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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Michiel Kramer is basically a Dutch version of Lafferty then.
  2. I see Brandan's nervous twitch has come back again,.. hasn't been there since the old Liverpool days
  3. The statement wouldn't bother the top 100 of embarrassing statements over the last five years.
  4. Just glad that we can now move forward , the whole manager saga was wearing very thin.
  5. Think this one will be a bit tougher for us. McInnes will be better prepared ,and I don't think we can just shrug off the loss of a player like Bruno ,and expect everything to go swimmingly.
  6. That was a frustrating first half, and by that i mean, that is what we are actually capable of.
  7. Any new manager that comes in will reflect our ambition. Unfortunately we don't have the funds for a true quality manager, so i have a feeling we should be prepared to be underwhelmed at any new announcement , and prepare for more mediocrity.
  8. Questions go ,How old are you? , what team do you support?..then bang !.. right into the sectarianism stuff. "I have put together a small survey looking at rivalries" Sorry to be sceptical ,but it all looks a bit too loaded for me. And you've left out some blindingly obvious questions too.
  9. That'll most definitely be an illegally downloaded e-book version for me.
  10. It'll be interesting to see if John Brown has an eye for a player .
  11. Haven't seen the programme yet, but did see the trailer, and i can't believe they had the brass neck to steal a celtic song to help advertise it ! Plagiarism of the very worst kind imo
  12. ".It is understood the charge against her at the disciplinary hearing was conduct unbecoming of a police officer" Yes, then surely the same could be said of the "colleague" that produced the celtic cake in the first place.
  13. Chris Coleman'll do for me ,Thanks.
  14. Seems Pedro has now hung the players out to dry , and that's going to be difficult to come back from. Could even have an adverse affect for the Killie game. You're spot on about Stokes there though Yorkie Bear, and i'd also add that he didn't celebrate his goal either.
  15. He speaks English better than scott brown.
  16. Brazil...just a nut. Truly momentous first post.
  17. Hi All. Just joined this very evening as i speak ,and looking forward to being part of ,what appears to be a fairly sane place to be :-)
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