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Franc Ergs

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Everything posted by Franc Ergs

  1. Thing is, he won't be able to train during isolation, hardly ideal preparation.
  2. Don't think Wilshere will have any shortage of offers tbh, i reckon he'll go with a lower EPL team.
  3. A slap on the wrists , It's just good old Oirish craic ? .
  4. One of those games, Barker got a well deserved goal and settled the nerves at the end, so he's getting my vote.
  5. HT -Aston Villa 4 Liverpool 1, no question the empty stadiums are suiting some teams more than others.
  6. I have a another four letter word that i'd use to describe Sutton.
  7. Yes i agree entirely, my point was about the actual picture of Rangers supporting Andy Halliday wearing a Hearts shirt, which he doesn't even look particularly comfortable in.
  8. Kent's looking like a player that is just growing in confidence.
  9. I think being called Dundee at every opportunity by Gerrard really got to them .
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