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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Absolutely, I would think a holiday somewhere with a certain degree of anonymity might be the preferred choice , but hey, what would i know.
  2. Confirmation that men can concentrate on two things at the same time .?
  3. The competition is given very little creedence by the super rich leagues, and the possibility of a Champions league place is the real prize for them. Can you imagine Rangers handing back tickets for the final ?
  4. McGregor . Without doubt the only player that has performed consistently, and to the level that is required at Rangers. He's been an influence in many other ways too. Wee blip at the end there, but he can be forgiven for that.
  5. I think you'll find that these are..Nicky Law and Kenny miller ...not in a million years.
  6. Honestly, the more Keith Jackson listens to the ranting voices inside his own own head, the less able he seems to think clearly let alone act with any kind of dignity..
  7. They'll hate to admit it, but our win today has taken the shine off their league title.
  8. That team looks exactly like the team that is going to hump them off the park today.
  9. Definitely the greatest sight ever seen in the Louden ?.
  10. I just hope you had a lot of money on it compo
  11. Crazy , Ross making his first team debut in goal before his brother .
  12. You can't deny he's fast though.
  13. Callum McGregor agrees with you. Callum revealed that he actually voted for McGregor – not himself of course but Rangers keeper Allan. He said: “I just think Allan has been outstanding. There were so many moments when he was keeping Rangers in it in Europe with massive saves. “His experience has been massive, bringing that team together. “He was as good a candidate as anyone – and his name is McGregor! “I really don’t know what the perception of that will be (a Celtic player voting for a Rangers player) but you can only be fair and recognise talent. “If someone has had a good season, I don’t know why you shouldn’t vote for them.” https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/callum-mcgregor-reveals-voted-rangers-14981534
  14. If it aint broke,..then don't fix it.
  15. Got sick of McInnes punting the old '2nd best team in Scotland' crap , at least it puts an end to that.
  16. Andy Walker..the only summariser that makes you feel like you're watching a completely different game from him.
  17. The Rugby Park side’s chairman Billy Bowie has since confirmed this will be a long-term step and admitted that the potential financial costs are something that “doesn’t really bother” him, according to the Daily Record. Sounds to me like a man intent on running his club into the ground.
  18. Damn ! just back from the bookies , ended up with Step Back.
  19. Winning 1-0 at Ross Co,... then losing a goal 90+4 ?
  20. Will there be a Grand National thread ? offering advice to those who bet once a year on something that they know absolutely nothing about, or shall i just throw my hard earned down the drain ? ?
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