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Posts posted by DMAA

  1. 5 hours ago, MoodyBlue1872 said:

    Helander might not be as strong in the air as his Ibrox centre-back colleagues – his match average of 3.4 successful aerial duels is inferior to Katic’s six and Goldson’s 4.7

    A bit skeptical of that stat. Helander is our tallest defender and has always looked very comfortable in the air, more so than Katic for defensive aerial duels at least. It looks like this stat is about quantity only instead of % of aerial duels won.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    Players like Kamara and Katic should be dropped but as we've seen in the past, that's not how the manager deals with them.  He tends to play them as a means of getting through their bad patch

    I would add Kent to that. Aribo has produced more than him in the final third and it wouldn't be fair to drop him for Hagi. I don't think it would be a bad thing to remind him of the competition either. I agree with you that Gerrard tends to stick with his men but I think Katic is the most vulnerable tonight with Edmundson chomping at the bit for an opportunity.


    Anyway, I expect a return to winning ways tonight and we'll get over this hump.

  3. 2 hours ago, Frankie said:

    Possible team (4-3-2-1):



    Tavernier | Goldson | Edmundson | Barisic

    Aribo | Davis | Arfield

    Hagi | Morelos | Kent

    I would like to see that team but Gerrard is so reluctant to make changes I'm not sure it will happen. I'd like to see Stewart starting to get game time too ahead of Ojo.

  4. To be fair, he's not that kind of player....


    Interesting trend isn't it. Michael Stewart uses his position on Sportscene to set the tone of the debate around those kinds of incidents. That's two blatantly deliberate stamps on players from Griffiths and Michael Stewart plays it down and shuts down the debate before it can get going. The worst thing is those incidents are unprovoked. Morelos retaliates, whether that is to McKenna barging him off the ball or Scott Brown raking his studs down the back of his ankle off the ball, and Michael Stewarts whips the press up into a frenzy.


    That's not to mention the referees. Griffiths doesn't get booked for the Aberdeen stamp. That's the game Cosgrove for sent off in when he won the ball. Griffiths doesn't get booked for the Hamilton one either (we can only assume his booked was for the aftermath given that's what Gogic was booked for). Again this was in a game a Hamilton player did get sent off after Griffiths fell down from very minimal contact. Of course he escapes a second booking later for clear dive too.


  5. The Griffiths one at the weekend is probably the most inexplicable. It is the most blatant red card you will ever see, not to mention cowardly intimidation of a man lying on the ground. Morelos got a straight red for a retaliatory kick at McKenna's shinpad which didn't even make him flinch. He got another straight red for a flick at McKenna as they tangled. It wasn't clear he even achieved contact from the replays. Griffiths pulls a man to the ground and stamps on him right in front of the referee. To add insult to injury the referee books Gogic who comes to the aid of his teammate and pushes Griffiths away. Absolutely astounding, he did well to push him and not punch him. There is no stronger argument for bias than the comparison of those incidents. 

  6. Absolutely astounding that Griffiths was not sent off that stamp. Not so astounding that Michael Stewart says it was a yellow card offence. Morelos would be crucified for that he has been sent off for things nowhere near as bad as that. 

  7. 1 hour ago, MacK1950 said:

    He was badly let down by Katic in particular having a nightmare

    We’ve missed Helander but it’s surely time for Edmundson to be given a chance. His superior technique and passing could make a difference at Ibrox in particular. 

  8. On this form we need Hagi chucked in and we shouldn’t be afraid to rotate Kent out. 15 games and 0 assists just suggests he hasn’t had that final pass too often. For comparison Aribo has 8. That’s not to blame him but sometimes you Just have to try something different. 

  9. 1 hour ago, der Berliner said:

    Seemingly a common misconception, as most know him as a winger. Thing is, he is actually a central striker by trade, but given his versitality, trickery and ability to find a pass, often used as a winger. TM may help here ... Greg Stewart - all season stats


    Saying that, I would assume that SG may still actually see him more as a right attacker than a central striker, yet, of course, in a single-striker line-up and Morelos and Defoe in front of him, his chances as a main striker are by default limited.


    Most of his career appearances have been for Cowdenbeath pre 2014 where he primarily played up front, but since Dundee in 2014 he’s primarily been a winger or attacking midfielder. Ryan Jack used to be a right back and Graeme Shinie used to be a left back but players change over time. 

    That said I’ve always said I’m fine with him a 3rd striker because you don’t need one very often. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Still think there is something slightly odd about the Kamberi deal. Why would Hibs loan us one of their best players in the middle of the season when they know we need a striker? They were holding all the cards as far as I can see. And it appears there is no option to buy? 


    I'm trying to think of a comparison? Let's say for example Aston Villa, wanted Tav on loan until the end of the season and we knew they were desperate for RB cover due to an injury. Do you think we would agree a loan until the end of the season? Not in a million years


    Any thoughts on this?

    Midfield was their Achilles heel and they desperately needed to strengthen. They had to give us Kamberi to get Docherty and they managed to bring in a striker to replace him anyway. It’s a case of you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours and I for one prefer it when we are doing this with Hibs rather than Celtic. 

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