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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Early goal second half ,and then we can start making some substitutions. Could be the type of game to take on Sadiq, he's unpredictable..like the pitch.
  2. Halliday has a good opportunity playing in his more preferred position today to prove that he can be be an asset to the squad ,and that he's not just making up the numbers.
  3. Did you wear a Rod Stewart wig to do the draw ? ?
  4. Superb ! and now 8 unbeaten competitive matches
  5. Well we got a great performance from Tav , so lets hope it works for Morelos.
  6. Just spotted these on ebay .
  7. So Lafferty's value has increased 250k since he scored on Saturday ?
  8. Looked like a red card, but it was Murphy's mistake that led to it.
  9. 'Tis a pre emptive strike from Brendan , as he knows whats coming. He's had a very easy time, and years of a being the darling of the Scottish football media. Let's see how he copes when things start to go wrong.
  10. Steven Thompson has no opinion, he says what thinks the BBC want to hear , he's just another one of their highly paid whores. You're bang on about Flanagan though.
  11. Looks like Brighton are now in the running for Tav https://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/1000460/Rangers-transfer-news-Brighton-James-Tavernier
  12. I had to look that word up,...i am officially thick ?
  13. And setting a great example for the wee boy that was present. Complete and utter scum.
  14. No doubt he definitely took an elbow to the head, and sadly gives Stevie May instant heroic status amongst the sheep supporters. May's not got close to the form he had at St Johnstone ,and it was the only way he going to leave a mark on yesterday's game.
  15. It's a no win situation for us and I can see SD dragging this through the courts as far as it will go, with us footing the bill.
  16. Great news in that so many of them will be able to see their team get pumped.
  17. Wasn't at the game, but watched it on the tv, and i couldn't distinguish between the excitement levels for Middleton coming on ,and Windass going off. Dare say it was different at the match, and there is obviously something to it , but didn't come across at the time as Windass getting jeered ,.. still ,right decision to take him off though.
  18. You've predicted England to win 3-0 ? No-one above you has gone for an England win btw, so a correct score tonight will put you right in the mix,...no pressure then. ?
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