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Everything posted by DMAA

  1. As will Celtic. But at least the fine will have been worth it for Legia, they saved their flares for when the game was at its most tense and their team were under the cosh, it almost got them back in the game. The wee boys in the Celtic end were so excited to look like ultras that they just couldn’t wait so set them all off before kick off
  2. Good post. This was probably one of Davis’ best games. Katic rose to the occasion and not for the first time in Europe. Jack was flawless again. I would add Jones to your list because he came on and set up the winner. I was concerned that he was a “poor man’s Kent” when we signed him. Well, he’s making me look a bit silly because that’s his second big assist in Europe. Again he’s showing that he’s actually probably better than Kent at getting the ball in the box, whatever we say about the rest of his game. Barisic was worthy of a mention for me too. He looked as assured as I’ve ever seen him in a Rangers shirt. Playing sharp, crisp passes and flying forward and getting crosses in the box. We haven’t seen that from him in ages.
  3. I’ve found every European ref we’ve had pretty disgraceful in how many fouls they give for nothing and stopping the game l constantly. Last week’s was probably the worst. I thought this ref was easily one of the best we’ve had and someone else on here said the same. It’s not saying much!
  4. See how we’re 3rd bottom of the coefficient table all those teams? Well we don’t want to be there next season! We desperately need so get some coefficient points on the board to make it less of an uphill struggle progressing every season so the easier the games the better. Celtic will continue to get far easier games than us until we catch up with them and that has a knock on effect on the league. Even tonight they had an easy game (AIK were about 190th) 3 days before the OF while we played a team who were about 65th, a good 120 positions above us I think.
  5. Probably an attempt to get us kicked out of Europe for chanting f the Pope
  6. Not to mention the enormous Pope banner, who’s jacket did that fit under?
  7. Pathetic stuff. They got what they deserved, hope preserved until the death and then shattered.
  8. Yeh I thought that was a mistake, I thought he blew the whistle too quickly when it looked like the defender had it covered, doesn’t make sense otherwise and you could see from tavernier’s reaction that the ref was apologetic
  9. What a result and what a feeling! Absolutely huge and how good was it to see the players and fans like that at the end.
  10. It must have been very poor cough up for Rangers Tv! The ultras coordinated to set off all their flares at the same time in order to stop us when we were all over them. The game totally changed as a result after being stopped. They better get punished badly for that because it doesn’t get any more unsporting than that.
  11. Maybe I’m the only one but bar a couple of decisions I think this ref is the best we’ve had in Europe since we’ve been back. Yes he’s given a couple but there have been plenty he hasn’t given that other European refs would have given in a heartbeat, and he actually let the game flow too and kept his cards in his pocket.
  12. I’ve generally been a fan of Ojo and he can provide a bit of end product but he really lacks fight.
  13. Generally playing well I would say, Barisic has been really good. Playing like a man who knows there’s an old firm in a few days. Ojo the only disappointment for me, he’s been really poor. I think it’s time to give Jones a chance or bring on Kamara and push Aribo on. All in all I’m quite happy but we’re lacking quality in the final third again.
  14. Pretty much exactly as expected, although Barisic getting the nod will surprise a few.
  15. Just googled it, he used to pretend he was a Rangers blogger for the Daily Record. Hard to think of something that would prove your earlier point about them doing what they’re told any better.
  16. He called himself a Hibs fan all the way through the podcasts
  17. As you say each to their own, I can understand your view. Maybe once I've got some more miles on the clock I'll come to the same view. For now I listen because they almost always have Rangers leaning journalists on who are very balanced and provide good analysis. Last season it was actually hosted by a Hibs fans, Jonny McFarlane (now editor at footballscotland), who came across as being as pro Rangers as anyone. The way I look at it is at least they do provide good analysis of Rangers somewhere whilst the national broadcaster can barely bring themselves to spend a few minutes talking about even a big European win. I only listen in addition to the podcasts above so it's not a matter of replacing any.
  18. On a more serious note, any anti-UEFA banners or chants would result in an automatic charge. It's not hard to envisage some of our fans doing something like that.
  19. Yeh I think it's safe, my point was really that due to how stringent their rules are and the fact Fare don't have an issue reporting us it would be good for the club to get assurances on songs like these.
  20. Very good preview. One thing you mentioned was whether the officials will be wiser to their gamesmanship. Surely it will be far less of an issue because you can be sure that Ibrox will be going ballistic with that kind of thing. Far more pressure on both the Legia players and the ref. Barisic and Flanagan is a really interesting one. I'd normally say Flanagan but tonight I think Barisic. Barisic isn't just a free kick specialist he's excellent at corners too and that could very well be the difference in a tight game. He's better going forward too and I wasn't impressed with Legia as an attacking threat anyway. I don't think we rest anyone for Sunday unfortunately. Celtic are in the same boat there though. All in all it is very exciting to be where we are. I did not expect us to get so close to making the groups this season and to get there would be a huge boost. To go out to this Legia team would be a really big disappointment though simply because they are clearly just not very good.
  21. None of us would object to a fine but it's the likely severity of the punishment that is the problem here. A club should have the chance to warn the fans that they may be forced to play behind closed doors if a song is sung. Nobody expected that. Especially when the same song went unpunished last season.
  22. One of the admins on FF says that Rangers were informed on the evening of the St Joseph's game we were being reported, but were not informed of the punishment until 5pm on the night of the Legia game, giving the club no time to warn fans. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but that is very bad form from UEFA.
  23. I don't know how the timing works with these fines (they took ages to fine us from the St Josephs) but there is no way Celtic will get off with that.
  24. Only thing I would say is that they normally have more Rangers friendly guys on like Scott McDermott who I don't think would ever post unbalanced stuff on Rangers.
  25. By the reference to legacy media outlets do you mean you wouldn’t listen to Record Rangers? I actually think Record Rangers is a good listen and I find it interesting to hear guys who aren’t overt fans talk about us.
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