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Everything posted by plgsarmy

  1. I think my car might struggle taking that number of shirts to the post office.
  2. It's actually working out quite a bit more than that Frankie. I reckon between buying the shirt, getting it embroidered and posting and packing it costs us about £19. All the rest is going into shares. There are no admin charges as we are all doing the work for nothing in our own time.
  3. Guys, As I will be driving and will be at Ibrox, I will be able to take up to four passengers to the restaurant. Anyone interested PM me.
  4. I have seen you near Fir Park a few times.
  5. Most of us on here won't qualify. We are apparently not real fans.
  6. Don't you mean you're Alan?
  7. Why don't you name names? I know that none of the RST board are boycotting, that includes Drew Roberton from the Association.
  8. Really pathetic comments. Fake strips, really? Who is boycotting? Not me or anyone else I know on the RST board. I'm not sure what you are trying to imply about George, no doubt it is negative. I think you know that these types of comments are not welcome on this site.
  9. So, 11 years of clean, unqualified accounts mean nothing? I hope this 'mistrust' is not based on Alan's incorrect opinions of 2010 which he plastered all over the Internet. Two chartered accountants disagreed with him. I will concede that he was not aware of all the facts at the time but a lot of damage was done to our reputation by his misguided actions.
  10. Since you have now said you don't trust the board of which I am a member I'd like to know what makes you say that.
  11. We wouldn't be able to take up the entitlement if we didn't so the answer is yes.
  12. Eh, I think you need to re-do your calculations Alan.
  13. I'd be very angry if this has happened. Did you give them your details for anything else?
  14. I will be 'celebrating' an even higher number four days after the 6th. Count me in for this please Alan.
  15. They would have you believe that the creation of a Fans Board was a result of the Ready to Listen campaign when that was the plan long before any surveys were carried out.
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