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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. We have to have a more settled team , i don't think playing Morelos short term is the way ahead, Roofe and itten are.
  2. Roofe is definitely on the verge of something great, he has a stack of talent , he likes to lead flashing his skills at every opportunity. Its a clean slate for him here, and he doesn’t drink or ever go out on the tiles, so won’t be in the gutter press. He’s trained well , and is sof fit ,so can really get those hips moving. I felt he did well yesterday, and his team mates will look forward again heading into the valley that is the fountain of youth stadium with him next week. Happy ever rafter. Franc (roofing contractor),.. not really.
  3. Could've been Kent ,but I'm going for Barker because it's also the best game he's ever played in a Rangers shirt.
  4. Clean sheet for McLaughlin ,hopefully he has one in our next game against Killie ?.
  5. Special mention for Clive Tyldesley's commentary today btw,..outstanding , especially the dig at celtic's 9iar ?.
  6. Good result today, and a wee insight into a future without Morelos. I hope Barker can build on that performance today.
  7. I wouldn't even be speculating on anything sourced from the Scottish Sun, unless of course they have a history of Rangers exclusives that i'm not aware of.
  8. Seems the original source of the Kent rumour is the Scottish Sun , make of that what you will.
  9. I started writing something along these lines earlier, but got sidetracked. Their game plan didn't involve having the ball for much of the game, so yes good chance things could open up this way . Wave after wave of attacking without too much creativity involved didn't work yesterday.
  10. I know fine what it means, it means that you're making up stats to make Ryan Kent look bad, because you've never rated him ,and will go to any lengths to try and prove that . You're utter dislike of him knows no bounds, you're like a stuck record ffs.
  11. The stat itself is shoehorned, in that you made that stat up to fit your own agenda. I dare say if i could be bothered to look into it i could come up with a very positive stat about Kent from yesterday, he was certainly not the worst offender.
  12. That's just a stat you've shoehorned in to fit your own agenda.
  13. Looks like it could be one of those games where we could play all day and still not score.
  14. Tav's getting some space on the right, maybe an idea to have a target for him, i'd give Itten the second half.
  15. Gary sounds like a totally wonderful guy ,hopefully we lose tomorrow then ?.
  16. Ok i'm going to indulge myself here and presume that they lose that game to Dundee Utd, then the following Sat we could be 14pts clear, what with them not playing till Sunday.
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