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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. Definitely. It can be intensely frustrating playing in a poor team (offensively) as a forward player because it can make you look rubbish. I myself know even from experience I can look the worst player on the park one week and the best the next week depending on the players around me and their style of play. Jones and Stewart both look like they are going to enjoy their football this season.
  2. And by the way that's Ojo now half way to Kent and Candeias's goals total from last season and it's only the 12th of August
  3. Well it's very easy to get carried away at times like this. Instead moaning about our favourite subjects like the number 10 we never signed we're moaning about wastefulness in front of goal after scoring 6 goals. Not a bad place to be ? So many positives from that game though. Jordan Jones has surprised me again. His "secondary assist" for the second goal was sublime. When he signed I saw him as very similar to Kent and his stats at Kilmarnock backed that up. But he actually seems to be better than Kent at a good few things. He's shown great vision on a number of occasions in the last couple of games and actually gets balls in the box. Again, I'm really surprised because in pre-season I thought he was confirming my impression of him and had that "poor man's Kent" look about him. Looking to dribble all the time and at best winning a free kick, rather than actually finding key passes and getting the ball into dangerous areas. I still think he does lack a bit of quality but he has been a very welcome surprise for me so far in terms of end product. Great to see Ojo finally win over some fans too. He was quality and it was always going to be a matter of time before it started to show. And we finally have attacking midfielders who are left footed and cutting in from the right (Stewart too) with Tavernier overlapping. We often looked a bit to rigid and traditional with Candeias on the right, he occupied the same space as Tavernier.
  4. Couldn't agree more. I still think Defoe is one of our most underrated players. He is an oustanding footballer. His first touch, passing and vision are fantastic for a striker. I was delighted to see that he did rotate in because I think those two should be kept fresh as much as possible because as we saw yesterday they are both lethal when they are.
  5. Because it’s a recurring injury. He had it twice last season and missed 14 games the first time and 8 games the second time. He missed a lot of games through injury at Hibs too. I’m only saying it’s a worry.
  6. Barker’s injury record is worrying https://www.lep.co.uk/sport/football/preston-north-end/pne-news/preston-north-end-s-on-loan-man-city-winger-brandon-barker-could-miss-the-rest-of-the-season-1-9691108/amp
  7. Surely not, even if he was fit they would allow him to settle in and just be around the squad for the first game.
  8. We haven’t stopped calling Barisic Barasic so don’t count on it
  9. With the way Ejaria and Kent barely missed a game last season I think Gerrard will be very reluctant to drop Ojo but it will be very interesting.
  10. Well spotted! I thought I had done my homework but missed this. It seems they are going with Hanlon and Jackson (new signing). I think they are making a mistake if he doesn't play against us because he is very hard to beat in the air and his physicality is always an asset against us.
  11. Another thought on Defoe vs Morelos for this game. I think Defoe suits a home game against a deep lying defence pretty well because of his passing and link-up play. He has the quality touch and close control to take the ball in a very tight space and then the vision to spot a run and play a very clever through ball. There are lots of examples but the back heel for the disallowed goal against Progres is a great example of him creating a goal out of nowhere against a deep defence with his techincal quality.
  12. Yes I think if he does start he'll at least get a rest and Defoe's legs given a good stretch, it'll be a very interesting call by the gaffer Did he? I only saw sections of the game so I didn't see that, he looked very good throughout the spells I saw. He seemed to suit that game because he had the strength to hold of some of their big players.
  13. He has only had one booking and so is another 2 yellows away from suspension with only 3 games to play before any bookings are wiped so I'm not so sure.
  14. I don't think it does, another reason why is because Darren McGregor is strong and loves a physical battle but can be found out if tested in a different way. I think he'll fear a fresh Defoe more but that's just my opinion.
  15. Glad you enjoyed it. I find it much easier to read long pieces of writing when it's broken down, it somehow doesn't feel as long.
  16. I don't think so. Defoe is fully fit and a very good player and Morelos will be tired after an exhausting shift only 3 days prior to the game.
