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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 1 hour ago, JFK-1 said:

    Source is a journalist on Twitter from two days ago who didn’t mention a fee. There’s no chance we’re doing a deal like that. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ian1964 said:


    Quote from Mark Dingwall at FF on the Garry O’Hagen bit,


    “Several threads mentioned Garry O'Hagen, the Kilmarnock chief executive, as being "the guy who reported us to UEFA" as he was match delegate at the St Jospeh's game.

    A couple of points.

    1/ He was not the UEFA match delegate - that was a Norwegian.

    2/ O'Hagen was there as he was there to observe what being a match delegate involves as he is training to be one.

    3/ The info on which the complain was made was gathered by a member of FARE and passed to the match delegate.

    We can have our views about O'Hagen's suitability to become a delegate but let's keep things factual.”

  3. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    We've drawn 2 games this season (with one being a scoreless draw and the other in a friendly...) and won the rest - so how can they have been costly mistakes ?

    Can they not be "costly" mistakes without necessarily losing us points? You know exactly what I mean anyway, mistakes which lead to good chances for the opposition.

  4. I've argued strongly against the singing of TBB on here before but it's hard to get away from the fact that this punishment seems excessive, not least given our neighbours have never had this type of punishment. I hate to engage in "whataboutery" but surely Celtic will receive a similar punishment for throwing missiles at opposition players in the Cluj game? Surely player safety trumps hurt feelings of people not at the game?

  5. 4 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    just watch BBC Scotland got to town on this. I expect it to be first lead item on the national news at 6, 10, and all throughout tomorrow

    We barely make it onto the BBC Football page these days, when we win a game it's below women's football stories. Right now we are right at the top of both BBC Sport and BBC Football.

  6. 27 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    If I remember correctly, Jack played most of his games for Aberdeen at right back and was even put there in a Scotland friendly v Canada. If Tav is unavailable for any reason Jack may be a better replacement than Polster. In midfield the only thing lacking is maybe a few more goals.

    I just checked and you're right, be broke through in the 10/11 season and gradually shifted to centre mid. He filled in at right back through his whole time at Aberdeen. Interesting because they did the exact same thing with Shinnie. However I don't think we'll see him play there in a Rangers shirt.

  7. There's no question about it, it should work and you can't expect everyone to know to check Twitter or fans forums when it doesn't. After playing in Europe last season and having got a good gauge of what demand would be like there's no excuse for not being prepared. As Bill says, even a text or email to tell you in advance there will be two links due to the unusual demand would be an acceptable compromise.

  8. I missed a chunk of the first half due to the usual family duties so I'm not in the best position to say, but I thought there were good performances all over the pitch with Jack the stand-out. The forward positions were where we struggled and even there we did have some very good moments.

  9. 2 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    We have a very strong bank of midfielders, I would always have Kamara in my team, however I would also play Jack every time he is available, we all know every player can't play every game but it has to be good for us going forward we have such strong competition for midfield.

    It's a very strong position for us. Better yet they are at good ages, one experienced player at 34, and then Jack is 27, Kamara just turning 24 and Aribo 23. It's quite a turnaround for us to have so much quality in that position and to own the players,

  10. Just now, Bill said:

    Sadly, someone else will quickly be found to fill that role.


    Jack isn't the only success in our team but I felt it was evident from half way through last season that he was the real deal. Let's just hope he can keep up this level of performance.

    It's clear he is enjoying playing alongside proper passers of the ball like Davis, Aribo and Kamara.

  11. 5 minutes ago, pete said:

    Because certain people think Goldson is some kind of god and sit waiting to pounce on Katic for making a mistake

    Hard to miss the irony here, this is exactly what you are like every game but the other way around. You're always pouncing on Goldson after a game. I've only pointed out some of Katic's big mistakes recently due to the imbalance in the way you comment on the players.


    They are both good players but both are making some costly mistakes at the moment despite otherwise good performances.

