a penalty and Thompson thought it was a red whilst Stewart said he changed his mind and didn’t think it was. Due to Clarke’s strong post match comments they commented on sectarianism and Thompson was careful to avoid criticism from the Rangers fans and mentioned this happened at the weekend with Boyd too. Stewart feels strict liability needs to be looked at and unpopular as it is I agree tbh it’s embarassing that so many are chanting that kind of stuff during a football match. Also, they had 15 minutes of highlights which is brilliant for anyone who didn’t see the game!
  23. Just seen it on Premier just now, there’s absolutely no question he deliberately moved his elbow into his face. Although Kamara probably made the most of it the outrage from the BBC and Premier sports commentators is totally hypocritical in light of how they treated McGregor and Morelos’s very similar transgressions this season. There was certainly more contact here than Morelos made on McKenna so the way it’s being treated is very frustrating.
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