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Franc Ergs

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Posts posted by Franc Ergs

  1. 40 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:



    He is on loan, has been poor and doesn't play in the same position as these departing players.


    If Ojo is staying, I'll be moving towards a "Gerrard out" line of thought.  One of the most gutless players I've ever had the misfortune to witness play for Rangers.

    Fair enough, i was forgetting he was on loan.


    Very harsh and, imo, undeserved description of him .

  2. A segment of an interview on the BBC this afternoon with David Currie interviewing Neil Doncaster.


    DCWhen you look at the cards that some  clubs are being dealt ,.. Hearts ,Stranraer, Partick Thistle in particular ,..perhaps, and then the clubs who are hoping to get into  the SPFL through the pyramid system. Do you see the injustice,.apparent injustice in there?


    ND - "You’ve got to remember that we are a sporting competition , and every year we have a sporting competition, you get champion clubs, and you get clubs that are relegated, that is the nature of the league, and clearly no one expected that the line would have to be drawn under the lower league season at this stage due to the covid 19 crisis , but…we have to deal with the consequences, and ultimately you could have gone down the route of voiding the season and saying look .the season doesn’t matter, and how would the likes of Dundee Utd have felt about that ? and that’s aside from all the legal ramifications that would go with voiding the league. So ultimately in a sporting competition you have to have a pragmatic way forward,..and the board believe, and i think rightly, that drawing a line under the season in the lower leagues ie. on a points per game basis, we do exactly what’s happened in the French league,.. that clearly has consequences for the likes of , ..Dundee Utd,…promoted,..and Raith Rovers ,..promoted, but clearly those people who miss out are going to feel disenfranchised, ..that is the way of these things”.


    Doncaster is truly a man bereft of any compassion whatsoever, and a guilt level so high that he can not even bring himself to mention the clubs that he so badly let down, instead refers to them as " Other people"


    What are these legal ramifications that he refers to? i may have missed something here, does he mean the tv deal ,or does he mean legal ramifications from the three clubs currently sitting top ?.

  3. Donny's probably too busy on the phone to Peter ,so i'll do a pre emptive and do Neil's PR for him by giving his response to the ICT statement, ( feel free to copy and paste it Neil).


    'We've received no complaints of threats ,or bullying ,from any club , if ICT had a complaint ,they should've contacted us with it, and it would've been dealt with in the appropriate manner'.


    Listening to his interview this afternoon, there's no way he's going to resign. The vote for the independent investigation is a mere distraction for him.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I’m not in the GNPL but myself and my nephew in Fife are top of our respective diddy prediction leagues.  If this means we cannot now join GNPL we’ll issue a joint statement after taking advice on board.

    You can still both be part of the new GNPL reconstruction group.

  5. ..how exactly will it be decided?


    My suggestion is that we get a board together @Rousseau to discuss ways in how to end it, then maybe have some sort of voting system for all members ?.

    What can go wrong there ?


    Ok it's just something i've put together at short notice, but i do expect all concerned to comply, so that we can have some sort of a decision by tomorrow.





  6. Even a socially distanced 11,000 constitutes a large gathering , so i can't see how that will work.

    It's one thing having 11,000 people seated three metres apart inside a stadium, but it's another actually getting them in and out, whilst still obeying the distancing rules.


    I can't see large gatherings, socially distanced or otherwise ,being allowed at all, and season tickets look like they may be bought purely as a tv subscription, which will allow you to watch these games.



  7. 12 hours ago, Bill said:

    I've seen it all now. Rangers fans looking for succour in the ramblings of Sportsound, as if the world was holding its breath to see what Billy Dodds or Tom (didn't he do ever such a good job) English would say next. Seriously, if you're going to clutch at straws at least find one that floats. No one listens to Sportsound, least of all the SPFL. No one cares what they say. Sportsound reflects anti-Rangers sentiment, it doesn't create it. Sportsound is an echo chamber designed to fill your head with shite and make sure people don't accidentally think for yourselves. Does anyone seriously believe Tom English would be passing time in the backwater of Scottish media if he was wise or insightful. Forget Sportsound. It's irrelevant, a distraction, a signpost to nowhere.


  8. 34 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I wonder what percentage of people who regularly attend Scottish football matches listen to Sportsound. 


    I'd say less than 5%.


    I sit amongst Hearts, Hibs and Rangers ST holders at work and have never heard anyone discuss it.


    The SPFL will get what they want unless Rangers and some other clubs take action (Rangers are but probably need some support from influential figures in the game). 

    You're probably not far off with the 5%, but given that no one is attending a football match, coupled with the current SPFL shitstorm, that figure is probably much higher.



  9. 36 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    These threats will be great if we have something concrete. 


    Do we though?

    I know you don't have a lot of time for PQ Gonzo, and neither do i , but there were some very unexpected revelations to come out today.

    If you get a chance have a listen to it.


    I was really surprised at the normally light hearted Billy Dodds being fairly scathing about Nelms ,you could almost hear the producers squirming as Dodds spoke.


    Tom English played  a blinder, and was like a dog with a bone during the Cormack interview, he just kept asking the questions that Cormack didn't want to hear.



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