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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. ? It's just a bit deflating to see this thread sitting at the top of the pile . I'm not helping matters either ?.
  2. Think you maybe picked me up wrong there, the 'speaking volumes' part is in reference to the op.
  3. 10 Pages ,and no support at all for the op, barring one new member, speaks volumes.
  4. Good chance we will beat them at home, in fact, we'll probably play them off the park and get all the plaudits in doing so, it's the games against the lesser teams that will be the problem for us.
  5. Souness is already in the wings waiting ?.
  6. I just presume every game that there are going to be some poor, often game changing decisions going against us,.. and anything else is a bonus. So not at all surprised at what went on tonight ,and none of us should be either. Though there is a definite improvement this season, unfortunately we're still not quite good enough to win the league.
  7. improvement from Kamara , and Hagi again shows real promise , but Arfield gets the nod for me . I have no clue how to do a MOTM thread @Frankie ,so of little help there i'm afraid ☹️
  8. Definite improvement in Kamara's game today, including that brilliant tackle after the mistake from Barisic. Looking forward to see who we get in the quarters tomorrow,..i'm hoping for Clyde at home.
  9. Looked really comfortable ,then lost a sloppy goal, which gave them confidence. Hagi again looking impressive. (I think facially he looks like Durrant btw)
  10. ..on even more shitey tasteless waistcoats no doubt.
  11. An improvement tonight , Hagi has a confidence about him that i like ,and he took his goal really well. Three points in spite of the refereeing,..onwards and upwards.
  12. Exactly, didn't fit their agenda though . Frank Lampard Jr another one, and that was without thinking too hard.
  13. All other news sources are quoting the Sunday Mail ,as it appears they are the original, and only source ,so hopefully the ones that will be getting sued.
  14. Thought the DR /sunday mail were banned on here .
  15. Unfortunately they don't get beaten by shit teams at home.
  16. We never even looked like we were going to score that second half.
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