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Everything posted by plgsarmy

  1. I was also very disappointed that he said that the thought that the fans would only own 15-20% and that 50% would be owned by institutional investors. That's a complete about turn from him.
  2. I totally agree but you can make the point without plucking figures out the air.
  3. I'll be investing under the RST vehicle (which hasn't been launched yet I know). Minimum in that will be £125, which is much more manageable for many people.
  4. Nobody asked him but I doubt he would name names anyway.
  5. As I said on another thread, he said on Friday that there are two fund managers wanting to invest £25M each.
  6. Or even worse, an RST member.
  7. Heads they win, tails we lose.
  8. Correct, they will wait to see who is in the final and if both Rangers and Celtic are in it they will toss a coin.
  9. Now we've got that clarified, I wonder what people's thoughts are on the proposal to have the first two floors as the superstore and the top floor as a sports bar. There is the investment of £800K to buy it back then whatever it costs to refurbish it which won't be insignificant. I worry that we are putting so much money into something that is only going to be busy on match days. I wrote a paper last year that I sent to Gordon Smith who subsequently gave it to Ali Russell about how we could increase income. I've now sent it to Imran Ahmad but who knows if he will even read it. Basically it was about how we should be looking at the tourism industry to attract visitors throughout the year. We have a USP (that's Unique Selling Point rather than anything to go with supporters groups) in that we are the world's most successful club. We should use that in our marketing. The open-topped buses go to the Science Centre, why not drop off at Ibrox and let them spend their dosh. My paper was in much more detail but that was the general idea.
  10. Without working it out, the VAT would probably take it to the figure FS quoted. 17.5% VAT. Actually I did work it out and it is spot on.
  11. Hi Bluedell, I could be totally wrong here but something tells me that you did a bit of research a couple of years ago and discovered that Edmiston House was sold to Response Handling (or whoever) for £900K. Perhaps it wasn't you or I have dreamt the whole thing up. Can you confirm? The reason I ask is that CG said last week that it had been sold for £1.5M and that he bought it for £800K. I'm not saying that CG is lying, it's more likely he was lied to by the vendor. If I've got this wrong then let me know and it'll be the shortest thread in the history of Gersnet.
  12. I wasn't aware of the 12 year rule but it will obviously apply to everyone.
  13. He did say on Thursday that the guy Craig Mather (is that his name?) is going to become Director of Murray Park. I have a slight concern about a possible conflict of interest with him although I'm not sure of his exact role with his sports management company. I'm not sure what qualifies him for this role unless he meant Director of Youth Development but that isn't what he said. Is he going to bring this vision?
  14. He also said this on Thursday and Friday. Perhaps he doesn't think the SPL will last much longer or he knows he won't be here that long.
  15. If we had more applicants than places available then we would have to hold an election and write to all our members but, as usual, there were not enough applications. Regarding the minutes, I've no idea why the 2010 minutes aren't there but the 2011 ones weren't approved until Friday night.
  16. Yes there were elections of five new Board members and the re-election of a few others.
  17. He also said previous shareholders. I'm not sure just what he means by supporters groups, there is only one who could give him the names and addresses of their members.
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