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Franc Ergs

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Posts posted by Franc Ergs

  1. The more i look at that incident ,the more i see it as just a really soft penalty, bearing in mind how viciously Aribo was hurled to the ground.


    My own perception at the time was that two yellow's were issued , but i wasn't sure who the second one was for , so when broon was yellowed later on, i just presumed it wasn't him that got the first.



  2. A lot of reporting online that Morelos is going to be in trouble for a cut-throat signal to the celtic supporters after being sent off.


    Fortunately the sportscene commentator has cleared this situation up , and confirmed exactly what i, and most others thought, that it was in fact just an indication by Morelos that the game was over anyway.



  3. 20 minutes ago, Briton said:

    If you have so much fear in you, what is the point in turning up?  I'd rather my team had a go and  lose than get beaten with this kind of  scaredy-cat anti-football; not that Killie are alone in that.

    Nah ,When you're trying to win a league, it's three points at all costs.

  4. On 22/12/2019 at 18:50, RANGERRAB said:

    Wow how long’s it taken Milne to realise this ?

    In 2012(with Rangers out the top flight)  him & others had the opportunity to do something about Liewell but chose not to.

    Milne i'm sure would now like to be seen as a voice of reason , but all he saw back in 2012 was an opportunity to grab second place, and European football for the sheep, and that was his only driving force.


    I found the interview with him quite chilling in that he seemed to laugh a lot of the Liewell stuff off, and I suspect this is exactly how the two discussed our demise back in then.


    Stick Thompson in that room as well and you've got three of the most most self centered, self obsessed , and spineless people you'll ever meet.

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