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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Centre back. As the number 5 in that position I doubt he’ll make an appearance this season.
  2. Have to say I was impressed with Edmundsson with the ball at his feet. Initially thought it was Katic and he’d improved his passing and touch. It’ll be interesting to see how he does more generally because he seems a very decent addition.
  3. A bit pedantic. It’s a phrase often used in reference to defenders of a certain standard.
  4. Brilliant article. Sounds like he will do very well in our league but some of the hype is out of control and people need to remember we are signing a player worth £3.5m not £35m, he will have a mistake in him and won’t win every header etc.
  5. I think he will too, he’s not my type of player though. Similar to Kent he’s very much a man to run at defences rather than one with the same ability when it comes to playing key passes or scoring goals. Certainly has a role to play but I prefer Murphy and Stewart in terms of style of play.
  6. On the basis of no evidence whatsoever I am ejecting Katic and bringing Helander into my strongest 11. Still think Murphy and Stewart will suit that position beside Arfield but have to give it to Ojo for now.
  7. Interesting, means he’ll miss out on the youth champions league doesn’t it?
  8. I'm pretty sure the talk is that there will be another fairly big signing being made, but I don't know what that means. You need three very good centre backs going into a season so I think it's pretty clever.
  9. http://i67.tinypic.com/2u3vbr8.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DxxHeYSWkAAReoF.jpg:large I knew I'd seen stats somewhere. The first link is the whole season and second link is first half of the season at Shrewsbury. On this evidence it's hard to deny he actually looks far more suited to playing further forward, his defensive and passing stats are surprisingly poor!
  10. Derek Clark is a Rangers fan, he’s just referring to the rumour nothing serious
  11. Yeh difficult one to call but I’ve always seen him as a box to box player too. Certainly get the benefit of his tremendous fitness that way. Having said that it’s early in his career and I can see why @alexscottislegend suggests playing him in that position with the likes of Davis, Kamara and Jack taking on the greater responsibility of dictating the play. He’s also stronger going forward than defensively I think.
  12. Comes across as a likeable guy with leadership skills
  13. No idea but some scout guy on twitter said he’s very good defending deep so....
  14. Brilliant news, should be a big season for him and good that he can play in Glasgow.
  15. He was similar to Kent on a stats graph I saw, way ahead of the pack when it came to attempted and successsful dribbles. From memory less so when it came the assist and goal related stats. If we don’t get Kent you can certainly see the role Jones could play. If we do I’ll be scratching my head if I’m honest, and I think Jones will be too.
  16. Definitely agree with you on that. I still kind of suspect Gerrard is appeasing the fans by making out that we are desperate to get him. Of course I could be totally wrong.
  17. I think the Ejaria comparison is more valid in relation to Aribo because I think the two positions have slightly different pitfalls. And I think there is more reason to be hopeful than there was with Oduwa, you can see in his highlights reel real ability at a fairly high level (Championship) which wasn’t there with Oduwa. As I’ve said previously Ojo has more ability than Kent from what I’ve seen but needs to show the work rate and desire we saw in Kent to succeed.
  18. According to Transfermarkt he’s just had loads of injuries.
  19. Yeh they are rotten. Only a world class save at the end kept them in the competition.
  20. Good question. For me the centre back needs to be someone at least as good as Katic. Left back still a question, Kilmarnock turned down 500k from Nurnberg for Taylor, at 21 and a Rangers fan you have to wonder if that’s one we could regret in future. We have so many players in the rest of the squad it’s hard to say though. Being honest I think we could probably do with 1 more quality playmaker in the middle.
  21. I see him as the opposite of Kent in many ways. He has all the technique in the world, great passing ability and vision. Kent has none of that but everything McKay lacks, work rate and explosive pace. I’ve often used McKay as an example when explaining why I don’t like Kent, I much prefer a technical player who produces (and can pass) even if he doesn’t look interested sometimes.
  22. I'm a big fan of Barrie McKay and tbh I think we've missed what he offers since he left. Hope the move works out for him.
  23. Very surprised St Joseph's got that away goal and held them 1-1. You'd think Gibraltar would easily be the preferred place to play. Just checked and it's about 8-10 degrees cooler.
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