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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. "taunted with chants of "****** b*****d" during his side's 5-0 Scottish Cup defeat". I'd suggest that Clarke was probably more offended by the last part of that quote.
  2. Agree with all bar Candeias, who i thought was trying to make things happen in the first half.
  3. 8m from the BBC, and 13 from the Scottish government make up Alba's budget, for a total of 58,000 Gaelic speakers. Could we not do a Gersnet podcast in Gaelic ,and relieve them of some of that budget, because they can't give it away. I've no evidence , but I'd suggest that their highest viewing figures were during the period when we were coming up through the leagues.
  4. From Warburtons wiki page. May go some way to explaining why we were never going to win the league under him. Warburton took a dislike to the methods of McLintock's successor at Leicester, Jock Wallace, later saying "he was a Marine. We had runs on sand-dunes, running until we threw up. I learned a lot from that, never treating a player that way"
  5. BBC Scotland This is how it was dealt with. in fact this is how they're all dealt with.
  6. We've got a decent replacement, but we're still going to really miss McGregor.
  7. If they're pursuing McGregor then surely they'd have to pursue Ferguson.
  8. Strangely enough Willie Miller was vehemently defending McGregor's part in that incident, along the lines of if you have a young player running at you in that situation then you have to look after yourself, because it's either you or him. He got it spot on on this occasion, never a penalty.
  9. They're going to try and exploit any potential weaknesses we have ie; Worral , so if he plays , then he needs to be on his game from the offset tonight, and no pissing about at the back.
  10. I like a loaded poll, .. but he's worth what any club is prepared to pay.
  11. I think we've already bought that player, and his name is Gareth McAuley ?. But as is being proved , pace is also essential.
  12. I get what you're saying ,but it was effective for them tonight, and it's them that are now sitting second.
  13. I think huge credit must go to Steve Clarke, for getting a team of, tbf just ok players, to perform like a team that believe that they can win the league.
  14. Thing is with Worral, it's not the first time he's done that, he always tries to give the appearance of a man that is in control, when in fact he can be quite the opposite.
  15. With hindsight he should've been subbed after he scored, because yes, he did very little, and was just a luxury for us tonight.
  16. Rossiter perhaps ?..would also be a nice kick in the teeth for the wee club in Dundee.
  17. ..and Sunday down to minus 21 Celsius .
  18. The Sun have a ready made template . RANGERS have been installed as favourites to sign (Insert Gerrard former Liverpool team-mate here) in the January transfer window.
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