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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. Just now, Rousseau said:

    Not very, I'd suggest. 


    He's been on the bench for the last couple of games, and the Belgian league must have had a winter break because there's not been a league game for a few weeks. 


    I hope he makes the bench tomorrow, though!

    I’m sure Gerrard said he’d be in the squad 

  2. From live 4LHAD podcast:

    • Confident of getting both Vydra and Kamberi, Vydra dependent on Burnley bringing in replacement.
    • We have first dibs on Hagi for the summer.
    • Docherty in Edinburgh, expect to complete loan to hibs.
    • Middleton likely to go out on loan.
    • Jones trained this morning so nothing imminent regarding him going out.
    • Scouts have watched Goldson, Katic, Borna, Aribo and Kamara this season but no first team players leaving today.
  3. 9 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Vydra was hot property several years ago, when he played for Watford. 


    He's a superb goalscorer in the Championship, but hasn't been able to continue that in the PL -- which should be fine for us. 

    Well above the calibre of striker I was expecting to come in (as you will see a few pages back). Morelos will be the number 1 so he is coming to play only a relativlely small role all things being well with Alfredo.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    This is a good signing. We've been crying out for a creative, playmaker for years. 


    I'm very excited. 


    I'm pleased with the profile of the player too: He looks like a key piece of the puzzle, but is a good investment too. Clearly a Wilson signing. 



    I’m buzzing for this one. You have to wonder if Wilson has called in a favour or two here because we seem to have jumped a queue. The fans will need to be patient with him but the best thing about him is that he is genuinely different from what we already have. It’s been a long time since we have signed a player who’s style of play is totally different to anyone already on the books. Looks like a set piece specialist and long shot specialist too, lots of qualities we haven’t had much of before. Also don’t underestimate the importance of having a guy like this for the kids to idolise. A bit like Morelos he will have a huge pull for kids in a way that most players won’t. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Yeah, I do recall him [Dykes] being able to carry the ball very well -- especially against us! But, that was against us: space to run into on the counter!


    Looking at Dykes' goals, they're all on a plate. Okay--his positioning is good, but how much space will he get when there's 12 players ( :ninja: ) around him? I see him as more of a striker, target man. I will concede I have not seen much of him, so his assists -- although the number s look good -- are unknown to me. 


    Kamberi looks more versatile to me; more dynamic, can score all types of goals and looks like he's a good link-up player too. His form has been terrible this season, however, and a couple have mentioned his attitude. 


    I was actually thinking a couple of days ago that there must be some decent forwards playing in Scotland just now we could move for. Dykes and Kamberi -- along with Cosgrove and Long -- were the names that initially came to mind. 

    I still think you are underrating Dykes (and his goals). Most strikers do not have good assists numbers, only the ones who link up very well with the midfield. Livi have only 35 league goals this season to Rangers' 57. Yet Dykes has 6 league assists and Morelos has 3 and Kent has 0. Anyway, looks like Kamberi will be the one signing so I'll need to dig up some positive stats on him instead later today ?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Yeah -- especially on current form. 


    However, I would say Kamberi is more versatile and dynamic, and a much better link-up player. Dykes is very static when you look at his goals; they're put on a plate for him, whereas Kamberi has to do a lot of work. 

    He is more versatile and dynamic, but I think that's maybe a bit harsh on Dykes. Hit hattrick against Ross County was impressive and he's actually fast for someone so tall and can beat a man too. He had an impressive assist at the weekend (I think it was) when he beat a man out wide with a good bit of skill and set the goalscorer up with a good pass.

  7. 16 minutes ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Can’t help thinking Dykes would be a better option than Kamberi


    31 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Kamberi has often been playing in a deeper, wider role when used so that explains his lower goal tally this season.


    He's a player I've liked for a while, he's fairly quick, skilful and a good finisher.  He's also somewhat lazy and rather inconsistent.


    However, I do think he can improve further and would be a useful option.  A loan deal may be fairly sensible.

    Kamberi is definitely a very decent option if we can get him. I've only seen glimpses of both but Dykes strikes me as a player who has more potential than Kamberi if I'm honest. If we don't go for him I would expect him to do well in the Championship next season.


    Jordan Campbell has more or less rubbished the Dykes link for now though and with McNulty and Docherty reportedly going to Hibs it looks very likely Kamberi will join by the end of the day.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Frankie said:


    It's not like they're giving him away.... ;)

    The manager's style was the other possible reason. I had a look and they seem to play a 4-3-3 with 3 centre mids similar to ourselves. It seems that he doesn't have a place for a central attacking midfielder in his team. 


    He is left footed so he would suit the position Aribo currently plays. I think Aribo has played very well there but I wonder if long term he is planning on moving him back to centre mid. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Apparently we can get him for £4m in the summer.


    Not every transfer works out at some clubs.  There's not always an obvious reason, sometimes they just work out, sometimes not.  Let's hope this does!

    If so that seems like excellent business. Especially in this climate when we would demand £4m for bit part players. I saw an interesting comment on FF pointing out that Genk have a bit of a fire sale going at the moment with 4 players now on the way out for big money. It makes a bit more sense if they are raising loads of cash for something. But on the face of it you'd have said he's only been with them 6 months and has big potential so why would you flog him to the first buyer.

  10. By the way I found a BBC article on him that said this,


    BBC Sport's Steve Crossman: "He is a maverick player, he is an Antonio Cassano, he is a Paul Gascoigne sort of player. There are fewer and fewer of these types of players around these days.

    "He had a spell at Fiorentina which didn't work out, it was too soon for him. But my goodness that kid has talent. He is so two footed he takes inswinging corners from either side, he has scored direct from a corner more than once.

    "He scored a brilliant free-kick in the week. He might have to leave his dad's team at one point, he's one to watch in the coming years."


  11. If this is a loan to buy then it appears to be outstanding business on the face of it. Something isn't adding up though. He seems to be very highly rated, but if he's so good why are Genk letting him go after signing him 6 months ago for a reported £7m? It's not Man City it's a team who are 6th in the Belgian league (20 points off 1st). If we have an option to buy we must be talking big money. I don't understand this one. But I can't wait to see him in a Rangers shirt.

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