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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 13 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    but is their much to be learned playing at Lowland League level? 

    No, they’d be as well releasing him

  2. Morelos being linked with Leicester and Dortmund is great for Rangers but tbh I find both hard to believe. Personally I think the £20m price tag Robertson slapped on him is an attempt to push his price up further but I can't imagine us turning down £15-18m tbh. I still think Morelos is not great with the ball at his feet, shows a lot of the ball to the defender and his passing and touch are very hit and miss. Our fans don't care as long as he ragdolls whoever is marking him and ideally gets on the scoresheet but it's very different at the level of those clubs where they expect their lone striker to be far more comfortable taking the ball in to feet than Morelos currently is.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Bill said:

    If it had to happen then why not the back few rows of one of the stands?

    I don't think the UBs want that, I think they want to be front and centre and easily visible on TV ideally

  4. 1 hour ago, JohnMc said:

    You call it 'safe standing' if you want, it's terracing, pure and simple, that's what it is whatever you choose to call it today.

    John, I'm too young to comment on terracing but having a look on google images I have to say the two do look very different. Terracing looks dangerous, "safe standing" looks far more like what we already have than terracing. Everyone has their own assigned seat (whether they use it or not), and every row is separated by metal barriers. I'm not overly fussed by the issue but I honestly don't see a safety problem, I think practical implementation in the stadium is a bigger deal and keeping any "hooligan culture" in check.

  5. 8 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    It is incredible headlines by the Scottish gutter press! easy money for making up shite! can't believe people still buy newspapers! can't believe people believe the shite the Scottish gutter press spew!

    Yeh I think the Sun just wanted to be the first to get that story out there but there's no chance of it happening, he's not a Brendan Rodgers style striker at all

  6. 2 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'd just like all the overly sensitive old grannies to go back and do what they did before and leave the glorious tribalism of football rivalry alone.


    Even if Rangers fans ditch the more questionable songs, the Nats, the BBC and all that lot will only find something else about us to get offended about. Testicular fortitude is required - subservient lickspittles less so.


    No Surrender. 

    It’s a bit childish to describe those who support the club here the way you do. You can have all the tribalism you want but why do we need to sing anti Irish and anti RC words when we have both Irish and RC players and have for a long time? I wonder if Barisic, Katic, Morelos, Flanagan and co would prefer if we stopped singing “F*** the Pope” and “fen1an b******s”. 

  7. On ‎27‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 13:08, JohnMc said:

    Rodgers being in England might come back and bite us in the summer. I could see him being interested in Alfredo for example, and Kent too.

    I think it's far more likely he'll be interested in the likes of McGregor and Tierney. Kent is not an EPL player, if he doesn't come here he'll go to the Championship. Leicester would be too big a step for Morelos imo too but bottom half EPL is possible for him if he keeps improving and working on his technical game.

  8. The UBs ironically hold the key to solving the problem of the dark side of the songbook. Surely the club could grant them some privileges on the basis of an agreed set of rules, with basically a type of strict liability. The UBs are in a unique position in that they largely dictate what is sung in the stadium, the club should be using that to their advantage surely. 

  9. Good score but we wasteful in front of goal. I thought Morelos and Kent gave away the ball a lot in the final third. Kamara, Jack and Arfield looked very good, they make a very good trio and had some very good interchanges. Kamara is a huge improvement over McCrorie/Coulibaly in those kind of games, we needed more technical ability and he’s brought it. Aberdeen will be a big test for him afte ran easy start though. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    Scraping through tonight isn't enough, we need to win comfortably and send a message to Celtic and Lennon that we're breathing down their necks and from here on in we are on league winning form.

    As an extension to this, we need to be in the mindset of thinking about goal difference with these games. Celtic won this fixture 5-0 and (although every game is different and unpredictable) I think Gerrard will and should be going in aiming for something similar to close the goal difference gap which has opened up.

  11. Talk sport is a hilarious listen just now, on the wind up big time! “Rodgers was scared of Gerrard” and “nobody cares if the treble treble outside of Glasgow” and stuff like that, they know the tims will be absolutely seething and they’ll get a reaction out of them every time

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