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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Hope it's not tomorrow ?. I've got a feeling that if Morelos scores one against them ,then the floodgates will open.
  2. Nah ,When you're trying to win a league, it's three points at all costs.
  3. Milne i'm sure would now like to be seen as a voice of reason , but all he saw back in 2012 was an opportunity to grab second place, and European football for the sheep, and that was his only driving force. I found the interview with him quite chilling in that he seemed to laugh a lot of the Liewell stuff off, and I suspect this is exactly how the two discussed our demise back in then. Stick Thompson in that room as well and you've got three of the most most self centered, self obsessed , and spineless people you'll ever meet.
  4. We get through this tie , then no manager in the Europa league is going to want to get drawn against us now,...we're the kiss of death.
  5. Unlucky not to have had the game won within 20 mins, great first half, Aribo stand out for me, can't make the same mistake as the sheep game and let them back in.
  6. Yes ,looking at the league table ,theres no margin for error ,and in years past i would've maybe felt the wobbles a bit at this fixture , but we're far stronger than then ,and although we don't have Alfredo ,..we've still got Jermaine Defoe ,and he's more than capable of ripping them a new one.
  7. Seems you can vote more than once .
  8. Seems Majer was linked with the yahoos in the 2017 summer transfer window.
  9. 84% for Jack now They're really scraping the barrel there, i don't remember Rob Milsom at all.
  10. Be even better if they fail to get promotion.
  11. Selected odds to win the competition. Manchester Utd 11/2 Sevilla 6/1 Ajax 8/1 Arsenal 8/1 Inter Milan 8/1 Wolves 12/1 Roma 16/1 Celtic 40/1 FC Porto 40/1 Rangers 100/1 Braga 100/1 CFR Cluj 250/1 celtic 40/1 and Cluj 250/1..how exactly does that work ?
  12. I hope we never get VAR , horrible the day you can't celebrate a goal when the ball hits the back of the net , and there appears already be an element of that in England. Morelos took some shit of their supporters today , and he gave it back to them big time , i say good luck to him.
  13. We're going to be underdogs regardless of who we draw, personally ,i'd like a shot at Arsenal or Man U.
  14. Just delighted we're through after after a fairly nervy second half. Next European game we'll have VAR btw.
  15. Ah well, to all those at PQ ,i';d just like to say..
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