  12. 17 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    While I thought the whole team played very well last night, I thought Jack stood out yet again, what a player he has turned out to be, all through hard graft and listening to his coaches.


    5 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Agreed. Against much expectation Ryan Jack has turned out to be the jewel in our crown so far. Looking back, he was head and shoulders the best player at Aberdeen and I don't doubt he could hold his place pretty much anywhere he chooses to go in future. Thankfully someone saw what he had to offer and brought him to Rangers. The fact the Kittybrewster Kid is a Rangers fan doesn't do any harm either.

    I actually thought this was his best performance in a Rangers shirt. Some of his out side of the foot passes were sublime, you could see them curl round the Legia players. @Bill you've defended Jack all the way and you've been vindicated, it seems like he's finally not the whipping boy any more. 

  13. 34 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I too fell some players look shattered, and should subbed, from time to time. But, then again, I do appreciate the need to keep that intensity in the side; these guys are switched on, whereas a player being subbed in would take a while to get up to speed. 


    I did think Arfield looked knackered against Midtjylland last week, and I said he should be subbed, then he proceeds to run the length of the pitch and score!


    23 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Yeah, I was thinking same last night.  


    I think the nature of the game was why the manager didn't make subs around the 60-70 mark.  basically the match had become fairly open and was being played at quite a pace.  With that in mind, it might have taken a sub 5-10mins to get up with that intensity so it was somewhat of a risk to bring someone on when it was perhaps easier for us to sit a bit deeper and avoid box-to-box play which was clearly taking its toll on a few players.


    On the other hand, perhaps someone like Jones might have enabled us to get forward more and be more of a threat ourselves.  That was the twist and the manager decided to stick for now which is probably fair enough.  

    I think this is more applicable to defenders really who are man marking and are on high alert. Ojo was the main one last night because as he tired his performance really dipped and we couldn’t keep the ball up the park. I don’t see much risk in replacing a tired forward player who isnt playing well. Maybe I’m just more of a pessimist than some others on here but I felt we were under pressure for the final 20-25 and we didn’t have an outball. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Cameron Crawford said:

    Didn’t think to include this whilst writing it but he averaged 0.89 interceptions per game and regained the ball from team pressing 3.31 times per game last season, which is what we’ve all seen him do for Rangers regularly.  

    He’s brilliant at winning the ball back and almost never loses it. Must be a nightmare to play against. I think I’d like to see him play on the right a wee bit more though as he can be a bit less predictable in possession. 

  15. 1 minute ago, ian1964 said:

    Not good enough for some fans!. We are ticking along nicely 

    You’re totally overreacting. I and some others think subs should have been made to freshen things up because some players were tiring, you don’t have to make a big thing out of it just let people have their say. 

  16. 1 minute ago, ian1964 said:

    There are so many good managers on Gersnet!

    Half the comments on this forum could be interpreted as thinking we know better than SG if you want to go down that route. It’s full of opinions and not all of them are exactly the same as the managers. 


    2 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    It is not easy to come on as a sub in any game, especially in a high tempo European match. For what it's worth I think SG is a far better manager than anyone on here!.

    Well the fresh legs seemed to help them. Do you really have to say SG is a better manager than us? Only saying we had some very tired legs out there and they brought on fresh legs and started to control the game. Ojo in particular should have been withdrawn. 

  18. That last 25 minutes was painful to watch. It was plain as day we needed fresh legs. What does the gaffer have against make a substitution? :S Ojo was poor and looked knackered, Jones should have come on for him on the 70th minute at least. Defoe and Kamara should have been on much sooner too. Anyway it’s a decent result and we should take care of them at Ibrox but an away goal was there for us tonight I felt. 

  19. 8 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    I’m at work. Why was Morelos booked?


    7 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    Kicking the ball away.

    No it wasn’t. Foul was given and and Legia tried to take it quickly and he stuck his leg out to block it from less than 10 yards away. I actually thought they were baiting him and trying to get him booked. 

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