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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 55 minutes ago, onevision said:

    Let's remind ourselves, this is a team of part timers and although there are no "easy ties" anymore this one should be nothing more than a formality. 

    I agree, I'm not nervous about this at all. I was just making the point that their best strategy is to sit back and wait for us to get bored and attack them so that they can counter attack. If they do this I'd be fine with us taking it easy and not worrying too much about the scoreline. As I say we should aim to suck them up the pitch with our possession play so that it's easier for us to get in behind.

  2. 32 minutes ago, onevision said:

    Unlike the guys on the gersnet podcast who were a bit to apprehensive about this tie for my liking i can't see and will not accept anything other than a convincing victory tonight.

    Anything other is a step backward imo.

    You have to bear in mind though that Progres's gameplan will be to counter attack. If they don't come out why should we expend serious amounts of energy trying to break them down and expose ourselves to counter attacks in the process?


    I'm pretty sure the game plan will be to take it easy, control the ball and pull Progres up the park so that we can get in behind them. We are 2-0 up and have an important game in 3 days, this is about seeing the tie out without any injuries and with as little effort as possible. That's why I expect a modest victory (unless they do in fact play into our hands).

  3. 3 hours ago, Frankie said:


    I'd be happy with that team. Aribo looked very good in the more attacking role against Derby so it may even be an option to swap him with Docherty there and move Kamara to the left side.


    I suspect that he'll stick with one the attacking midfielders in the position though, probably Ojo.

  4. 57 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    I have suspected for a long time there is collusion in some form between Ashley and Desmond but have no proof? It may even simply be verbal agreements or through mediators but you certainly have a point imo DMAA. 


    Quote below from this piece


    I also know that this is just the start because I outed a shed load of financial shenanigans involving Dermot Desmond and his band of merry men -including Mike Ashley- and a bunch of crooked E.U politicians who also appear in the off shore papers, in a blog I did back in 2014 called Operation E.U Tree which you can read by clicking below.

    Here's the piece he references in the quote above



     And a couple of quotes from it here


    Charlie McCreevy is very CLOSE business and social friends with Celtic Football Club owner Dermot Desmomd. Infact in one rare newspaper interview From 23 OCTOBER 2004 titled “Inside the mind of Dermot Desmond” he speaks of his admiration for former Finance Minister Charlie McCreevy


    He goes on to document a number of business links between Desmond and McCreevy and then he says



    A note for Rangers fans is that Charlie McCreevy joined the board of Sports Direct International plc on 31 March 2011 as a non-executive director. Owned by Mike Ashley who has an involvment with the Club as a major share holder.


    I don't know the details of this, what are the facts behind him saying Ashley is in Desmond's "band of merry men"? It's proof of nothing but still worrying stuff given what seems coordinated and obsessive sabotauge of Rangers Football Club by Mike Ashley. Seems to me that the line that "we crossed him and he doesn't like being crossed" might just be the perfect cover story for him.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Bill said:

    I'm not sure it's in the best interests of this website to be calling people "fraudsters".

    I'm not speaking on behalf of the website it's a personal opinion, and I don't think anybody is going to combing through fans forums looking for people who've said things about them that they can't prove. The police went as far as arresting him for fraud remember, they probably just didn't have enough hard evidence.

  6. Apparently there are links between Ashley and Desmond. He's apparently played golf with him in Barbados, he appointed one of his closest long term associates to the Sports Direct board. It seems every deal/contract Ashley tied Rangers into with the help of fraudsters like Green were designed to cause the ultimate harm to the club. £1 for the Ibrox naming rights, 7 year notice period, almost all profit for shirt sales going to SD. How isn't this a police matter? This isn't just a clever businessman this looks like a coordinated attempt to sabotauge Rangers' recovery.

  7. 6 hours ago, Franc Ergs said:

    Don't think anyone will be buying Kent at Liverpool's 10m asking price, and he's not going to play for them either, so bit of a stalemate really.


    He's been a bit of a footballing nomad the last three years, five clubs i think ,and from his perspective maybe he just wants to be settled somewhere,.. i know i would.

    I would be very surprised if anyone spent that on him. I feel sorry for him because they are overvaluing him and as a result he’s stuck at Liverpool when he should have signed for someone earlier in the window. I hope they lower their ask and someone signs him for his own good. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    I don't think Gerrard admitted a final end to the Kent pursuit. Among other things he said when questioned about the Kent deal was initially a somewhat irked retort of something like and 'what does that have to do with this match?'

    I thought it was a total slapdown and he wasn't going to talk about it but he then said "Where we are right now, yes" meaning basically nothing more to say beyond that but he worded it in such a fashion that there could still be some twists to come.  

    I haven’t watched the interview but I think it’s pretty final. Both managers have said the loan is not on. Gerrard admitted he hasn’t even asked how much a permanent deal would be (that’ll shock a few). The word from Liverpool sources all summer has been that they want sales for their fringe players and that’s finally been confirmed. I think we’ve known for a while what the situation is and have moved on, it’s not like Gerrard will have been in the dark by Klopp. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Bill said:

    Of all clubs, we should know the consequences of gambling with European income. Are you really suggesting we learn nothing from the past 8 years?

    Far from it. I said "unless our hands are tied". If the board look at the numbers and decide we need a Morelos transfer fee now then so be it. If not then that asset will still be there in a year and if he is willing to stay we have a real shot at winning the league and opening the door to crucial revenue generation. Of course if Mark Allen and his scouts decide they have player lined up who will be just as good then that is another matter but that isn't likely.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Bill said:

    We do know the financial details set out in the clubs annual accounts and they quite clearly demonstrate that without a significant player trading surplus we simply cannot pay our way. Where's the ambiguity in that?

    I agree, but as above we appear to have a squad capable of winning the league and qualifying for the Champions League qualifiers. Qualifying for the groups is worth £60m last I heard. It's a case of speculating to accumulate unless our hands are tied. Sell Morelos (without an equally good replacement) and our league hope more or less die.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Bill said:

    I think the club needs the money, no matter how badly the team needs the players. With our merchandising income hobbled by SD and the European trough more and more difficult to access, we simply have to boost our income by whatever means is open to us - and right now that means selling our best players.

    We don't know the exact financial details but the counter argument to that is that you have to speculate to accumulate. We might have a good chance at winning the league this season. The Champions League is the only real big money prize available to Rangers. Qualifying even one season would allow us to fast forward financially about 10 years. Getting to the groups isn't unachievable either, Celtic's route to the Champions League groups this season looks far easier than our route to the Europa League groups (depressing as that is).

  12. On ‎25‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 12:34, DMAA said:

    £4m on McBurnie is well worth it. Big potential for resale value, and a proper target man with goals in him who is a Rangers fan. If we miss out on him now I think he'll be outwith our reach financially till he's in his 30s.


    19 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    Thread necromancy!

    Shameless smugness on my part @der Berliner, I couldn't resist it

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