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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Hearing the Scottish football is "Too physical" line, doing the rounds at the moment , and should he return early to Liverpool, then i'm sure that will absolutely delight Jurgen Klopp. Ejaria really needs to pull his socks up ..
  2. Eaves could be a decent signing,..as long as his fee doesn't go through the roof...i'm here all week btw.
  3. I thought we'd win this one easily, and that was even after they scored. They were trying to play football against us , then got a man sent off and subsequently stopped playing and just shut down shop. Our play was just so predictable ,and the Dundee defence must've been getting that feeling of deja vu with every attack. We are capable of so much better too, that's the frustrating thing. But yes, a creative midfielder .
  4. A captain needs a high level of consistency , so currently only McGregor fits the bill .
  5. Dull and uninspiring, and just a really poor game of football. I'd have thought the opportunity to remain top of the league might have inspired us ,...nah.
  6. Aye, the amount of love Stewart had for him was embarrassing.
  7. Halliday's done ok for us in that position, but I think that back four with Barasic in place of Halliday would be our ideal scenario.
  8. Their player was outnumbered 3-1 , did a death roll whilst holding his face , he should've been sent off for simulation .
  9. That was indeed one of the great finals , and a greater achievement than winning the league imo.
  10. I think you know more than you're letting on ?
  11. And at the other end of the scale ,...some of these you just couldn't make up ?
  12. Lightweight ,stylish, and comfortable.
  13. Indeed, i have already been pulled up for it, and it has now been edited to avoid any further embarrassment to myself ,family and friends ?.
  14. Jeez , what a thicko , ?Glad you're keeping an eye on things mate .
  15. Lets hope that he has a hunger for more of this.
  16. I think that was a major turning point in the match, and had the goal correctly been allowed we would've seen a different second half.
  17. That was one hell of a first half , loving the wide camera shot as you're getting a more proper view of the whole game.
  18. Yes, he's hardly set the heather on fire, but we all thought Andy Halliday was on his way out ,and just look at how things have worked out for him under Gerrard.
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