  17. A Point to Prove Intro The surprise loan of Glenn Middleton from Rangers to Hibs appears to signal a thawing in the icy relations between the clubs of late, but there will be little sign of that when the sides go head to head this weekend in a game which both sides will aim to make a springboard for their season. Background to Game Both come into the tie on the back of opening day victories but still very much with a point to prove. After an overwhelmingly positive pre-season, Rangers failed to convince with a laboured victory at Rugby Park which had an all too familiar feel to it. However, Thursday’s fabulous performance in Denmark has gone a long way to quelling those fears and putting the fans at ease again. Hibs had a similar opening day to Rangers when they left it late to grind out a win over a St Mirren side they would have expected to dispatch of comfortably at Easter Road. Head to Head History For a long time Hibs were not a side Rangers had to worry too much about. In 32 games between 1996 and 2005, Hibs recorded only one victory. The return of Walter Smith in 2007 saw this pattern continue with only 2 losses in 20 games. However, since Rangers were demoted Hibs have proven to be a thorn in their side, restricting the Gers to a mere 8 wins in 22 games. This dismal record continued under Steven Gerrard last season as a poor Hibs side were allowed to land a severe blow to Rangers’ title hopes by holding them to three draws, costing the Ibrox men 6 crucial points. However the tide has started to turn and last season was the first season since 2011-12 that Rangers were unbeaten against Hibs and the one-sided games were a sign that the new rivalry between the clubs is not likely to last. The Opponent A change in regime at Hibs mid-season saw Heckingbottom take the reins and rescue their campaign as they embarked on an unlikely 10 game unbeaten run which lifted them from 8th to 5th place. This was the highest possible finish for the Englishman so it was a massive achievement. Lennon had built his house on the sand of loan deals and favours from Celtic and paid the price in his final season when the latter dried up after the John McGinn saga. Lennon was weighed in the balance and found wanting. Heckingbottom has had a summer to re-build and, in a break from the club’s previous strategy, he is building for the future. Lennon’s Hibs were propped up by the short termist strategy of flooding the squad with loan players and in his final season he made seven loan signings. Remarkably, Heckingbottom has made only two loan signings and has preferred to utilise his extensive knowledge and connections south of the border to make 5 permanent signings who are all between the ages of 23 and 26. The signing of Scott Allan had already been agreed before he came in but is very much in keeping with this strategy. Form Having said that, this season’s Hibs squad doesn’t look like the improvement over last season’s that the fans were expecting. The opening day performance was slow, laboured and lacking dynamism. The loss of Martin Boyle to injury was a huge blow in terms of the team’s attacking threat but Heckingbottom and Leanne Dempster were smart to move quickly to smooth things over with Rangers and secure Glenn Middleton on loan to replace him. Middleton has the ability to provide the pace and end product they are lacking but will not feature this weekend so answers will have to be found elsewhere. Dangerman Mallan and Horgan are both players with the ability to create and shoot from distance but the dangerman without doubt is Scott Allan. Rangers know all too well what Allan is capable of and everything Hibs did well against St Mirren went through him and it was no co-incidence that it was he who saved the day with an impressive winner. Rangers Despite Rangers’ midweek heroics, they still come into the game with a point to prove. Last season Hibs were a bogey team and Gerrard will be determined to vanquish any similarities to last season from the off, not least after the Kilmarnock game when the accusations flooded in that nothing has changed. Furthermore, dropping points ahead of the first Old Firm game of the season on the 1st of September is not an option. It is absolutely crucial that Gerrard takes his men into that game with the chance to go 3 points clear and give themselves a lead to defend and maintain from there on. This, more than anything, will signal to the fans and the country that this season is different. The line-up is difficult to predict. Last season the goalkeeper was not rotated but McGregor is a year older and Foderingham rotated in at Rugby Park after the Progres game last week and is likely to do so again on Sunday. The backline was not rotated after Progres but Katic and Flanagan will be conscious of the competition and it wouldn't be a surprise to see Barisic and Edmundson start in a home game where we will dominate the ball. Helander didn't make the bench in Jutland and Gerrard has been wise not to throw him in and risk damaging his reputation before he is fit and ready. Davis is likely to return to the three in midfield but Kamara offered the fans a reminder of his quality and class in Denmark and this will surely leave Gerrard with another headache. Arfield will always keep his place unless he is unavailable but Jones can rightly feel under threat in a position with no stand-out player as of yet. The addition of Brandon Barker from Man City is likely to have more to do with opportunism than a feeling that he will significantly improve the team, but it will nevertheless make a few nervous. In any case, Ojo is likely to step in for Jones and this is another example of a position the club now have enough depth in to allow for fresh legs to be brought in after a European game. Defoe will rotate back in after Morelos starred midweek and the option of bringing in a fresh striker after European excursions is brand new to Gerrard and could be a crucial factor in this league campaign. As important a player as Morelos is, he isn't the fittest player in the world and the aerially dominant Darren McGregor will not relish the prospect of facing a fresh and hungry Jermaine Defoe who scores his goals on the deck. Predicted Line-up - 4-3-2-1 Predicted Score - Rangers 2-0 Hibs
  18. I felt Morelos was very poor in the opening 20 minutes, but it seems this guy must had switched off the game at that point like me
  19. The Scotsman must have seen the comments about the media only reporting on negative fan behaviour. Credit to them for this to be fair because a fair few won't do the same.
  20. I was boarding a flight at about 7:15 so had to miss most of the game, but I kept the game on my phone until they told us to switch our phones to airplane mode. That’s when I noticed the guy in front of me was watching the game on his phone too, and carried on for 5 minutes after they told us to put airplane mode on, I watched the game on his phone for that time. Then I saw him switching to see the stats for the game on a website and finally stopped when we were taking off. I thought this guy is a big fan and is as gutted as I am to be missing the game. As I expected, the second we landed he whipped out his phone to check the score and then started texting in WhatsApp groups. It was when he was switching apps that I couldn’t help but notice a strangely green and white wallpaper for someone I thought was a Rangers fan. These people are not. normal.
  21. Wasn’t intended as a serious let’s go sign him comment, I only saw parts of the game!
  22. I was flying during the game tonight so only caught the first 25 minutes and now I’ve seen the goals and a few minutes before each one. What a result! I thought the reaction to the past couple of games was way out of proportion but never expected a performance like that. We really saw the potential of some of our players tonight. Special mention to Jones who’s vision for his assist was frankly something I didn’t think he had in his locker so that was very encouraging, a fantastic assist for someone I’ve criticised for lacking end product. Aribo is still underrated by our fans, he is such a good player. Katic’s goal was fantastic and I’m sure he performed very well tonight but the second goal was his fault, watching the ball and left his man wide open. He is loved by our fans (none more so than @pete) but he’s made some big mistakes in a few games now. Almost lost us the game at Rugby Park with a big mistake in the final few minutes when it was 1-1.
  23. I see Halliday as more of a possession player tbh. Flanagan knows the position better and should be more reliable defensively.
  24. Haha. Aribo will be left of centre midfield and Jones in front of him. Jones does prefer to pull wide so it may be a lobsided 4-3-2-1 as @Gaffer has talked about in the past
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